
Together,(Levi Ackerman x oc/Eren’s older sister)

moonlightbeast_ · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

{3rd person POV}

About 3 days after the fall of shiganshina and Wall Maria most of its residence stayed at the food storage house in wall Rose.

"Eren wake up it's only a nightmare" Mikasa shook Eren awake, as he woke up he reached to his neck a pulled out a key "Eren, Mikasa look what my grandpa scored" Armin said as he came to them with 3 loaves of bread, "I don't want it" Eren through the bread in to Armin, then a Garrison soldier walked by"tch" he said as he saw them

"what did you said" Eren yelled before kicking the soldier in the shin "why you little" just as the soldier was going to kick Eren in the face Emily came "Soldier" she said and he saluted "name and squad leader" she ordered (ok so I don't know his name but I'm going to make one up for him) "James Rien and Rico Brzenska"he answered

"well James would like it if Squad captain Emily Jeager sent a complaint regarding child abuse" she said "no, ma'am I'm sorry" he said then left "Emily" Eren said surprised "Eren, Mikasa, Armin" she squat down and opened her arms and they came and hugged her

"How are you guys holding up" Emily asked them "good, but Eren wouldn't eat" Mikasa said "well I'm not hungry" Eren pouted "oh I guess we have to do this the hard way" I said "wha-" before Eren could finish his sentence I shoved the bread in his mouth "Um captain Yeager I think it's time for us to go" Lucy said " oh bye Eren I got to go" I kissed his, Mikasa's, and Armin's forehead.

[time skip]{2 years later}

The sounds of sobbing was heard from where Eren and his friends were at, Armin's Grandpa and some other men had been sent out to wall Maria to fight but none came back, "I'm joining the training corps next month" Eren said out of the blue " Eren what ar-" " I'll join too" Armin agreed " if you two are doing it I'll too" " really, you don't have to Mikasa"

[time skip] {next month}

"State your name and where your from" Keith Shadis, the instructor of the training Corps, said to a kid with a buzz cut " Connie Springer, I'm from Ragako" the boy said with a incorrect salute Shadis noticed this and picked up Connie by the head "Cadet are you here to be titan chow"  "No sir I'm here to help Humanity" he fixed his salute.

Then they hear foot steps "Keith long time no see how have you been" a female voice said and every turned to the owner " unfortunately it hasn't been long enough" Keith sighed and put Connie down "now you can rest I'm here" the girl said "yeah yeah I'll just stan here" Shadis said before backing up and standing near a pole.

"Hello I'm Emily Yeager lance corporal and squad captain, if you join the scouts you'll be lucky enough to be in mine or captain Levi's squad" she introduced

{Emily's POV}

"Now let's get to introductions, you potato girl" I said "um my name is Sasha Blouse and I'm from Dauper, potato" she said breaking the potato in half " no thank you I'm on a potato diet" I refused "you" " I'm Jean Kirschtein from the Trost district" "nice I've been there before horseface" I said looking back at the memory

{Time skip}

"Armin can you do something for me" I asked him as we ate dinner "sure anything for you" he answered "can keep an eye out for Eren and Mikasa, they tend to get in trouble a lot" I told him "no problem but may I ask why" he questioned "I'm going to be busy in the next few months or years" I said showing him my ring

"Wow your engaged, to who" he said in a surprise tone

"It's a secret" I said putting a finger over my lips "Emily" I turn and saw Mikasa " Yes dear" "do you think I would look better with my hair shorter" "now that you mentioned it maybe most girls in the military, scouts, and garrison have short so it won't get in their way" "oh, can you help me cut it" sure let's go"

"EMILY" Eren yelled gripping on to Jean's shirt while Jean doing the same "what now" I said putting my hand on my hip "Horseface said that becoming a scout is like signing up for death" I sighed "Eren" I started walking over to him "shut up" I said slapping his face "ow wait is that a ring" he said holding his cheek

"umm, oh look at the time my squad is waiting for me got to go, bye Mikasa I'll do your hair in a different time"I ran outside, to the stables, mounted my horse and went back to HQ which was over the hill.

{Time skip}

"*Sigh* finally back" I said walking to the stables "what took you so long" I freaked at the voice I knew who it belonged to but I did plan on seeing him here " I was helping out to, sorry for making you wait" I walked to him and hugged him he kissed my forehead and pulled from the hug "I'll be in the room" he said then left.

I put my horse in his stall and went to the room me and Levi shared.