A lonely young man left alone and dying alone. Wakes up to a new life. Finding himself in Equestria a land where giant antro ponies live and finds himself no longer lonely as the mares are giving him all the attention he had wanted and more. (To Your Eternity and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Crossover) Contains harem and futa.
Izak has talking with Sugarcoat, asking her questions about just about everything as he's been wanting to talk to someone for such a long time. Learning what things are called like the invisible wall that's on the window, that is called glass. And the strange food that he's been given with the fish strew are orange slices. Sugarcoat told him that the staff of the hospital had no idea what kind of food that his kind eats so they gave him both plants and meat.
Sugarcoat learned that Izak most of his village had left to find paradise by traveling south leaving him alone for 5 years to look after the elders and the sick. His leg was injuries because of his pet wolf Johann bitting him. Where after years of waiting for anyone to come back and everyone left dying, he decided to go south to Paradise with his pet wolf Joann. But he cut his leg and got sick and found the remains of the wagons and graves of his village who left for paradise. He and Joann return home and he just got sicker and sicker. He thought that he had died but he woke up here instead.
"You were barely alive when those traders found your village and got you here," Sugarcoat said.
"What about Joann?" Izak asked.
"No signs of him," Sugarcoat said. "Both Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet both pegasus ponies had flown to your village to find what they could. Only to find that your village has already been taken over by a group of Arctic Foxes who are making it into a trading post. They found nothing much and the foxes never mention any wolf."
"I hope he's ok," Izak said.
"You don't remember anything else about what happen after you went back to the village?" Sugarcoat asked.
"No nothing," Izak said.
"The traders who found you have been using that route for years and never once came across your village," Sugarcoat said.
"Really?" Izak asked.
"They just follow the coastline which your village is built on. Do you know if anyone in your village used magic?" Sugarcoat asked.
"Not that I can think of," Izak said who is still learning of the world and something like magic which Sugarcoat showed him was just something that he didn't know about.
"It's like your village just appeared out of nowhere," Sugarcoat said wondering what Sunset will make out of this.
Canterlot -
Sonata hummed to herself as she with her sisters, Adagio and Aria bathed Sunset and her moms. After they had tried to mind control the royal family and failed thanks to their magic not working on them. The royal family made them into their sex slaves and broke them, than placing a spell on them that keeps them from harming or disobeying them.
Not that they really needed the spell. The royal family had fucked all resistances out of them months ago. Both Moon and Luna having the largest cocks and the most pent up sexual hunger were the ones who truly broke the siren sisters. They knew how to use their cocks and make any woman their bitch. And had waited their turn till everyone else in the royal family had their turn with Adagio before they took her for themselves.
They buried their dicks, balls deep and begun to gyrate their hips around inside Adagio's stuffed openings. Grinding and scraping their giant penises around her tight, outstretch and desperately resilient body-holes made the night sisters sing out in guttural voices as the carnal pleasures of squeezing and contracting orifices filled their cocks with joy. They fuck her for 3 days before stopping, only because they were literally fucking her to death. They took a day off to recover before doing the same for the remaining sirens, ducking each for 3 days before stopping.
After that the entire family took them all at once for a solid week. The older family members leaving now and then before coming back to rejoin the orgy, having to do something or their input needed in some governmental thing. But Sunset was always with them being taught by her family how to fuck the brains out of their sex pets.
The bedroom they were put in reeked of sex, and the giant mattress In the middle of the room was almost damp with sweat and other fluids. They didn't used the spell to give them dicks, as the older members of the family wanted to teach Sunset the art of lesbian love. Allowing all the female staff to join in on the fun, in breaking in the royal family's new sex toys.
The Dazzlings had little recollection of that week. It felt like a dream; a hot, violent, wet, sexual nightmare. They were passed around the castle and used by the females of the castle like a cum-rag being passed around between a bunch of horny teenage boys. The siren sisters were fucked, spanked, slapped, dressed up, striped down, gagged, bound, whipped, and humiliated in every imaginable way. Then after that week had passed and they were allowed to recover.
That was when the royal family whipped out the futa spell again and casted it on the female staff as well. And for that week the Dazzling sisters were fucked and filled with cum. All they could remember are a blur of monster erections growing bigger and going deeper. The magical created futas kept them sperm packed for that week. They nearly drowned by the sheer amount that was pumped into them. They didn't even had to eat during that week because of that. With the only relief was the fact that they couldn't be impregnated by the magical cocks.
Even without the spell cast on them the siren sisters are now completely submissive to the royal family. The Dazzling sisters are completely addicted to having sex with the royal family now. The mere sight of one of the royal family made them long to be taken by them. Not to mention because of all the things that were done to them, their bodies now depends on having sex to survive now.
Sonata couldn't help to stare at Sunset's body as she washes her back. She remembers how she look like in the human world and as a unicorn before becoming an alicorn. Nothing compared to the alicorn she is now, as she was shorter and less busty then she and her sisters when they first came back to Equestria.
Of course, Sunset is just really fit compared to her older family members, who compared to their voluptuous bodies is a young slender girl compared to them. All four of the older alicorns all have thicker builds compared to the 3 younger alicorns, who are slender compared to them. Both Sun and Celestia have the most ample bodies while Moon and Luna have more muscular builds. Sonata and her sisters know full well how each of the royal family bodies feel like.
Then there is when the entire royal family gang bangs them. The sight of all 7 members of the royal family standing before the siren sisters with their cocks hard and ready for action. Made the Dazzling sisters both feeling dread and lust seeing all the different sizes and shape cocks ready to plow into them. Along with Sunset's personal guards the Shadowbolts who Sunset has been bringing in to join her when she has sex lately. Who are all around their height and while their magic cocks are smaller than Sunset, none of them were small by any means. By the time they're done with the siren sisters, they were all unable to walk on their own for days afterwards.
In fact Sunset likes to share when she fucks the Dazzling sisters. Having taken a liking to sloppy seconds and likes having others help her fuck her sex toys. And likes sleeping with her cock buried in a hole of one of the siren sisters.
A ring came from a small mirror that Sunset always keeps near her.
"Who could that be?" Sunset ask making the mirror come to her hand that connects to another mirror that is in the hands of the Shadowbolts. The mirrors act like phones which there are only magic mirrors right now, but the Flim, Flam brothers are working on it after they have working models of some old phones from the human world to work with.
"Princess Sunset it's Sugarcoat," the unicorn said on the other end.
"What is it?" Sunset asks.
"We check the village and by the time we got there a group of Arctic Foxes have taken over the abandon village. We found nothing, no signs of magic or anything else. I talk with Izak and he didn't know what magic was till I showed him," Sugarcoat said.
"And how advance was the village?" Sunset asked.
"Looking round Izak old home, not much. No indoor plumbing, wood burning stove, no metalworks just stone tools and bone tools. There are some metal tools and pots but I think they got them from the odd trader, the foxes did find some wrecks of fishing boats so that might be how they got them," Sugarcoat said.
"Isolated tribe that's been cut off from the rest of the world. That happens, I read and watch shows about that," Sunset said before thinking of something. "Does Izak have a written language or what does his native tongue sound like?"
"He doesn't know how to write and for his langue it sounded like Russian to me," Sugarcoat said having heard Russian from some of the films she has seen while with Sunset in the human world.
"Something happen that brought a small isolated village from Russia to Equestria. A village so isolated that the people there continued to lived as they have for centuries, with little contact with outsiders. Yeah sounds about right," Sunset said. (1)
"What now?" Sugarcoat asked.
"Bring him back to Canterlot and bring him to me. I need to figure out what to do with him. I could send him through the portal but then he'll be in an alien world where he can't read or understand anything," Sunset said.
"And it would reveal us to the humans," Sugarcoat said.
"Yup and I want to reveal ourselves when we're ready to do it and not have a rush job. Besides, I have enough to deal with here and don't need to deal with the humans on top of that," Sunset said.
"We'll see you soon," Sugarcoat said before turning off the mirror connection.
"So keep our world secret plot thing like in that book series Harry Potter?" Sonata asked.
"Yes and don't talk about that series. That series is an insult to real magic and those wizards and witches are a joke," Sunset said.
"That Dumb guy too much like your mom Celestia?" Sonata asked.
"Keeping things hidden just because and the only reason things work out is because of its fictional. Yes, and the reason why I wrote that fanfic of what happen afterwards, with Potter having tons of mental issues and trust issues because of what happen to him and how all the muggle born families left the magic world seeing how bad things are for them, which caused the entire culture to plunge as only the pure bloods were left and without the muggle born putting new blood and money in the magic world. Things just fell apart as there were just too few people left to keep things running," Sunset ranted. (2)
"Oh yeah, I remember reading that. That was good," Sonata said.
"Thanks," Sunset said.
Author's Notes -
1 - Russia has this sort of thing happen frequently, mostly due to the vast size and inhospitality of much of the country.
Some settlements of the Russian Orthodox "Old Believers" (who rejected the reforms of patriarch Nikon and were persecuted for that) as well. Many people call the Old Believers "Russian Amish".
Multiple anti-communist guerillas lived in isolated settlements and camps from which they harassed the Soviet system until the late seventies. Russian authorities say it's entirely possible there might still be groups of literal Imperialists holed up somewhere, unaware or uncaring that the Soviet Union is gone.
The various indigenous groups of Siberia largely live the way their ancestors did for centuries. Some of them may even be considered uncontacted.
A few Soviet-era settlements effectively no longer participate in Russian society, having become communist enclaves.
And many more that have yet to be investigated. There are villages on satellite images that don't show up on maps, but nobody has sent an expedition to yet. The government doesn't take kindly to people exploring the country who aren't them.
2 - There would be lots of muggle born having seen what happen because of the culture of the magic world of England, that allowed the evil magic users to run around. Would just leave and with them gone, the magic world of England would suddenly become much smaller and would face things like not enough people putting money in to keep things running. Like what happens when cities and towns lose too many people and the skills and money along with it.
And that's not even going into what mental issues all the kids would have because of what happen to them in the books.