
Chapter 48

At first he thought he was crazy, but there it was: the afghan his mother had crocheted during her short-lived Susie Homemaker phase. The two of them had always laughed about the god-awful colors and the lack of skill it showed, but she’d insisted it was her merit badge for homemaking. For Rafe, it was a beloved memento of some of the happiest times of his childhood.

So, what was it doing in a box in Grant’s SUV?

He dug deeper and pulled out a package wrapped with ribbon. Godiva chocolates. The large size. Next, the box yielded three bottles of his favorite wine. He glanced again at the two duffel bags


Relief rippled through him, and Rafe could breathe again. Grant had planned a sweet seduction, complete with expensive chocolate and wine. The alpha hadn’t intended a cold property acquisition, and here was the proof. Furrowing his brow, Rafe couldn’t imagine what had prompted the man to include the afghan though.

Time to clear this up once and for all.