

Takuma and I just walked around town till midday. "Darling I think we should head back before cross over."he said gently. I sigh not wanting to go back to that school."I know you don't want to go back but we do need rest." He said kissing my cheek. I nod knowing he was right. I had to stich and hem the night class attire for the ball coming up. "My grandfather will be at the ball this year. He will be announcing our engagement. So we can be more open and public if we want. I understand if you don't want to." He said taking my hand in his. "Yeah its going to be a shock for them. " I said nervously imagining the comments. "They will most likely lable me a blood traitor. Ruka already does but if you think about it, Kaname is because he wants a human. I have the sense to stick to my kinde." I said he froze a bit oh right he never heard me speak like that. "The heart is it's own master we hve no control over it. Who it picks is out our hands love. My heart chooses you even if we were arranged." I felt guilty because my heart is not his in return. My heart belongs to Kaname. I smile at him trying to push those thoughts aside. "My heart is yours." I lide to him so he wouldn't suspect. Walking into the moon dorms Ruka spots us. "And here comes the blood traitor." Watch what I do to your dress bitch. I stop Takuma and kiss him infront of her. She gasped before running away. He pulled away looking at me lust filled eyes. "Miss my girlfriend would disapprove of this." He said pulling me close to him. I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck. "She doesn't have to know." I said my right hand on his cheek. He growled in my ear. He looked at me only for Hanabusa threw water on us. "No babies!" He yelled at us. Takuma laughed "not yet anyway" he whispered I blush. "Stop being dirty!~" Hanabusa wines I chuckle. "Ok ok I will behave." I said stepping away. Takuma pouts but nods. "Why do we have to?" I sigh "because I said so." I said walking away.

(sorry for it being short. I have five other projects plus work. be safe wash your hands stay away from people where a mask.

with love Mama-Wolfblood)