
Refusing to join the research team?

"How about it, our Magic City Research Institute's building isn't bad, right?"

Suu's voice came from the back.

The tone was full of smugness.

Their Magic City Research Institute is one of the top research institutes in the country, whether it's the test equipment or the staff ratio, or the financial resources they enjoy.

Placed within these institutes in Mordor, it is top-tier treatment.

The average institute can't match that.

There are probably only a few top research institutes in all of China that can enjoy the same resources as them.

"Not bad indeed."

Li Bing scanned the surroundings, as well as the size of the building, and nodded, speaking matter-of-factly.

Although he hadn't participated in scientific research before, it wasn't hard to tell from the building's location that Magic City's research institute was really rich.

If one remembers correctly, this area should be the most prosperous area in the entire Magic City.

"How about it, are you interested in coming to our research institute in the future, when the time comes, you can come directly to serve on our team."

"But Professor Chen told me last night that he had this idea oh."

"The professor is also getting older now and doesn't have as much energy for research."

"Originally, Professor Chen selected me as his successor, but now it seems that with your level of expertise you are definitely more suitable."

"With your level of expertise, you are certainly more suitable for this position than I. In the future, you will lead my team in research, and I'm sure there will be no problem at all from my side."

Su Su guffawed and looked at Li Bing, saying in a joking tone.

The two of them were close in age, and Li Bing's high level of insight into nuclear power appealed to Su Su.

Chatting along the way, the two got acquainted.


In fact, when Professor Chen talked to Su Su about this last night, Su Su was also stunned.

Somewhat surprised.

Although Professor Chen also said it in a joking tone at that time, Su Su knew very well that Professor Chen was not very good at joking about such things.

But her mentor was never one to joke around whenever research was involved.

So, last night Prof. Chen really moved this?

It's just... The idea is just a bit too much... Loss of thieves!

Knowing that their research team was at the top level in the whole of China, it was already incredible for the professor to break the rules and pull Li Bing into their research team.

How dare you plan to hand over your research team to him later?

You know, every year, I don't know how many doctoral and graduate students want to join their team without a chance.

Now Professor Chen not only wanted to take the initiative to invite a young man who had just been released on bail from prison to join their team.

Even want to deliver a research team to this one that you've known for less than a few days?


"Let's just forget about it."

"The odds are that Professor Chen is making fun of me, I'm still clear about what level I am myself."

"I'm not qualified to lead your experimental team as a junior."

"I'll take Professor Chen's kind words."

"But this is something that need not be said again."

However, in response to the unattainable invitations of ordinary people, Li Bing only smiled faintly before shaking his head.

Surprisingly, he refused outright.

Su Su also froze, somewhat doubting her ears.

What did he just hear, a rejection?

Surprisingly, he refused!

This young man in front of him, he even refused the invitation from their institute?

Is he not aware of the status of their institute in the country?

"That... You refused?"

"Are you sure?"

Susu blinked and looked at Li Bing.

It's more or less hard to accept how many graduate and doctoral students from the nation's top institutions have no chance of joining their institutes after graduation.

This person in front of him had turned down the invitation issued by their institute!

Although it was only her own verbal invitation, she was Professor Chen's closed disciple.

Her own invitation must have been authorized by Professor Chen as well, otherwise how could she, a trainee researcher, have issued the invitation.


"I appreciate Professor Chen's kindness, but I'm afraid I'm really not up to the task."

Li Bing still shook his head and did not have much of a mood swing.

Regardless of the fact that Su Su was not joking about what he just said, he didn't was not planning on accepting someone else's R&D team.

Now that he had the system, he definitely wanted to form his own R&D team.

Taking over someone else's R&D team and being a newcomer yourself must be difficult to convince.

And it's certainly not as handy as recruiting your own members.


"That... There's no rush on this, let's go in first."

"Professor Chen is still waiting for us inside."

"You also take a look at our equipment and personnel before you make a decision."

Su Su didn't expect Li Bing to reject it so quickly, not even thinking about it for a moment, without a hint of hesitation on his face.

It is important to know that their research team, in the field of nuclear power can seem to be the top team in all of China.

Even compared to the top international teams, it's not even close.

Surprisingly, Li Bing rejected it outright without even thinking about it.

To be honest, Su Su was more or less unconvinced in her heart, she wanted to show Li Bing the equipment and talents of their institute.

She couldn't believe that Li Bing wouldn't change his mind after seeing all that equipment with the top research team!


The two of them walked into the research building together, the security guard on duty glanced at Li Bing and then at Su Su beside him, and did not question him much.

The two were released directly.

"This research building covers a total of 1,800 square meters and has a total of fifty-eight floors."

The two walked into the elevator, with Susu acting as the narrator.

"Eighteen hundred square feet?"

Li Bing looked around with some surprise, just now outside he simply felt that this building covered quite a large area, but he didn't expect it to be 1,800 square feet.

Realize that this is in the Magic City, where every inch of land counts.

And it's still the busiest location.

One thousand eight hundred square feet, if converted into RMB, this building is worth roughly one billion dollars just from the land value of the building itself.

"The floors our team is on are the twenty-first and twenty-second."

"Both floors belong to our R&D team."


The elevator rose slowly and soon came to the twenty-first floor.

Su Su took the lead and walked out of the elevator, followed by Li Bing.

"This is the twenty-first floor, the floor our team mainly uses for experiments."

Su Su pointed to the experimental apparatus filled with large and small instruments in front of him.

The large flat floor of 1,800 square meters was divided into many compartments, which were filled with various experimental instruments.

Li Bing's eyes glowed as his gaze scanned the circle.

"Worthy of a top-notch research team, this place is relatively well-equipped."

Because of the system, he was no stranger to most of the experimental instruments here.

The machines that made the Make-I's armor power system are basically equipped here!

It is entirely possible to embark on research and development on your own!
