
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
88 Chs

Useless trash

Chapter 23: Useless trash.

Li Wei lay on his bed, replaying the strange events that had unfolded earlier. The ring was sure mysterious but he didn't expect it to be harmful. Had he known, he wouldn't have returned it back to Ling Yue.

The absurd incident just now was challenging his rational thoughts. He had never encountered something like this before. Who would? You suddenly get a ring, dream of the dead and long gone people, feel their emotions and experience the pain. Anyone would be scared of all these bizarre things.

Li Wei remembered how he used to wake up feeling anguish, depressed, lonely, and guilty instead of feeling refreshed and cheerful to start a new day. And today was extreme. He woke up crying, and he clearly remembered feeling the heat around him, as if... as if he was roaming in the same fire Rem was in. And he was also sure that Ling Yue's sudden fever was because she experienced Xenxi being caught in that fire. He harshly shook his head as the image of charred body in his dream flashed across.

No..that was not Ling Yue and that desperate Rem was not him. He thought of testing this ring again, but this time not on himself or Ling Yue. He wanted to know if this was just a cursed ring that would haunt any person it is on or if it something that was connected to him and Ling Yue specifically.

DING ... DING...

It was already 2am in the morning when Li Wei's door bell rang. Li Wei kept the ring safely in a drawer before going to see who it was. Might be Ling Yue needed something. But seems like his expectations were too high and it was Zhang Chen standing at the door with a young man. It was only then that Li Wei remembered about calling him to fetch a doctor. Damn.. He forgot about this.

"Boss.. What happened to you? Are you okay? Here is the doctor. What's the problem?" he was woken up from his dream land in the middle of the night to get a doctor and he thought the situation was something serious as his boss sounded panicked and restless.

"Ahem... I have called you more than a hour ago. And also I am fine. Nothing happened. Thank You.. You can leave. Good night." Li Wei smiled and closed the door leaving Zhang Chen and the doctor dumbfounded outside. Good night? Did he come here so that he can have a long drive with this doctor? Both of these Li kids were giving him an headache. He sighed before apologizing to the doctor. He still paid the doctor before dropping him at his place. It's not like he was emptying pockets or something. The bill will however go to his boss.


Meanwhile, in the Su family household, tensions simmered beneath the surface. Su Rong, the patriarch, had plans to make his son, Su Cheng, the next CEO of the Su corporation. However, this decision was met with resistance from shareholders due to Su Cheng's status as an illegitimate child.

"Son, I trust you to handle the project. Perform well, and no one will dare oppose my decision to make you the CEO," Su Rong declared, casting a scrutinizing gaze upon Su Cheng during their breakfast meeting.

"Sure dad." Su Cheng who was eating breakfast with his father replied. He couldn't let this opportunity go. He knew that his father was only letting him be the CEO so that he can use him like a puppet later. But he too had plans to devour the entire Su corps and kick this useless father out.

"No matter what you do, your useless son will never become the CEO. I have a lot of confidence in his ability." Su Cheng's wife, Qin Luo made her sarcastic remark as she made her way downstairs to the dining table. She looked at the dining table.

She never had a peaceful meal in this home since the day she gave birth to her daughter. Her husband didn't want a daughter, and definitely not an mentally challenged one. She too didn't want to give birth to that useless trash. Seeing that the child was a girl, her husband immediately brought his already 5 year old illegitimate son home, which constantly reminded her of her fallen position in the Su family.

Their relationship had deteriorated over time, and they no longer concealed their animosity towards each other. Qin Luo's presence in the Su family was merely a facade, as she held no real power. She resented Su Cheng for being an illegitimate child and blamed him for her diminished status. However, she clung to the title of "Madam Su" to maintain a semblance of authority.

Angered by Qin Luo's remark, Su Cheng lashed out, "Qin Luo, don't speak unless you have something useful to say. What have you ever accomplished? You can't even provide me with an heir. All you can do is to give birth to a useless trash"

The tension in the room became palpable, leaving the maids frozen in fear, not daring to make a sound. Su Rong had long lost interest in his wife, and Qin Luo's words only intensified his anger. Their once-peaceful home had become a battleground where husband and wife hurled insults at each other, their love extinguished.

"Su Cheng. Be careful with your words. Your Su family is standing all tall and mighty because of my Qin family. Do you think what you have today is because of your own talent and capability. Heh. What a joke." this was Qin Luo's only weapon. Her maiden family has once helped Su family during crisis and because of that Qin Luo was the second biggest shareholder of the Su corps. This is was also why Su Rong never dared to divorce her. Qin Luo's words only elevated Su Rong's anger.

Su Cheng looked at his father and his fake mother. This was a daily dining table show which has been happening for few years now. He also knew what he has to do after this. He just have to go his father and tell him that whatever he did was for the benefit of Su family and he too would work hard for it. This always made his father notice him. He smirked at the thought as he silently ate his breakfast. Su Rong has already left to office without having breakfast and Qin Lou asked a maid to send the breakfast to her room.

Su Rui stood upstairs looking at this. She knew it. She would never be the heiress. She has to do something or else she would be left with nothing. She was not the biological daughter of Su Rong and Qin Luo and was just a replacement for their real daughter. She should find a way soon. A dark glint flashed across her eyes as she went back into her room.


Back at Z Heights, Ling Yue, brimming with enthusiasm, took it upon herself to give Li Wei a tour of her workplace. She wanted to share her pride in Z Heights, a place she had poured her heart and soul into. Though Li Wei had visited before, he had only been to the conference hall via the private elevator in the parking area. Ling Yue wished to show him the entire building, starting from the lobby.

As they entered Z Heights together, the receptionist's greeting faltered as her eyes widened in surprise. Ling Yue, their beautiful and single boss, had seemingly found herself a boyfriend, and that boyfriend was none other than CEO Li. The gossip mills in their minds whirred with excitement at this unexpected development.

Ling Yue acknowledged the receptionist's greeting with a wave of her hand before leading Li Wei further into the building. Observing the unique work culture at Z Heights, Li Wei couldn't help but notice the stark contrast to his own company. The various departments had different break timings, and there were dedicated floors for sports, gym, and children's play areas. Given Z Heights' diverse range of business endeavors, the building accommodated many departments.

Administration and HR occupied the first five floors, followed by the PR department on the next two floors. The fashion and clothing department claimed three floors, while the construction and architecture department held the 11th to 13th floors. The subsequent six floors were allocated to the gym, indoor games, swimming pool, party hall, kids section, food and drinks area, and an entertainment block. Floors 20 to 26 housed the IT and robotics department, while floors 27 to 30 served as the research block. The 31st floor housed the CEO's office, and the 32nd floor belonged to the president.

Li Wei marveled at the unconventional layout and the relaxed atmosphere that permeated the workplace. The employees they encountered treated Ling Yue like one of their own, abandoning formalities in favor of friendly interactions. It was evident that Ling Yue had fostered a warm and inclusive environment at Z Heights.

Smiling, Ling Yue turned to Li Wei and asked with genuine curiosity, "So, how do you like Z Heights?" She was eager to hear his impressions, having longed for someone to share her accomplishments with. Li Wei regarded her with a gentle gaze, understanding the significance of this moment. Ling Yue had achieved so much but had never had anyone to share her successes with, and Z Heights was a testament to her dedication.

"It's as wonderful as you," Li Wei replied in a deep voice, momentarily catching Ling Yue off guard. Though she had received countless compliments throughout her career, hearing it from Li Wei felt different. Her heart fluttered, and she shook her head lightly, attempting to regain her composure. Ling Yue instructed her secretary, Wen Chun, to grant Li Wei access whenever he visited, cherishing the newfound friendship they had forged.

Wen Chun, Ling Yue's secretary, couldn't contain her excitement upon hearing Ling Yue's request. She had always treated Ling Yue like a little sister and had worried about her isolation. Today was a milestone as Ling Yue introduced someone as a friend and was willing to share her personal space.

Li Wei couldn't help but express his surprise. "I thought even your employees didn't know who you were, but it seems like everyone here knows you." He had assumed that Ling Yue's true identity was hidden from the employees, given that many referred to her as Mr.Xen, assuming her to be a man. However, it appeared that the reality was quite different.

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