
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
88 Chs


Chapter 16: Clown.

"It was just a headache. It starts whenever I think too much about the past or when I become too emotional. Usually, I take my medication, but you distracted me later, so I'm fine now." Ling Yue was somewhat confused as to how a simple conversation could distract her. Her emotional fluctuations indeed triggered her headaches every now and then, and she could do nothing but bear with them. She couldn't even go to the hospital in case they looked at her like some weird experimental creature after seeing her medical reports.

Li Wei smiled hearing her response. Her answers were always honest and he was glad that he managed to help her in someway. He glanced at Ling Yue who was walking in front of him as they made their way towards the exit. He felt that his first impression of her was wrong. She was not detached with the world. He saw how she interacted with people today and can tell that she was good at socialising, even though her interactions were mainly because she was here to get her work done. Last time she was just cautious of him and his sister who appeared out of nowhere at her front door.

"SISTER" Ling Yue halted in her tracks when she heard a familiar voice call her. She couldn't believe her luck. Why should it be always so rotten. She thought she had finished her tasks for the day, her headache had subsided, and she could finally go back home to spend time playing with her pets. But it seemed there was more to the day. Ling Yue took a deep breath, mustering herself to face whatever was coming. She would deal with it and leave as soon as possible.

Li Wei observed Ling Yue's reaction and sensed that she wasn't thrilled about meeting this person... He glanced at the woman who had called out to Ling Yue. A young woman in her twenties approached them. The heavy scent of her perfume overwhelmed Li Wei. It was only then that he realized Ling Yue never wore any perfume. She had a natural scent, reminiscent of a fresh evergreen forest. It must be because she spent so much time in the mountains.

"Wow, look who's here. I didn't expect to see you in this place," the woman said, moving closer to Ling Yue. Seeing that Ling Yue simply stood their with a blank expression she came forward to hug her.


The sudden barking startled Su Rui. She hadn't noticed before, but Ling Yue was holding a cute puppy in her arms. However, the pup bared its fangs and growled at her. Su Rui sneered inwardly. So what if the puppy was cute? Her own dog was powerful. She looked at her German Shepherd standing beside her, and the dog returned her gaze, ready to attack as it displayed its intimidating canines towards DouDou and Ling Yue.

Li Wei stood to the side, silently watching the drama unfold before him. He had a knack for reading people, and he could tell that this woman with the overwhelming perfume was here to cause trouble for Ling Yue. He would have loved to play the hero, but he also knew that Ling Yue was not a damsel in distress. So he chose to stay quiet for now.

DouDou and Ling Yue looked at the aggressive dog. Ling Yue wore a bored expression on her face, while DouDou's cute face displayed nothing but ridicule. After all, they had a German Shepherd waiting for them back at home.


[DouDou: Useless dog. Stop showing your cavity filled teeth to us. Big bro BaoBao is lot more powerful than you. You are just fortunate that he didn't accompany me hear today or you would have to stay in this vet for few more days before returning to your home crippled.]

The dog glanced at Ling Yue and DouDou, who remained unfazed and unimpressed. Instead, they exuded a calm demeanor that somewhat intimidated the dog, causing it to hide behind its owner. Su Rui's face flushed with embarrassment. Ling Yue and DouDou hadn't done anything, yet her dog was already cowering.

"Gege. Big sis. What happened. Why are you both not coming out?" both Ling Yue and Li Wei looked at the exit and found Li Mei waiting there. Li Mei initially thought only to send a car and a driver for her brother but she wanted to meet Ling Yue so she too came to the vet.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go home?" Li Wei looked at Li Mei, who was practically jumping with excitement as she approached Ling Yue. She didn't even spare a glance for her brother, instead heading straight for Ling Yue. Only then did Su Rui notice Li Wei. She was stunned by the sight of such a handsome man with Ling Yue. Li Wei stood there, leaning against the wall, his hands folded in front of his chest, exuding an aura of regal grace. Su Rui looked at Ling Yue and felt a pang of jealousy. Ling Yue was truly a beauty, standing there doing nothing but radiating an angelic presence. She looked back at the man, feeling like she had seen him somewhere before, but she couldn't quite place it. Above all, she couldn't stand to see Ling Yue happy. It seemed like the two of them were dating, and she would make sure their relationship didn't last.

"Lil Xie, please don't mind Wangwang's behavior. You've been away from home for a long time, so he doesn't recognize you." Li Mei wore a pitiful and sorrowful expression, wanting everyone present to see her as the responsible older sister, gently coaxing her wayward younger sister. A few people sitting nearby observed the scene, but their attention soon returned to their own affairs after briefly glancing at Ling Yue, their eyes lingering for a moment before moving on.

Li Mei's alertness heightened upon hearing Su Rui's words. She scrutinized the girl with heavy makeup on her face. 'So, this is one of the family members who abandoned her.' Li Mei carefully committed Su Rui's face to memory, plotting how to make things difficult for her.

"Who are you?" Ling Yue had no interest in engaging in conversation with her cousin, Su Rui. However, she knew she couldn't leave without addressing this nuisance.

"Sis, how can you not recognize me? I'm your elder sister, Su Rui," Su Rui replied with a weak and sorrowful voice. She looked at Ling Yue, her eyes filled with concern. Then, her gaze shifted to Li Mei and Li Wei. "I see you're out with your friends. It's good that you have friends now, but you should also come home. Sis..Sigh...A young girl living alone without any company will tarnish her reputation in society. Xie, your reputation is the most important thing for a girl. Please don't run away. Come home, okay?" Su Rui spoke with feigned affection, attempting to project righteousness. The accusing glances from the few people present at the exit seemed to bolster her act. Ling Yue paid no mind to these people; their opinions meant nothing to her. She simply looked at Su Rui before responding.

"Oh, so you're Su Rui?" Su Rui felt a tinge of confusion at Ling Yue's question. Even after three years without seeing each other, it shouldn't have been difficult to recognize one another. She simply nodded, determined to maintain her righteous attitude.

"I see. You shouldn't wear so much makeup. I almost didn't recognize you," Ling Yue retorted bluntly. Su Rui hadn't expected Ling Yue to be so straightforward. Ling Yue's words struck a nerve, and Su Rui clenched her fists in frustration. Su Rui was just average without makeup, and she couldn't accept this fact.


Suppressing her laughter, Li Mei couldn't help but feel proud of her big sis. Ling Yue had clearly noticed the layers of makeup Su Rui had applied, leaving no room for pretense. She turned to her brother, joining him in silently enjoying the spectacle.

However, Li Wei now grew somewhat concerned for Ling Yue. She had just mentioned her headache to him, and he didn't want her to suffer any further. Su Rui glanced at Li Wei, whose gaze hadn't left Ling Yue since the beginning. She sneered inwardly, assuming that Li Wei was merely enchanted by Ling Yue's beauty and would discard her once he grew tired.

"Lil Xie.."

"Ling Yue." Li Wei initially planned to remain uninvolved, but he didn't want Su Rui to ruin Ling Yue's good mood. He would look into the Su family later. Ling Yue looked at Li Wei, waiting for him to speak. While her gaze at Su Rui was cold, her eyes softened when she looked at Li Wei. Li Wei noticed this and smiled faintly. "We're running late; we should leave." Ling Yue nodded. She didn't want to deal with this situation any longer. If given the opportunity, she would gladly leave. And it seemed Li Wei had provided that chance. She walked toward him, but suddenly, a hand grabbed her, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Xie, you're still young, so listen to your elder sister. You're unmarried and living alone with a man will stain your reputation. Mom and Dad are..."

"Release my hand." Ling Yue's voice remained calm, yet everyone present felt a chill in the air. Su Rui grew scared, but she believed that riling up Ling Yue a little more would achieve her goal.

Li Mei, on the other hand, was furious after hearing Su Rui's words. How dare she call herself an elder sister and tarnish her big sis's reputation? Did she think her big sis had no principles? Su Rui appeared to Li Mei like an ugly clown, putting on an unwanted performance in public.


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