
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantaisie
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88 Chs

Amusement Park

Chapter 41: Amusement Park.

The week passed in a blink and soon it was the most awaited weekend. Father Li and Li Mei were the most excited ones. Well, that's how it appeared. Only Ling Yue knew that she was the most excited one.

This was her first time going to an amusement park and surprisingly, not alone. Mother Li was ready with all the picnic baskets were packed, Li Mei was all prepared with her downloaded playlist, Father Li had a whole bucket list prepared and Li Wei was waiting for Ling Yue down stairs.

Soon he heard foot steps and everyone turned to look at Ling Yue. All the four Li family members along with the two maids and the butler froze as they saw Ling Yue descending the stairs.

Ling Yue was dressed in a white top with Doreamon printed on it and neatly tucked into her light blue jeans. Her hair was tied into a ponytail with the help of a white hairband. She had her brown sneakers on and was carrying a little brown bag on her back.

For the first time she gave of a teenager vibe. Her eyes which were usually cold and indifferent towards everything happening around, glittered with excitement, a usual trait carried in an ordinary teenager's eyes curious to explore life.

Li Wei's breathe struck in his throat as he stared at her. That beautiful curve on her pin lips, he promised to himself that he would never do anything to bring that down.

His gaze fell on her slender neck and he frowned. It was cold outside. He went in to his room and brought a scarf before wounding it around around her neck and adjusting her hair.

Ling Yue brightly smiled looking at the scarf on her. It was soft and fluffy, yet warm. Li Wei was always considerate.

"Now now. We will have many things to do. We should start now" father Li reminded everyone and soon the group of five got into the mini van. Men took the front two seats while the ladies took the back seat.

The pet trio was left in the Li Mansion in the care of two maids and the butler.

The ambience in the van was jolly. Father Li was telling about his childhood adventures and had put on a proud mask.


"Dad... Why are you only praising yourself. Big sis. Let me tell you something" Li Mei couldn't hear to his father praising himself to sky anymore.

"Big sis. Dad's best friend told me about this. Once Dad's biology teacher asked everyone to remember the definition of antibodies. But unfortunately Master Li didn't do his homework. It so happened that many didn't do and teacher had to ask one by one everyone to stand on bench."

"Our intelligent Master Li went under bench and went copied the definition in his brain"

"When teacher asked him he answered the whole definition perfectly gaining praises from the teacher and a huge round of applause from his classmates."

"But unfortunately, the happiness was short lived and the teacher asked him to repeat the definition again. BAM.. The previously copied answer now got deleted after pasting it once and now his brain was back to blank."

"Hahahaha.. Can you imagine this. THE Master Li was once made to stand on bench. Hahahaha"

Everyone in the car broke into fits of laughter. Father Li too joined in. The jokes went on and on. At some point Li Mei started a singing consort in which the bathroom-singer father Li was the first one to participate.

Later when it was Ling Yue's turn everyone was awestruck hearing Ling Yue. Not that she was a top notch singer or something. But her voice was really made for singing. Though her notes were wrong at many places her voice was like a lullaby.

Father Li knew his little girl was exceptionally talented. But it was impossible for anyone to have passion in everything. In Ling Yue's case, she didn't have that zeal to go on with singing as a career.

Soon they reached the amusement park. Father Li had already made arrangements to not let a lot of crowd in, so the place was not packed even though it was a weekend.

"There Big sis. Let us go and try that." Li Mei held Ling Yue's hand and dragged her to every store and ride they saw. Well, not exactly, Ling Yue ran along with Li Mei to explore every thing they encountered.

Looking at Ling Yue running around, Father Li and Mother Li felt like they went back in time when they had these kind weekend plans with little Li Wei and baby Li Mei.

Ling Yue tried few things twice. While Ling Yue was busy roaming around and checking the rides, Li Wei was engrossed in watching Ling Yue.

He felt serene looking at her current carefree attitude. He felt relieved holding her hand, knowing that she was safe and was with him, giving him a chance for redemption.

Li Wei's one hand was glued to Ling Yue's while other hand was carrying her brown scarf as she was now feeling hot after running around.

More than enjoying the rides, Li Wei was busy tucking her lose hair strands behind her ear, wiping her sweat, making her drink water from time to time and reminding her to be careful.

Ling Yue hadn't noticed but she hadn't left Li Wei since they entered the park. She didn't even realize that she holding Li Wei's hand like it was the most natural thing to do. And Li Wei had a bright smile and contentment in his eyes. It made him look even younger.

Father Li was in charge of photos. Though it was Li Wei's duty previously, this time Li Wei dumped it to his father. He can't be busy clicking camera and miss Ling Yue's original smiles.

Mother Li smiled whenever she looked at Ling Yue and Li Wei. How can she not recognize that look in her son's eyes. That was how her husband looks at her. A look of pure joy and love.

Everyone around them at least looked twice at the young couple. They both looked like fairies descended on the mortal world.

"Li Wei, let's try bumper cars" Ling Yue and Li Wei went towards the bumper cars area and Li Wei brought them the tickets.

Li Wei couldn't stop laughing after seeing Ling Yue evade every car with perfection. Like seriously? She was making all the kids jealous.

Ling Yue soon realized that this was not how bumper cars were supposed to be played and asked Li Wei to get another ticket for her. Li Wei happily concurred.

This time Ling Yue dashed into few cars and found it funny. Bumping into someone could be this relaxing? Ling Yue later went onto roller coaster, and pendulum rides.

In the afternoon they paused the rides and found a place to sit and eat. Everyone had their favourites packed and happily ate their lunch. Father Li showed them the photos.

While they were having lunch Ling Yue saw a little girl sitting on her father's shoulder. Hah.. Time and Memories, once passed cannot be recreated back. She would never be able to experience what it felt to be sitting on her father's shoulder.

But Ling Yue didn't let this thought dampen her mood. She was happy at this moment. That was what mattered.

After lunch they didn't go for rides immediately. They went for shooting games and ring games. Ling Yue was exceptionally good at shooting, and Li Wei was good at ring games. They both won gifts for Li Mei.

Soon it was evening, the time for ferris wheel. The fire works time. They bought three cabins. One for parents Li, one for Li Wei and Ling Yue, and another one for the single Li Mei.

Ling Yue sat in front of Li Wei inside that little cabin and looked out excitedly. This was different from taking a plane. Her heart raced as the cabin slowly started to move up and the ground went farther and farther away.

She was busy looking out while Li Wei was busy looking at her and her innocent expressions.


Ling Yue almost fell down from her seat when the ferris wheel stopped at the top. Thank fully Li Wei caught her and pulled her towards him.

"Why did it stop?" Ling Yue asked as Li Wei brought her into his lap. She was too engrossed in the view outside to notice their current position.

"Soon there will be fire works lighting up the sky. They stopped so that we can watch." Li Wei explained. Her face was just inches away from him and he had this sudden urge to touch her soft face.

BOOM ...

The night sky soon lit up with different hues of colours. Li Wei could see the beautiful sky reflected in her eyes.

Ling Yue looked at the sky. The city sky didn't have many stars, but this was absolutely beautiful. The fire works were still on and the colours danced on Ling Yue's and Li Wei's faces.

Ling Yue suddenly turned and looked Li Wei whose gaze never left her. She smiled at him and her face zoomed in Li Wei's vision.

Li Wei was thinking how couples usually share a kiss on top of ferris wheel when Ling Yue turned to him and soon her soft lips descended on his left cheek before she moved back again.

"Thank You Li Wei." Ling Yue smiled at him, still sitting in his lap. She had never spent a day like this in her whole 18 years of life and this was all thanks to Li Wei and his family.

Li Wei, who was rewarded with her innocent kiss was left stunned. He was speechless and his words were struck in his throat. His right hand reached to left cheek and soon lips touched her right cheek. They stayed there for few seconds before he pulled him back.

"Thank You Ling Yue."

'Thank You, for coming back to me. Thank You, for not pushing me away. Thank You, for not hating me. Thank You, for being alive. Thank You, for this second chance.' Li Wei had so much to say but a sincere thank you was the only thing he could say right now.

Ling Yue couldn't quite comprehend the reason for his thanks but didn't question. She didn't want to disturb this moment of silence.

This time they both looked out and the ferris wheel slowly started to descend. Li Wei had no words to express his joy. He didn't have any thoughts of getting a kiss today but they still shared their first kiss. Though it was not the typical kiss on lips, for him it was far more precious than that.


"What happened to her?" Mother Li asked when she saw Ling Yue in Li Wei's arms.

"She is just sleeping" Li Wei replied. By the time their cabin reached down Ling Yue fell asleep in his arms.

Li Wei had no problem carrying Ling Yue till their van. Everyone soon got in to the van to return back home. This time it was father Li driving and mother Li sitting in the passenger seat. The three juniors choose the back seat.

Ling Yue peacefully nestled in Li Wei's embrace and slept while Li Mei was busy checking the camera. She even sneaked few pictures of Ling Yue and Li Wei now.

Li Wei had a smile and a blush fixed on his face as he remembered Ling Yue's kiss.

Everyone reached home an hour later and Ling Yue was now in deep sleep. Her favourite tune was right beside her ear and heart was in sync with it.

"I will put her to bed" Li Wei said and took Ling Yue upstairs to her room. They were all tired and it was now time to rest after spending a wonderful day out. Everyone retired to their rooms to get in to the comfort of bed and blanket.

RING ... RING ... RING ...

Huh? Mother Li looked at her hand bag. Ahh.. She forgot that everyone put their phones in her bag while at amusement park.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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