

Yuki then looked around and found that it had left and his slain hand is converted into pure Yin qi and Mikan body was greedily absorbing it while Yuki looked at Mikan and said " stay behind me and never let my hand go at all costs." Mikan looked at Yuki with a blush face and nodded while Yuki took out a phone and called out.

• Hello who is it ( an old man voice was heard )

• Hello sir my name is Yuki Rito and I was calling you because I want to buy the villa over mountain entrance.

• Oh you want to buy it then sent me the money and you can find it's original paper from Nogizaka family as they are keeping it for me then good bye young man and good luck.

• Beep beep beep.

Yuki was stunned as he called Gentō San and confirmed it they had the paper while Gentō San asked why he was buying a haunted house and Yuki replied " it's because of my master quest I had to kill the ghost while I thought, this house rate had dropped astronomical so why not buy it as a side gift of the quest you know." While he heard a laughter from other side as quit the call and looked at Mikan who was smiling at him while Yuki then got serious as he walked toward the room exit steadily and with vigilance, while he was shocked by every turn as at every turn he felt Yin qi increasing suddenly her sister made an another breakthrough which shocked him while he turned to look at his sister( Atlas god blessing) as she was again drenched in water revealing everything again but this time he was shocked as he felt Mikan hugging him while saying " don't look at me nii-chan please, it's embarrassing.( Like a mosquito)" At this day Yuki heart shouted as he shouted loudly " I have become a sis con because my sister is too beautiful." On the other hand Mikan body was trembling and her face was flush red with the embarrassment and his brother confessions made her feel an unknown feeling, she had never felt before, as she could only protest in a small voice " onii-chan no Baka." While being in his embrace.

After this incidence Yuki looked extremely joy full while Mikan looked at her brother with an unspeakable emotions inside her chest which was growing inside her chest making her feel good and bad both at a time as she was unknown to this new feeling she had, Yuki looked at her cute sister while saying " it's alright to take time, I won't rush I won't force as I will only try to make feel more comfortable by my side, if you find it bothering then say it is bothering you but don't hold what are you feeling from inside, that how love for boys work." While gesturing he said find how love for you works.

" I don't know my current feeling nii-chan as I love being with you but as an sister I feel awkward as if how we will face other and all but I know it will be much harder to live within you being around, after mom you are the only person I felt like living for and that's why I don't know what to do know." As she finally spoke and looked at the figure of his brother, Yuki nodded his head and said " then wait for me as I will definitely find a world who will accept our existence or will become strong enough to make them accept us and our relationship till then can you wait or how long can you wait." Yuki looked at Mikan who suddenly blushed beet red while speaking no one could hear " fo......." as they walked toward inner most region as Yuki felt Yin qi which could be seen in the form of white mist as he opened the door suddenly he took out Yuan qi stone in his one hand and other hand holding white sword as he felt a tiny drop from Yuan stone entering his hand and flow inside his sword to release an explosive amount of sword qi ( inheritance style of sword, as this sword contain an array which contains 100 yuan sword technique which can be released when yuan qi is entered.) 5 yuan wind blades appeared as they hacked the ghost expert at a single point killing it instantly as his last focal point diminished and there was busy of huge amount of Yin qi which rushed in Mikan knocking her unconscious while Yuki pulled her in his embarrass and looked at her lovingly.

While the time passed Yuki used his yuan qi to protect her body as he made her body stronger while absorbing her yin qi to temper his own body simultaneously.

While whole region of the mountains which was ghostly dead was rising and flaura and fauna become to active then usual the mountain lily grew up while all the tree started to grew beautiful and full of vitality while drop of water and river looked very pure and would make any man thirsty by looking at the flow. Yuki opened his eyes to see a boy who had an beautiful brown eyes while his hair making an unusual shape with a blue cloth on while on her side was standing a girl clad in white who was emitting coldness and aura of ghost, Yuki smiled and said " general of nura clan who carried his army of ten thousand ghost is here sure because of the commotion yesterday night and I formally apologize for the cause but I was asked by my master to deal with it and help my sister become more stronger." As Yuki looked at the boy who had turned back to a boy with glasses while he smiled " thank you and it's alright because we were about to kill it ourselves too as we have given him enough chances to redeem." Yuki nodded as he looked at the figure standing in the lawn while looking at them as he gestured to tell them to come in as he spoke " please come I don't blindly kill Yokai or ghost without any reason as I believe there are good and bad Yokai just like human and they also deserve to be treated equally." Soon every Yokai entered as Mikan was up too and was to see all these Yokai but was not afraid as she was able to sense there intention as they talked and soon sun was about to rise as an hour was left so they all walked away and Yuki called them to come back again some day and they agreed to it.

• What do you think of that boy Orikawa

• He is different than human and is a good person to associate with I guess ' blue haired girl said. '

• Indeed Korutabou said .

" I see our journey was not wasted any way he accepted the gift from Orikawa without any hesitation so he is a guy we can believe on sooner or later we Yokai will be revealed to the world so it's good to make an human friend who can understand my feeling as a human and as an person holding up power to save people, any way I guess I'll transfer to his school so that I can have someone to cover my ass when needed." As he looked at the retreating figure of sister and brother duo who were talking to each other while arguing as he smiled, Orikawa looked happy seeing his master happy once in a while too. Where as Mikan and Yuki due were looking at two bracelet who were emitting cold and smiled, as Yuki said " such a good item" before he heard a notification.

' ding '

' system has noticed an unknown item of great potential. '

' search complete showing details. '

' Yin Qi Netherlands bracelet

This bracelet contain the power

to connect Netherlands from

Where it absorb Yin qi

and sent back to host. '

' quality :- legendary. '

' uses to create an cold atmosphere and to create an extremely good environmental for the normal girls and will sometime help them to cultivate themselves, Yin qi purity grade 10 and amount unlimited. '

While telling Mikan about the gift they got Mikan had an surprised expression while she felt there action very sweet as she wished to hug the blue haired girl who smiled sweetly before giving them the bracelets. Duo doesn't know that the girl was descended of some one who had been the empress of Netherlands and for her creating such bracelet was an easy work. After which they returned home and Yuki continue with the practice while Mikan turned to sleep as she was tired and asked him to bring something to eat from outside for her too.

Yuki jogged as usual and met with Haruna as she was coming with Maron while little guy was as mischievous as always suddenly he tied he leg of Yuki as he was happily Chatting with Haruna as he fall back, Haruna tried to help Yuki but was tripped by Maron she fell over him and by mistake there lips touched which made Haruna beet red while Yuki also had an embarrass face ( your ass I am an martial artist I would have dodge that kiss but man it was sweet. ) as he helped Haruna stand up after which she yelled at Maron a little which was subdue due to Maron innocent look after Haruna looked at Yuki while giving thumbs up with an demands gaze, Yuki gave him an thumbs up for service while hiding it from Haruna as he gave him a cookie while telling " it will cheer up the poor guy by winking at it." As Yuki was enjoying the bento prepare by the Haruna he asked " can you cook at my house today as Mikan is tired and I want to try some of your hand made meat if possible, Haruna smiled and agreed as she said she will go to shopping as Yuki said he would be paying for it and told her about part time job and he was able earn by working so Haruka nodded.

As they walked to her home as wanted to leave Maron at home and tell her sister about her plans, as they reached the Haruna home door she rang the bell soon a girl around 20 to 22 year old come to open the door after which she was shocked to see Yuki coming as she knew him as she was in the party as she accompany a friend of her, his heroic act was ingrained in her conscious since then while the boy turn out normal boy next door while the look of both of them merged completely well.

Haruna coughed which made her sister after which Yuki talked with her sister and due to his experience he made the atmosphere very joy full and vibrant while Haruna also spoke to make thing easier for Yuki and then after sometime Haruna and Yuki walked out as her sister smiled and said " that's my baby sister well done for catching the dragon in the form of fish who is about to leap dragon gate becoming a dragon and I hope he would also carry you too becoming a phoenix among us girls." As she called and told her parents about the situation and position is her daughter in knowing about the Yuki tale in the party which made both mother and father happy.

After Yuki and Haruna walked down from the building they travelling by road and entered the mart to buy some ingredients for today party and Yuki was totally enjoying the mood as they looked for onion, tomato, other green vegetables while he looked at the meat of 2 large one as he eat a lot after which they headed to buy mushroom. Yuki looked for some cream while searching for the pepper as he realised they don't have much at home, after which they saw an extremely familiar chocolate which they use to eat at the middle school time as he buy the whole box as Haruna protested but Yuki explained that he would have them to all the boys an friend ship day while using the time and mood he took out a necklace he buy from system for Haruna and apologized for being late. After which they strolled in the park where he buy ice cream for them and continue to date her while taking her to coffee shop suddenly he heard someone, a boy having blond hair walked toward Haruna as he was ordering at the counter for the window seat expense,

• Hey there girl why don't you come with me I'll give you a treat at 5 star hotel

• No thanks Yuki kun

Before she could say anything she say blonde guy turning pale as he heard the name while the guy turned pale when he saw the face as he begged and flew out from the room leaving Yuki stunned while he looked at the Haruna and asked " am I looking like a demon or something." Which made her laugh which attracted many people attention as they throw envy gaze on Yuki.

After returning to home he smiled as he brought out some vegetables and started cutting them down but soon found an unknown memories inside his mind which was about cooking and cutting vegetable as he saw a boy with white hair doing it, after coming back to his body he looked at the knife which he found very familiar and he started working on the vegetables as he cut them in a very experienced manner as he thanked Atlas in his heart, while Atlas vague figure smiling behind them soon disappeared. Soon the Vegetables were cut down in an very good manner while he finished preparing the needed ingredients before Haruna could ask, first she was surprised to see him cut the vegetables very beautifully, then she was startled to see as Yuki prepared before she could say which saved her a lot of time as if he was reading her mind.

At the end Haruna was truly happy as they worked together and finished there cooking.