

The lady stood still in contemplation of what to do and soon it came to her realization that she needed to treat her husband with care just like the lion. Sometimes the portion that touches the heart is the grand gesture of love." Mary laughed heartily and so did the maids that were close by eaves dropping on them.

"So the food you are preparing is a grand gesture of love that you want to make for father so he doesn't go on one of his long work journeys again?" Mary nodded and said:

"Remember my dear, magic is not something you can see with your eyes but only with your heart can you see and make it. Some will argue that magic is persuasion but I believe magic is what you think of it." Mahina's mum was right that day because her magical food did stop her husband from traveling out for work. But it was just for that day, regardless it was a memorable day Mahina would never forget. Because that was the same day her father carried her for the first time on his back for a piggy back ride and it was on that very day that her father said: 'I love you my munchkin. For the very first time' Sadly happy moments never last forever. They soon realized her father's infidelity to her mother. It was then that Mahina wished more than anything for her mother's magic to come to fruition unfortunately no matter how many time she prayed it felt like her prayer were unheard by the universe. Magic couldn't save her family from shattering.

Mahina yawned with the sun peering through the window of Alba's majestic room. She used her hand and blocked the lights reflection from flashing her eyes. Mahina lazily went to cover the blinds properly before she returned to bed. She sighed from her bizarre trip down memory lane. Mahina snuggled in the cozy duvet and finally dozed off to sleep.

When Alba returned to the room Mahina was still fast asleep. He smiled at how cutely she snuggled up in the duvet. He knelt beside her, while she was still sleeping and watched her closely. He was so close to her to the point that they were exchanging breathes. His beautiful sea green eyes landed on her beautiful freckles spread around her cheekbones. Strands of her beautiful almond brown hair was scattered around her forehead. His eyes looked at each strands with delight as he tucked them behind her ears. Her pretty pecan brown skin was alluring. Alba couldn't get enough of her gorgeousness. He caressed her face with his fingers delicately and while he was doing so his eyes landed on her luscious lips. Alba swallowed hard as he looked at her like a dog deprived of his bone. He gently got up on his own and went away.

Even though she was obviously tired Mahina looked enchanting to Alba. With the way she was sleeping and wasn't even aware of his presence he just knew that she must have stayed up thinking all through the night. There was no way on earth he would wake his sleeping angel even though they had a flight to take back to the NY. He went out of the room hurriedly and made a call to reschedule their flight back to the NY. As he just finished making the call he saw Ford coming towards him. Ford smiled at him and said:

"Sorry for eaves dropping but why did you reschedule our flight." He raised his browse at Alba.

"My pretty little hostage is asleep and I don't want to wake her up" Alba answered him with a smug face.

"What did you keep her awake for through the night?" Ford looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like that! I didn't do anything to her. I guess she stayed up thinking about the alternatives I gave her."

Ford sighed as he wagged his head. He went straight for the bar in the living area and poured himself some wine. Alba looked at him surprised. He was shocked that the uptight Ford was having a glass of liquor early in the morning. Something must be up thought Alba as he joined Ford in order to prod into his thoughts.

"You should know that the only reason I am condoling that Mahina's friend is all because of you. She's crazy. I mean I knew that but… It was all hidden from the beginning but yesterday night she showed me her crazy side…" Ford went blank for a whole minute before Alba called his attention:

"Man what's up? what did she do?" Ford looked at Alba speechless. He didn't know how to start explaining to him all that happened the night before. Ford bit his lips at his thoughts and went away from Alba's penthouse silently. He just couldn't bring himself to say what Dora did to him.

Alba shot his eyes open in shock. Something unholy must have happen for Ford to find it difficult to say anything.

Ford returned to his pent house. He went up straight to his bedroom and found Dora reading a novel while enjoying a cup of tea. The two glared at each other. Ford sighed and looked away as he went into the bathroom. Dora smiled at him and spoke audibly:

"How adorable I rarely come across men like him… it was all my good luck that because of my dear friend Hina I met someone like him." she chuckled and continued reading.

Ford groaned under gnashed teeth while he was in the bathroom. The day went by quick enough with Dora getting on Fords nerves intentionally. Lilith woke up late in the evening. She was awakened by the sound of piano playing in the house. She left the room without changing her short satin lingerie gown in search of the music playing. The sound led her to the first artificial plant room where she got lost on the day she went exploring with Dora. She walked barefooted on the grass looking around until she found the source of the music she heard.

She found Alba seated on the piano stool shirtless, with his baggy pants all wet from the water falling on the Piano. Mahina's eyes got fixed on his broad shoulders and his perfectly fit muscular back. He was playing the piano so passionately that Mahina thought he couldn't feel her presence like he usually did. So she walked on her tiptoes to get away from there. Just when she thought she was about to escape. She felt strong dependable hands around her waistline. She knew at once it was Alba. She was drawn into Alba's dependable arms. Her head was around his chest. So she looked at his bare perfectly sculpted body that looked like that of a handsome Greek god for a while before raising her eyes to look at his glorious face. He smiled at her mischievously and asked:

"How did you know I was here?" he looked at her anxiously for a reply.

"I heard your piano music playing while I was asleep." He smirked at her and said:

"That's impossible my silky munchkin. The walls here are sound prove. So how could you have heard my music." Mahina looked at him confused and said:

"I swear I heard the music of your piano."

Alba looked at her in disbelieve but she looked so serious. He found it hard to believe. Alba smiled and said to her Jokingly:

"It must be one of the mysteries of life then or you just have super hearing abilities." Mahina was speechless. I must be going crazy to hear what I wasn't supposed to hear in the first place, she thought to herself. She looked away and wanted to find her way back to the bedroom but Alba swept her off her feet into his arms. She turned to look at him and her eyes got caught in his. Alba couldn't take his eyes off hers. It was as if her eyes were a magnet holding unto his firmly. She gulped and grasped unto his bare shoulder. Alba smiled at her sudden reaction and said:

"We are here already…you…" Alba couldn't complete his words at the sight of Mahina licking her sexy lips. Alba gulped as he dropped her down. After a while of looking at each other he said:

"You should get dressed we are heading back to NY city this evening."

Mahina nodded and went into the bathroom to get ready.