

Mahina and Alba where in their rooms. They had both cleaned up and were seated on their beds looking into each other's eyes passionately. Alba gently held Mahina's cheeks and said:

"I miss you my love." Mahina smiled at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Alba smirked and said:

"Is that a sign? Can I?" Mahina nodded at him and Alba devoured her lips with kisses. They kissed passionately and embraced each other warmly and Mahina responded to Alba saying:

"I miss you too my love." 

Alba suddenly picked Mahina up in his arms and twirl round with her. Mahina laughed cheerfully. They have been locked up together for years but they haven't had the chance to mess around like they normally would. She was grateful to finally be free and once again be in his arms. Mahina was more so very excited to finally see her kids, friends and family.

When Alba stopped turning around with her, she kissed him again and said: