

Mahina smiled at Wata with tears in her eyes and said:

"I need you Wata to watch over Kiran from the shadows, Wata your ability, the powers of the XY Virus will permit you to take on a gaseous form to keep a close watch of my son closely. I beg you Wata, please watch over him and if someday when he is all grown and you still want to ascend to be with me. I promise you I will do my best for you to ascend."

The rest of the bird all kept quiet as they took in all that Mahina had just said. They all had questions troubling their minds but they were too overwhelmed to ask. Even so Hope couldn't help but to ask:

"My goddess! I am troubled by a question in my mind. Since we all assembled as your bird and Orbs we haven't seen two of your caged bird and their orbs. The Pandora and the Absolution birds and Orbs. They only manifest whenever you call on them as balls of light or as a figure made of light."