

Reanna smiled lovingly at her, like she didn't just threaten her moments ago. She said:

"Sweetheart! I don't like sharing what is mine with other people. Next time, when you smile at any man remember what I will do to you. Remember how you moaned and trembled in my arms today. Cover up properly don't expose what is mine to others."

Sinn gulped. She was frightened out of her mind. She just wanted to run away from there and never see Reanna again but how could she? When she can't even escape her at work. After Reanna left, Sinn slumped to the ground and started sniffling in disbelieve of what just happened. She placed her hand on chest and said:

"Did I just get abused by a woman? And why was I so frightened of her? I am a woman too. Who would believe me? And I actually clim---maxed"

Sinn grasped her hair in her grip and screamed. Reanna who was still walking back to the bar heard her scream and she smiled satisfied with herself.