

The real hide-out where they carry out their plans however, is rooted in the heart of south Africa. In a place that couldn't have been easily found if not for the unrivaled AI skills of our hidden weapons; the Reyes twins."

Roshan cuts Raya before she could say more. He stood up and said:

"We found out that Ramsey Rhal and Jade Dion had now set up a science university supported by all the united countries to cover up all their activities in the guise of experiments and inventions. It's a highly rated university for the Societies elites. Only students chosen by the university are permitted inside. It's highly guarded from uninvited guest. And when I mean guarded it's watched twenty-four hourly by XY specimens. We couldn't get in. So all we could do was observe from a distance."

Roshan landed his fist angrily on the round table in front of him and cussed:

"Damn it!"