
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

chapter one Brittney's Pov

Have you ever been in a situation where everything around you looks like it's against you? where you

wish upon a star and the star turns into a meteor that turns against you and destroys your entire world?

well then I guess we both have something in common.

Surviving? surviving has been the least thing on my list of things to do before I die, because what's the point living when you know you're gonna die?

I never tried putting efforts into anything I ever did except my grades, because at least I knew if my soul was to visit the earth once again, I'd come back to school to see my face on the schools wall of Fame and smile.

Hi, my name is Brittney, and I'd love to tell you about my life and everything that surrounds it.

I'm a 17 year old red haired nerd, I don't have friends neither do I have enemies. I live with my mom and my step dad after my real father died few days after I was born.

My step father was okay, he treated me like his own daughter, tried to provide my basic needs and wants and was very nice to me.

My life would have been everything in the definition of perfect, but this was what messed it up.

First of all, on the day of my birth, my mother gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy, the boy came out first before I did, and before my mother regained consciousness, he was kidnapped. For years we tried finding him and along the line, my father died in the process. My uncle, who also decided to help us after my dad's demise, was found dead in his room a day after telling us that he was closer to finding him.

It was then very clear to us that whoever was behind the kidnapping of my brother, was bent on killing anyone who tried to find him.

Secondly,when i was younger, I use to participate in swimming competitions and always topped them all coming back home with lots and lots of award.

But one day during one of my trainings with my coach, I started feeling dizzy and choked up to I could barely breathe nor move.

I tried signaling my coach that something was happening, but he had left to get something.

I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, and I thought I was going to die.

I knew that my eyes closed that day and opened to meet myself in a hospital with pipes flying in and out of my body.

I met my mother and step father in tears when I woke up and they told me that the doctors already said I was going to die and it was a miracle I survived.

They explained to me that the chlorine concentration in the water was very extreme and it affected me so badly.

They told me that it was my coach that saved me that day after noticing that I hadn't come out of the water after a very long time.

And finally, they broke the news to me that I would never be allowed to swim again.

What we didn't understand was who put excess chlorine in the water, and why?.

Ever since then, I battled to live and to breath. The chlorine did so much damage to me that I sometimes wished I had died in the first place.

sometimes I would just stop breathing in the middle of the night or sometimes I would be gasping for breath unable to breath.

The doctors had already told me that I wouldn't make it past 18, there was no cure,it could only be managed.

I believed in miracles, I believed in magic, I believed that something good would happen and I would wake up one morning and everything will be okay, but it never happened, I only woke up to find myself battling for my life.

I didn't bother making friends because I didn't want any body to miss me, didn't want anyone to cry over my demise, it was going to be much work for my parents and I didn't want to include more people into this.

No one knew me,no one even bothered knowing me, I was only known as the red haired girl who sat in the front roll and had perfect grades.

Honestly sometimes I wish I had friends, I wish I had people to talk to, I wish I had a medium to have fun. But what's the point enjoying all this when I had just 11 months left till I kiss this world good bye.

My parents did their best, begging me everyday to encourage me not to loose hope, but I never listened, they tried encouraging me to make friends at least and enjoy myself a little, but I didn't even bother trying.

I only wished that maybe they would find my brother, maybe after that, they wouldn't feel the pain of loosing me so much.

Now, lets leave my sober life out of this and get to the real part of this story.