
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

chapter 5

Walking over to my usual spot in

the cafeteria, I placed my food on

my table and sat down.

I looked up and saw Aaron searching through the crowd, looking for something....or someone.

His eyes then landed on me and he smiled and started walking towards my direction...oh no.

He then came to my table sat in front of me.

"Hey Brittney" he said smiling.

"Hey" I said not looking at him.

"You seem lonely, wanna sit over at our table?" he asked and I stared at him... shocked.

This guy must be crazy or something. I would rather eat my thumb than go and sit with those dickheads and watch them talk about bullcraps.

"Uhh, no thanks, I'm fine here" I said.

"Okay, then I should just bring them over here?" he asked.

"What?, no!" I shrieked. He giggled.

"C'mon Brittney, you see them Everytime in class, they're not gonna eat you" he stressed.

"uhhh...I don't know, I'm perfectly okay here, honestly" I said praying he would actually leave, but he didn't.

"Brittney,. c'mon. It's gonna be fun, I promise, just this once" he said with pleading eyes.

I sighed defeated, I guess I'm gonna be eating my thumbs after all.

He picked my tray and followed him behind.

Once they saw me approaching, they stopped talking.

Aaron made me sit beside himself.

"Hey guys, remember Brittney?".Aaron said.

Josh stretched out his hand for a friendly shake, I accepted it..

"Hey Brittney, wassup" he said, I nodded still dying because of the stares I was getting from them.

Sitting in the table in front of me was Josh, Lucy, Kenzie, Natalie, Asher, Thomas and Aaron.Now this was a different squad on its own, they were rated the most popular, rich and most influential people in school. Rumors even went round that Josh and Kenzie get paid for just advertising stuffs with their faces on it.

Thomas broke the silence.

"Wait she's the smart girl in our class right? The one Mrs Benson was talking about?"

"Yeah" Aaron replied.

"Nice to meet you chick" he said giving me a hand shake.

"So this is gonna be funny because we're like classmates and all, but let's still do the introduction" Aaron started.

"Brittney this is Lucy, assistant cheerleader, Lucy this is Brittney, book freak" he said and Lucy waved at me nicely.

Lucy was a Blondie like Kenzie but with huge titties. Rumors spread that she use to sell her nudes in exchange for more money to some rich CEO's in the state.

She was pretty, but her IQ was very sad, she sometimes did things like a 3 year old and people say she's amazing at giving heads.

"Hi" she said.

"Hi" I replied.

"Asher this is Brittney, Brittney this is Asher, he's one of the star players in the soccer team"

Asher was a handsome black haired guy, he was good with all Athletics and sports and was a straight B student.

He you could actually have done better in school if he paid less attention to boobs and more to his books.

"Hey Brittney" he said and gave me a hand shake.

"Hey" I replied.

"This is Joshua, you already met him the other day, he's my bestfriend and the captain of the soccer club" he explained and Josh winked at me. Josh was smart tho, he never really got more than one C in a test, he's got a couple of A's and B's too.

But his obsession for girl...ew.

"This is Nathalia, Natalie for short, also a member of the cheerleaders squad" she waved at me,I smiled.

Honestly between she and Lucy , I think she was dumber .

Because usually she use to squeal happily and say her daddy was gonna get her a new car whenever she got a C in a test or pop quiz, and of a true, she would come to school the next day with a new car.

"And this is Kenzie, Cheerleader captain, And my female bestfriend too " he said.

Kenzie was too engrossed in whatever she was doing on her phone to even reply me,she just lifted her brows up and down.

"So like, Why you always the on your own kinda girl like, funny how we've been in the same class since 4th grade and we like never talk" Asher said tossing a potato chip in his mouth.

"Uhm..introvert kinda" I said nervously.

"Awwn that's cute..I've always wanted an introvert as a girlfriend"Thomas said smirking.

I blushed.

No wait, I faked blushed so that he wouldn't say anything again.

"But she's pretty tho, you have a boyfriend?" Asher asked?.

I shook my head negatively.

"My God, why would such a pretty girl like you be single? Are guys that blind or something?" Josh said smirking.

I shrugged feeling very uncomfortable already.

"Or you're still waiting for me?" he added smirking deeper.

"Oh shut up" Kenzie said rolling her eyes and strapped her hand tightly over his neck.

I don't know if she was trying to say

' stay away from my man, he's mine'.

I scoffed in my mind, wasn't it the same Josh that was like with some brunette girl the other day? tch.

Then the cafeteria lady came over to our table, and Josh quickly removed Kenzie's arm from his body.

"How are you doing today guys?" he asked cheerfully.

"We are good" Josh said smiling.

"Hope you enjoyed your meal, I made it specially for you" She said winking at Josh, she winked back.

So the rumors were true, wait isn't this woman like 40? she's old enough to be his mother for God sake.

"Alright, tell me if you need anything okay Joshy?" she said and pecked his forehead and left.

Asoon as she left, Josh immediately grabbed a napkin and started wiping his head and cursing as he did so.

His friends laughed at him.

"Hey am I the only one noticing that odd similarly better Kenzie and Brittney? " Thomas said.

Kenzie looked up with an irritated face.

"What?!" she shrieked.

"Yeah you and her look so much alike, aren't you seeing it?" Asher chirped in.

Then everyone started staring at Kenzie and I.

"It's true tho, noticed it a while ago" Aaron said.

"Please, there is no way I look like her " Kenzie said with irritation in her voice. But I don't blame her tho, I mean,why would you compare her facials to mine? she's beauty goddess pretty, I'm not.

"Yeah and remember your original hair color is ginger not blonde". Asher added.

"Okay that's enough, shut it!" Kenzie said sternly.

And as the heavens will have mercy on me, the bell immediately rang and I was the first time stand up.

"Uhm, see you guys later then" I said and they responded and I left.

As soon as I left the Cafeteria, I sighed relieved.

Never again I'm I sitting with them... never again.


I pressed the door bell for the second time and then minutes later, it flew open. I didn't see anyone standing there and I looked down and saw a pretty little girl with this beautiful blue eyes smiling at me.

"Hello" she said sheepishly.

She looked so adorable and tiny and cute.

I bent down to her level.

"Hi pretty, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Jessica" she said.

"Awwn, such a pretty name, are you Aaron's sister?" I asked.

she nodded," yes".

"Well you're very pretty, how old are you?" I asked.

"Seven" she said.

"That's okay, is he at home?" I asked.

She nodded, "c'mon, let me show you" she said and led me inside the house and led me through the hallway.

Their house was very huge honestly and very pretty.

Then we found ourself in front of a glass door and I saw Aaron and Josh inside.

Fuck this was a gym? as in, they had a gym in the house too??

I opened the door, but they didn't notice I was in.

They were boxing a punching bag.

They were both shirtless.

My eyes suddenly didn't want to get off Aaron's body.

Unlike Josh, he didn't have tattoos all over. He had a headphone on and sweat slowly slipped down his well built body.

I know I didn't usually drool over guys and all, but this one worth it.

Then he turned abruptly, feeling someone's stare on him.

He smiled a little and dropped removed the headphone.

Josh turned around too and saw me.

"I'm sorry, I forgot I had lessons today" he said grabbing a towel and giving me a clearer view of his body...no I'm not exaggerating, he was hot.

"It's okay" I said.

"Just give 15 minutes, I'll be ready"he said walking out.

Josh stood and stared at me.

"You really look a lot like Kenzie, especially when Kenzie's on ginger and not blonde" He said and walked out.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the an empty seat.

How could they possibly compare me to Kenzie, geez.