
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

chapter 3

I stared at the person sitting in front of me again making sure that I wasn't seeing things.

I stared to panick, what if this was a prank, and I was the poor victim this time around.

I looked around to notice if anyone was holding a camera, but nobody was.

They were all just looking at me and Aaron.

"Hey" he said breaking the silence between us.

I nodded my head and gulped down my glass of orange juice trying hard not to look nervous.

"You okay?". he asked.

I nodded again unable to say anything.

What the hell was this guy doing here?? and why??

"So uhm.." he. started reducing his voice a little.

"This isn't really the place for a conversation, so can I talk to you after school today?"

The more he spoke, the more confused I got.

"What's the conversation about?" I finally asked finding my voice.

"uhhhh... nothing too serious" he said.

"Well uhm..I uhm...my dad...I don't want to keep him waiting after school so..." I said finding that to be the best excuse I could think of.

"No it's fine, it won't take long, just a ten minutes conversation, that's all" he said.

I bit my lips, just when I thought today couldn't get any worse.

Now, I had the whole Cafeteria looking at my direction whispering and pointing and asking questions and all.

"uhm , Okay" I replied finally.

He smirked, "cool" he said and stood up and left my table back to his.

I was receiving killer stares from different angles of the room. I just wrapped my sandwich and tucked it in my backpack and stood up and left.

Some girls could be so dramatic, he's not your boyfriend, he's not your ex, he doesn't even know your name and you get jealous when you see him with another girl.


I prayed 3pm would come slower than usual, but in a twinkle of an eye, the bell rang.

I sighed sadly as started packing my stuffs, I could hear Aaron telling his guys that he would catch up with them later and then I heard his footsteps behind me.

"Hey Brittney" he said behind me.

I prayed silently in my head before I turned around.

"Hey" I replied.

"So uhm, let's go then" he said.

"I thought it was just a conversation, where are we going?" I asked.

"Yeah it is, we'll talk it as we are walking, you said you don't want to keep your dad waiting" he explained.

I nodded and tried carrying my heavy backpack which was filled with novels that I would read throughout the weekend.

Part of my bucket list before I die was to finish 5000 novels and I had reached 3000 already.

"Let me help you with that" Aaron said collecting my bag from me and slung it over his shoulders with ease.

"For a girl, you shouldn't be carrying something this heavy" he added and I nodded and we got out of the class and walked side by side through the hallway receiving stares from different angles and I didn't even care.

"So uhm, he's the thing" he started

" I uhhh, look you're really smart and all which I very obvious and you're gonna do excellent in the exams and all, but I kinda need your help" he said.

"You're smart too" I said.

" Yeah but not up to standard. Honestly you're really good, I'm just average" he said.

"So you need my help with?"

He inhaled and Exhaled.

"Would you please tutor me for the rest of the year?" he asked as we reached the car park and stared at me.

Me?? Tutor Aaron Maxwell, Asin the Aaron Maxwell that all the stupid girls in my school would die for?

"Look it's just one subject I need, just literature, that's all, I'm not really good with all those Romeo Juliet stuffs" he added.

Well, if I was going to die very soon, let me also be the reason someone succeeded . it wouldn't hurt trying.

I giggled, " Sure thing" I said.

He smiled broadly.

"Awwn, he has dimples" I said not even realizing I said that.

"Thanks" he said still smiling.

"Wait, I'm sorry was that loud?" I asked embarrassed

" it's fine, it's okay". he said.

"So, when do we start?" I asked.

"Whenever you want" he said smiling.

"peeeeep" I turned around to see my dad honking at me and smiled waving at me.

I smiled back.

I turned back to Aaron.

" I should get going" I said.

"sure thing, thanks", he said and turned around and jogged towards his squad.

I walked down to my dad's car and got in.

"Hey dad" I said strapping my seat belt tightly.

"Hey sunshine, how was school?" he asked turning the engine on.

"Crazy" I said and began explaining to him from the exams stuff to the competition and to how Aaron took me by surprise and his offer and everything.

" Finally, something interesting is going to happen in your life, you don't know how long I've waited for you to tell me more than a ' school was good, how was work?' talk.

and I think you've found yourself a prince charming" my dad said grinning wiggling his eyes brows at me.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

" No way dad, no way Aaron? Second hottest and most popular guy in this school? Soccer hero? no way. That's just gonna bring me to the crowd, which I do not like." I said.

"Well that's perfect,. because that's exactly what we want" he said laughing.

"noooo" I whined.

"oh c'mon it'll be cute, highschool super hero and nerdy pretty science freak" My dad said.

You know, sometimes I use to imagine if this man was actually a 38 year old married man, or a highschool teenager.

I rolled my eyes again.

"I'm just helping him clear his papers and do well in the competition, that's all" I explained.

He kept a mischievous smile on his face and drove quietly and I knew what that meant, he was going to tell mum.


After another weekend spent struggling to breath and reading novels, it was finally Monday again and that meant I had to go to school.

Honestly, school was the only thing that kept my mind off thinking about counting my days.

In as much as I never participated in school activities, it was fun watching them, especially the drama aspects;

Kenzie fighting over a college guy with a year 9 kid, One of the soccer guy getting suspended because he was caught having sex with a female teacher in the gym.

The anonymous messages that always went round, and it contained leaked sex videos of different students in the school.

I don't want to talk about the amount of times I had walked in on my students giving and receiving heads in the bathroom.

Fights for boyfriend's, stupid girls crushing over Josh because he was allegedly the hottest guy in school

* tch*

I loved school, and I had each and everyone's life story in my possession because I was the quiet observer.

"Hey Brittney"

I flinched taken aback because literally no one called my name in this school, and the teachers usually addressed me by my Surname.

I turned around and saw Aaron.

"Did I scare you?" he asked.

I faked a smile," nope, it's okay" I lied.

Then the bell for our lunch break rang.

"Well I wanted us to talk more, but I guess we'll just do that in the caf" he said and walked away.

Wait, did he just indirectly say he was going to talk to me today in the cafeteria??.

I sighed and dragged my self all the way to the cafeteria and got my food and sat down.

I looked around and saw Aaron sitting with his group deep in an interesting conversation.

I felt relieved that at least he had gotten engrossed in whatever he was doing and had forgotten about me.

I started eating happily and then I felt a shadow hover over my head, then I felt the presence of someone sitting in front of me. I raised my head slowly and saw Aaron sitting in front of me, and not just that, but with his food tray.

I noticed how his food tray was quite different from mine. His had spaghetti and meatballs, an apple juice, some grapes, a chocolate bar, and some chicken.

Mine had nothing but burger and cheese with a bottle water.

Rumors spread that the caf lady likes Josh and she's always making special food for him and his friends while he promises to date her one day....how stupid!!

I looked up and noticed members of his table where looking over at our director looking all confused.

" Why do you always sit alone?" he asked. That was when I noticed that he had a glint of British accent

"Cuz I want to" I mumbled looking at my food trying to eat it.

"That or people don't want to sit with you?" he asked again.

"Because I want to" I repeated.

"So you don't mind if I sit here today?" he asked again.

I shrugged," it's okay" I said.

"So uhm, when do you think it'll be convenient for us to meet?" he asked.

" I don't know actually"

" Do you usually have like, stuffs that keeps you busy? like work or something?" he asked.

The only thing that kept me busy was struggling not to die. I laughed sadly in my head.

"No" I answered.

"Okay so how about Tuesdays and Sundays?" he asked.

"That's okay" I answered.

"Your place or mine?" he asked.

"Well, my parents usually come home pretty late Tuesdays and I don't know if they'll be okay with the whole idea without them being around, so maybe your place".

And I was lying, my parents will be so happy if they hear that I brought someone over to the house, in fact they'll even beg us to have a sleepover, and that will be very cringe.

"okay then" he answered

" So, what do you want in return? " he asked.

I stopped eating and looked at him.


"Yeah like, Should I pay you in cash or kinds?" he asked and my dirty mind wandered a little.

"uhhhh, actually I was doing this for Free, just to help" I answered. Besides, what's the use collecting money when you're gonna die very soon, you're not gonna use it in the other world, so no need .

"Oh c'mon you can't be serious, at least something, a little thank you stuff" He insisted.

"Well whatever you want". I answered.

"Okay why are you just pushing all the decision making to me, I mean, you're helping me with something, you're the one to make the rules and all, I should be the one trying to cancel schedules and all."

"Look I don't have any problem with whatever you want, I'm just trying to help" I explained.

"Then thanks a lot Brittney" he said.

It really felt weird hearing my name from someone within the school.

He got up from my table and I noticed he had barely eaten anything.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" he said and turned to leave.

Then he turned back and handed me his iPhone.

I looked at him confused.

"Your number" he explained.

That took me by surprise because I have never given my number to anyone except my parents and doctors.

I looked around and girls were already whispering and I could swear I heard someone saying we were planning a one night stand.

I rolled my eyes and took his phone and inserted my number.

I wasn't liking how I was becoming the center of attention these days.

Can't wait for this to be over soon.

Just immediately, the bell rang and Aaron walked over to his friends and they walked out.

Only God knew what they thought of me as .