
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

"Ding dong" went my door bell.

I got confused because we never had visitors, and my parents wouldn't ring the bell if it were to be them,they would just open it.

I went downstairs and opened the door and met Aaron standing right there in front of the door.

Of course, what was I expecting? who else would know where I live except him.

"You busy right now?" he asked.

Oh so what happened to your manners? what happened to a nice warm good afternoon, huh?

"Uhhh, why asking?" I asked.

"Because I need your help" he said bringing out a huge book from his bag.

"Look I know I fucked up and so yeah out lessons got suspended, but now I need your help, like very much" he continued talking without waiting for me to say anything .

But I didnt even want to say anything.... that or I just didn't know what to say.

"Look I really need your help... for real...I have a literature test on Friday and my mom knows about it, she wants to see the result, I really need to Ace this test, please Brittney" he said with those puppy eyes thing that didn't work on me. Nope, I was lying...it worked on me so bad.

"I'm a science person, why don't you just ask someone that's doing art?" I asked.

"Because none of them has read up to 3000 novels and know each and every one of Williams Shakespeare's sonnet at the back of their head" he replied in an obvious tone.

I grinned a little , "True"

"So please will you just help me with this sonnet thing.

. please" he pleaded.

I exhaled , "I can't come over to your place right now, I didn't tell my parents I was going out" I said.

"So why do you think I'm here?" he asked. u stared at him, trying to understand what he's saying.

Then it hit me.

"Wait, my place? uhhh...I don't know...it's all fancy and comfortable as yours, besides my mom is super overprotective about the couch because it's like very expressive"... I continued blabbing and making up excuses.

"And your room?" he asked cutting me off my very boring tale.

"Uhhhhh...." I turned pink..

"I don't know...uhhh" I said again.

"We can leave the door open if you want" he said chuckling.

Now this time I turned red, like tomato paste red.

Fuck this is so embarrassing..

I sighed, not wanting to elongate this conversation any further.

"Come in and follow me" I said walking into the house.

I refused to look back to see his facial reaction of how my house looked . Yes I know it's nothing compared to your mansion at home.

I led him upstairs and swung my room door open and he walked in.

He was quiet so I could tell he was looking around and taking in the place.

"I know, not as fancy as your place" I said sitting down on my reading table.

"What? are you crazy? it's cute ...I mean most of the girls room I've been to is usually Pink, but Grey? nice pick" he said sitting in front of me.

I smirked , " oh , so what usually takes you to girls room?" I asked.

"Uhhhh, stuffs" replied shrugging.

I rolled my eyes.

We got to our lesson stuff, honestly the hardest part of literature is understanding Williams Shakespeare's sonnet, it was very complicated... plus the olden days grammar and all.

We were done 3 hours after.

His eyes landed on something on my bed.

He walked up and went for it.

It was one of the investigations files.

"Litman medical center?" he asked arching his brow.

I nodded , "Uhm, yeah why?"

"My parents were share holders there before it was closed" he said.

My heart skipped a beat.


"Wh... what?" I stammered.

"They use to talk about the place, my mother is a doctor, so she was a share holder there, my dad was also one of their very committed donors, for some reasons, the place was shut down and I never got to know why, you have this in your possession why?"

I swallowed, holy fuck what is going on? should I tell him? no no I can't.

"Uhm, it's just uhhh...we just suspected they had a hand in my brothers abduction, but they came clean" I lied.

If Aaron's parents are share holders there, they must have known it's a baby factory, and they must have known about my brothers abduction, and if they know about it, they'll know we are the reason the place was shut down. I can't tell him, at least not now.


"Hey Brittney" Aaron said jogging behind me.

"Hey" I replied.

"So I know you don't like parties but, my birthday is on Saturday at my place and you're invited whether you like it or not" he said.

I chuckled a little. " Okay I'll try to come, only because it's your birthday" I said.

"Very good" he replied.

" Wait, we have lessons that day" I said.

He groaned. " Oh c'mon Brittney, it's my birthday,how can I be having fun and then thinking about why Othello killed Desdamonda. please spare me the talk" he said.

I laughed a little.

"Fine, I'll try" I said