
To Kill Or To Love

He has only one wish. Get the antidote from the supposed mate and kill her. What happened when love blossomed between two supposed enemy? ****** In a world of warring werewolf packs, Aurora and Derek find themselves caught in a love that defies all odds. As the children of sworn enemies, their love is forbidden, and their loyalty to their families is constantly tested. When they discover the key to their families' survival lies in each other's hands, they are forced to navigate a dangerous and treacherous world to save the ones they love. Will their love be strong enough to overcome their fathers' feud, or will it be crushed under the weight of centuries of hatred? Find out in this thrilling and captivating werewolf romance novel. Release rate: 2 chapters daily.

K_Thurah_2671 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


The room was damp and steamy, the warmth from the hot water mixed with a pungent scent of herbs and medicinal plants. A group of maids had gathered around a large wooden tub, their faces filled with worry as they looked on at the figure inside. She thrashed about in her restraints, her pale skin flushed red from exertion as she tried to break free. The maiden's long dark hair was soaked in sweat, her eyes wide and wild with fear.

It was clear that something wasn't quite right; she had been infected by the dreaded blue blade disease which caused violent outbursts and aggression towards those near her.

The women worked carefully but quickly, pouring buckets of warm water over the maiden's body and scrubbing at it with a soft cloth. They spoke in hushed tones as they worked, trying to soothe her despite her struggles against their grip. One of the maids ran a wet brush through the girl's hair, gently massaging shampoo into it before rinsing it out. Another one applied a thick paste made from ground herbs onto every inch of exposed skin, rubbing it in until there was no trace left behind.

The smell filled up the room as all eight maids continued to work on this young woman, their hands never stopping for more than a few moments. The girl continued to thrash about in her restraints, but the maids held her down firmly and carefully so she would not hurt herself or them. Her breathing became labored as they worked on her body, washing away all traces of dirt and grime until finally they were done.

The maids released the maiden from her bonds, helping her out of the tub before wrapping a warm towel around her shivering form. They spoke soothing words as they dried off every inch of skin with gentle pats and caresses before dressing the young woman in fresh clothes.

As soon as she was dressed one of the maids stepped forward with a cup filled with herbal tea which they had prepared specially for her.

The maids walked slowly towards Fel's room, their faces filled with worry and sadness. They had managed to bathe and dress the young woman, but now it was time for them to lock her back in her cage because despite her sanity, she still posed a danger to those around her.

Fel begged and pleaded with them not to put her back in the cage, promising that she would be good if they just let her go free.

"Please don't do this! I won't hurt anyone I swear! Let me out of here!" She cried desperately as tears streamed down her face.

One of the maids stepped forward and placed her hands gently on Fel's shoulders. "We know you don't want to be here, my lady, but this is his majesty's order. And this is the only way we can keep everyone safe," she said softly.

The other maids nodded in agreement as they unlocked the door to Fel's cage. She looked around at them with pleading eyes, her bottom lip quivering as she tried to find a way out of this situation. But there was none; reluctantly, Fel stepped inside and allowed them to lock the door behind her once more.

The room echoed with silence as all eight women stood outside the cage looking in at their charge. They had done everything they could for her – bathing her, dressing her, even providing her with a warm cup of herbal tea – but now all they could do was wait and hope that one day the blue blade disease would be cured.

"We will be here for you, my lady. We promise to take care of you until you've finally recovered," one of the maids said as she wiped away a tear from her eye. The others nodded in agreement before turning away and walking out of the room.

Fel watched them go before sinking to the floor with a heavy heart. She knew that no matter how much she begged or pleaded there was nothing anyone could do; she had been cursed by this horrible disease and it seemed like there was no way out…


Carissa's breakfast consisted of a selection of fruits, freshly baked bread, and a bowl of porridge. The porridge was thick and hearty, with chunks of apple and cinnamon mixed in, the smell wafting up to her nose.

Carissa was always well-kept and dressed despite being confined to her cage. Her hair was neatly braided and adorned with a silver hairpin. Her skin was smooth and clear, indicating that she had been bathed recently. She wore a long gown made of rich, dark velvet, with delicate embroidery that traced along the hem and the cuffs of the sleeves. The neckline was high and laced up, and she wore a simple silver necklace with a delicate chain around her neck. Despite being confined to her cage, she still carried herself with the poise and elegance of a queen.

As her breakfast was being served to her, she looked up with piercing eyes and a regal bearing. She reached down and took one of the trays of food that had been passed up to her, examining it closely before taking a small bite. Her expression didn't change, but her eyes seemed to convey a sense of disappointment.

"Is there a problem, Your Majesty?" asked one of the servants who had been assigned to tend to her.

"No, no problem," Carissa replied coolly. "It's just that I had hoped for something a bit more... exotic this morning."

"I apologize, Your Majesty," the servant said, bowing deeply. "I will make sure that your next meal is more to your liking."

Carissa nodded, then turned away to continue her meal.

She picked up a slice of bread, tearing it apart with her fingers. She ate it slowly, savoring the flavor, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn't help but feel like a prisoner in her own home, confined to a cage because of her illness.

She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself, as she did every morning. She knew that her husband, the king, was doing everything in his power to find a cure for them. But the waiting was hard, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was making progress.

Carissa made herself get lost in thought as she imagined a time long ago when she had stood proudly by the side of her husband, the Alpha king. She closed her eyes and let herself drift back to that time.

She saw herself dressed in a magnificent gown of crimson silk, her hair piled high on her head and sparkling jewels adorning her neck and wrists. She heard the cheers of the crowd as she and the king walked down the streets of the capital, waving to their adoring subjects.

"Your Majesty," a voice interrupted Carissa's reverie, and she opened her eyes to see one of the attendants looking at her with concern. "Are you alright?"

Carissa blinked and shook her head, realizing where she was. "Yes, I'm fine," she said, straightening up. "Just lost in thought."

The attendant nodded and turned to go, but Carissa called her back. "Tell me, do you think my husband still loves me?"

The attendant hesitated, not sure how to answer. "Your Majesty, it's not in my place to talk about things like this," she finally said. "But I know he is doing everything in his power to find a cure for your illness."

Carissa sighed and looked down at her hands, which were playing with the cutlery in her hand. "I just wish I could be with him again, like we used to be. I miss standing by his side as his queen. I miss my babies too,"her voice quavered now.

"Everything will be fine, your Majesty," the attendant said softly. "But for now, we must focus on getting you better."

As she resumed eating, the servants stood by, watching her closely. They were there to ensure she didn't become violent, as her disease caused sudden outbursts of rage. It was a sad sight, seeing the once powerful queen reduced to a caged animal.

Carissa finished her breakfast and placed the empty tray back through the opening in the cage. The servants quickly removed it, and she was left alone once again. She sat there in silence, staring out at the world beyond her cage, longing for the day when she would be free. Despite her dissatisfaction with the food, she maintained her composure and grace, as if her current situation was of little consequence to her.

Carissa looked out of the cage and into the distance, trying to see if there was any sign of her husband. She knew that he often came to check on her before starting his day, and she hoped that today would be no different. She could feel her heart racing as she waited, hoping that he would come.