
chapter one

it was morning. Ithica woke and stretched. she got up went into the living room where Rose was playing video games.

"good morning sleepy head." Rose said without looking away from the screen.

Ithica plopped down on the couch "is that what this is? I hate mornings...how can you even play those silly games this early anyway?..."

rose saved her game and turned it off "they are fun that's how." she went over to Ithica and kisses her cheek "you are adorable when your grumpy. and you also didnt have to get up."

Ithica yawned, "well if I didnt you would be late. your mother said she needed you home early today. remember?"

rose nodded "of course I remember. I just wish I knew why."

"well text me later and let me know. I love you my rose bud."

"love you too Ithica " and with that rose left

Ithicas mom comes out of the bed room "good morning sweety. did rose leave already?"

"yeah. she had to go home and talk with her mom about something."

"I see. well I have to do some running around today. would you like to come with me?"

"yeah sure." ithica gets up and goes into her room and gets dressed. then her and her mother leave