
To Grow Stronger In This World

In a world where magic is the ultimate power, a young boy named Kael is born into slavery. After a lifetime of suffering, he dies tragically, only to be reincarnated as a slave once again. But this time, he has a chance to change his fate. Kael discovers that he has a rare gift for magic, and he sets out to hone his skills in secret. With the help of a few allies, he gradually gains the strength and knowledge he needs to escape his life of servitude and claim his rightful place in the world. As Kael grows stronger, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous plot that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of society. With his newfound power, he must navigate a treacherous landscape of politics and betrayal, all while keeping his true identity hidden. This is an epic fantasy adventure full of magic, action, and intrigue. Follow Kael's journey as he fights to overcome oppression, discover his true potential, and forge a new destiny for himself in a world where anything is possible.

WhoAmIAgain · Fantaisie
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To Grow Stronger In This World? - Chapter 1

Do you know what it means to be completely rejected? Not from a person but from the very world itself. To be cast aside as a pond. To have no meaning to carry on. If there was no point, to begin with, why was I brought here? Just to wallow in my self-pity. They all say the gods will have mercy on my soul. You know what? When I die, I'll see for myself the true nature of these so-called "Gods". I know deep in my heart that all of them are just like us. Callous and rotten to the very core, and you know what? I'm not so different. But still, I want a chance. A chance to fight back, to rip their throats out and take everything they care about from their hands. A chance to live any kind of OK life but as we all know, there are no second chances, right, God?

A blood-red mist splits open to reveal a man clad in iron armor with a red cape on his back and white wings stained in blood, standing over a giant as he's holding a giant blade at its neck in a pool of its blood. "I never would have thought that your kind bleeds. But, hey, I suppose we mortals learn something new every day, don't we?" The giant proclaimed to be a god, lies in silence, and its bloodshot eyes remain fixated on the man in armor. Then a voice was heard: "You, a mortal, have destroyed my realm and brought me down to this state, in a futile attempt to earn what? power? glory? or don't tell me you seek to return to your old realm." then suddenly the giant started chuckling, at which point it burst into laughter and the ground started to rumble just from its voice. "But I have already failed; as soon as I perish, this realm shall crumble and my soul will be re-ignited. YOUR ATTEMPTS ARE FUTILE!". The giant opened its mouth during the voice's scream, mimicking the voice's emotion. But the man in armor remained still as if he didn't hear a word it said. Then the man in armor spoke: "All you "gods" really are stupid.". During this sentence, the man then reached into his chest plate with his other arm and revealed a stone that emanated green light from strange carvings on it. As the giant's eyes saw this, the voice screamed, "HOW?! HOW DO YOU HAVE MY SOUL?! HOW DARE A MORTAL H-". As soon as the man tightened his grip on the stone, a crack formed on it. The man then spoke once more. "You know, there was something an old friend said to me."," Making man was the Gods' first mistake." The stone shattered into pieces as the man crushed it in his hand. The voice screamed in agony as the man walked off the giant's body, placing his sword on his back.

The man continued to walk through the rubble as pieces of the sky broke and fell to the ground, revealing behind them stars and space. The man, however, walked forward as if nothing were happening, then sat down on an odd, broken-down stone monument, which seemed to have strange engravings on it. "I guess the portal collapsed as well, huh," the man said as he took off his helmet. His black hair with strands of white and gray covered his eyes with a shadow. The man then shed a tear that dripped down his chin and landed on his iron glove. As the man continued to look down, a blue light emitted from a strange floating window hovering in front of him. The man looked at it with no expression on his face and his eyes still covered, then reached out his hand and pressed his finger against a part of the window. Then a piece of the sky began to fall right above, and as he looked up, he smiled and began to speak for the last time. "I guess I'll have to do it again, but only this time. I'll have to pay back twice what I owe." The man's grin stretched across his face as he reached his hand for the sky. And his eyes glinted as he was crushed in the collapsing realm.

I hope that my first wasn't too bad.

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