
To Continue Living

I completed every task down to its smallest detail. Acted every scenario with no hesitation. Perfected every line and emotion that existed in this character. Yet, Why has the system abandoned me here? Where exactly had I gone wrong? Where is my promised reward?

_G_Sky_ · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Part 05: The Deal

It's been three days since then.

Leon's been counting.

He's been feeling impatient, distressed.

Sometimes he wants to lash out and force the fairy into granting his wish right then and there, but he knows that'll end bad.

So, he controls himself. Like he has done for the last ten years.

But lately, he realizes that his self-control is slowly slipping away. Maybe those ten years of acting have finally taken a toll on him?

It doesn't matter.

He can handle it.

Most times he stares into nothingness, it helps him pass the time. It also calms him down.

Sometimes his body doesn't listen to his brain and he can't help but bite his fingernails and shake his leg.

This act seems to irritate the protagonist, but it doesn't matter.

If it helps him calm down, he'll continue doing it.

Lately, he's noticed that the fairy has been more expressive than usual. Which is a good sign, it means her guard is lowering.

People seem to always feel safe when the protagonist is around.

Leon has also noticed that the protagonist hasn't been sleeping on the same bed as him anymore. Which is an even better sign, it means that he's been sleeping with the fairy instead. So, the protagonist is still doing his job as usual, continuously building his harem despite having a one true love.

Presently, Leon is watching the protagonist and the fairy pick vegetables. They've been harmonious these past few days. Comfortable in their sudden routine of doing chores together.

How boring.


Where's all the drama?! The intensity?! The emotion?!

Why are they living like they're retiring?!

The protagonist can't possibly let his new selection enter his harem so easily!

It was then that Leon had big revelation.

No wonder everything was taking so long!

He was missing an important piece to his plan!

There was no love rival!

No villain!

No cannon fodder to intensify the romance!

It must be time for the loyal best friend to lose his position and act as the new stepping stone!

Leon excitedly stood up and rushed to the peaceful gardening scene.

"Rey!" He shouted with the biggest smile on his face, "The deal is off!"

Rey almost fell from where he was standing.

"The deal is off," Leon repeated.

". . . So I win then-"

"-No, I want Fay,"

Both Rey and Fay widened their eyes. They looked at each other and then back at Leon.

Rey frowned, "Is this a joke?"

"No, I just realized that I'm in love with Fay," Leon declared as he walked towards Fay.

Rey stood in front of him, stopping him in his tracks, "What are you doing?"

Leon smirked confidently, "What else? I'm going to confess my love-"


Rey grabbed him by the shirt, "You can't just wake up and say you're in love Leon!"

"I didn't though,"

Leon gave Rey a troubled look, "These past few days I've been restless and I just realized why. I don't want Fay to fall in love with you, I want her for myself,"

Rey was almost lost for words.

He didn't know what Leon was up to, but he doesn't like it. So, he swung his arm, about to give Leon another slap to the face.

But unexpectedly, Leon stopped him.

For the first time, in what felt like forever, Leon actually fought back. But in these circumstances, Rey wasn't sure if he should feel happy or angry.

"Rey," Leon said with a sudden will in his eyes, "I'm serious,"

Rey hesitated. He didn't know if Leon was faking again.

He continued to eye Leon, trying to find flaws in his expression. When there was nothing, he yanked his arm out of Leon's grip. For now, he'll just simply keep an eye on him.

"The deal," Rey muttered.

"It's off,"

"I still deserve an explanation,"

Leon smirked, "Not telling you, especially not now,"

Rey glared at him, but Leon ignored him and turned towards Fay.

"You may have feelings for Rey, but I'm not going to let that stop me,"

Fay gave him an incredulous look. If this was a new mood that Leon have developed, she was not a fan of it. His emotions are already all over the place, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what he's feeling.

"You should know that Rey can never love you back,"

And immediately, Fay's expression fell. She already knew that, she can feel it. Rey frowned, unhappy at Leon's statement, but did not refute anything.

"I'm different from him though, I can make you happy. Be prepared, cause I'll be fighting for you!"

Leon swiftly turned around and left in a cool manner.

Inwardly, Leon could feel himself shiver in cringe. He doesn't understand how the protagonist can do this all the time. But no matter, this should fasten the process of his plan.

He happily whistled back into the cottage and sat in his chair to observe the scene he just disrupted.

Rey and Fay made eye contact, only to look away uncomfortably. Then Rey ran off, probably to blow off some steam. And Fay glanced up at the window where Leon sat.

Leon smiled and waved at her.

She quickly looked away.

It looks like things were finally awkward between the protagonist and the fairy now. It looks like he was right. He did need to become a stepping stone.

With his epiphany confirmed, Leon was thrilled. Things were finally moving along.

From that day on, at every chance Leon got, he harassed the fairy. Flirting with her day-in and day-out.

It was easy flirting, since he had ten years of practice doing it as Leon already. Leon was such an 'expert' at flirting, he never got any ladies. And till this day, Leon was still a virgin. How unfortunate, he really was there for just the fun and joy.

As predicted, the fairy always replied in silence or disdain, which was wonderful, because then Rey would usually intervene and save the damsel in distress.

Such a supportive friend he is.

Actually, Rey had stopped sleeping in the fairy's quarters as well. Leon didn't know if that was good or bad.

He missed having the bed to himself.

"If you really like Fay, then stop harassing her," Rey stated one day.

Leon ignored him, he was currently busy doing his daily job of making heart eyes to the hardworking fairy. It needed all his concentration.

"Leon," Rey forced Leon to look at him, "Listen to me. As much as I'm glad that you're suddenly alive, you need to stop harassing Fay,"

"Harassing?!" Leon gasped, "this is me showing my love!"

"No it isn't, it's call harassment,"

Leon side-eyed him before grinning into a smirk, "Ooh, I know what you're doing. You're actually in love with Fay, aren't you? So, you're trying to get rid of me!"

Rey furrowed his eyebrows, "No-"

"I thought you could never love anyone else,"


"-I guess I was wrong,"

"Listen to me-"

"-Looks like Evelyn can finally rest in piece-"


"Don't you bring Evelyn into this! She is the one and only person I'll ever love in this lifetime!"


A basket of fruits fell to the ground.

Leon smirked.

It looks like the fairy had just finished picking fruits.

At the door, Fay stood crestfallen. She already knew Rey could never love another like he loved Evelyn, but it still hurt whenever she was faced with this fact.

Rey hesitantly reached out towards Fay, "Fay-"

"-Sorry, I think I forgot something in the garden. I'll be back," and Fay rushed out.

Rey stood in place, head down, face guilty.

Leon had to hold his breath.

This scene was so generic and cliché, it was hard not to laugh.

How could the protagonist fall for this ten thousand times and still be bothered?!

Well, good thing it worked, cause this will move his plan along faster.

And, oh.

He almost forgot.

He needed to act out the next scene.

Leon pushed the protagonist out of the way and ran after the fairy.

It was time for him to comfort her.

Out in the garden, Leon could see her quietly shedding tears.

He rushed to hug her, wiping away tears and whispering words of comfort.

At the window, Rey watched with a complicated expression. He clenched his fist and turned away from the scene.

---Time skip---

Leon counted another two weeks to pass.

The trees have turned colors. The days have gotten colder. And there were no longer any fruits or vegetables to pick.

Leon was quickly reaching his eleventh year in this world.

He can feel himself getting anxious, getting upset.

His nightmare was never-ending.

He was slowly losing parts of himself.

But he kept it under control.

He had too.

He was almost there.

Almost there.

It'll work this time.

He knows it.

It has to.

Leon was sitting in the same spot as he did everyday, watching the fairy with heart eyes. It was an exhausting act, but he must be as believable as he can. Fairies are sensitive. It's a good thing he's got ten years of experience.

Fay was raking leaves when she felt a familiar pair of eyes watching her. She turned around to wave at Leon.

She had gotten closer to Leon, close enough to loosen her guard. That was great, because if she was close to Leon, then she was even closer to Rey.

Leon can already predict it.

Any day now, the fairy will dramatically confess her undying love to the protagonist. She'll even go as far as to tell him her real name, guilt trapping the protagonist. But nonetheless, the protagonist will reject her, like he's done to the rest of his harem, for he only holds one person in his heart.

"Leon," Rey called, distracting Leon from his thoughts, "Do you really like her?"

Leon nodded, smiling with gentle eyes, "I love her,"

Rey glanced away, "Really?"

"What, are you in love with her too?"

Rey sighed, "No, just making sure,"

". . . Ah, I see. You're still suspecting me," Leon chuckled, "Well, I'm sure you already know. Love can change a person, even a person who tried to kill themselves,"

Rey tsked. He already knew that, he lived through it. He just needed to know if Leon was truly okay. If this "love," really brought his friend back.

"Del Amira," Rey muttered.

Leon turned head, finally taking his eyes off Fay, "What?"

"That's Fay's actual name, Del Amira,"

Leon was baffled. He didn't expect the protagonist to disclose her name so suddenly. Leon has already been secretly spying their alone time, waiting for the fairy to slip in her real name, but he didn't expect that the protagonist would just tell him.

Is this . . . the power of friendship?

The trust between ten years?

"Why're you telling me?"

Rey furrowed his eyebrows, "Fairy names are special, they're only given to those they love. Leon, don't use this name rashly,"


So, this is the protagonist's way of tying him down.

Leon scoffed, "I'll get her name myself,"

"Then you better try really hard,"

Outwardly, Leon pouted. Unhappy with the fact that Fay was still in love with Rey. But inwardly, he was ecstatic.

Things were finally moving on!