
To change a fate(TVD)

A man with a dark past reincarnated into a younger version of himself in the town of Mystic Falls, he decides to live his youth once more and stay away from the main plot. Until a manipulative vampire takes an interest in him and decides to bring him into the eye of the hurricane {Author: It's going to have a power system similar to farming, but without all the clowning around in these genres.}

Vicor_Anvitso · TV
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12 Chs


guys, here is a big chapter what did you think of the chapter?


Victor played with a Rubik's Cube as he watched the movement around. He could see Anna talking to Jeremy and Vicki watching them as she worked at a safe distance from the two of them. He might seem paranoid since Victor agreed with Anna that she wouldn't hurt Jeremy, but he would always make sure his friend was okay.

Furthermore, he got tired of waiting and walked over to the two of them at their table at the Grill and pulled out a chair getting a fearful look from Anna and a smile from Jeremy.

"Hey brat, is this your new girlfriend?" He looked Anna up and down as if he didn't know her and held out his hand to Anna "Hello, I'm Victor, his best friend!"

"Yes she is," Jeremy said happily and looked at Anna "Like he said he is Victor my best friend and that is Vicki another best friend"

"It's nice to meet you" Anna smiled shyly and scared that she didn't let it show and squeezed Victor's hand

"The pleasure is all mine" Victor laughed and closed his eyes "I'm counting on you not to hurt my friend"

Anna winced and Jeremy laughed "Hey don't scare her"

"sorry brother" Victor laughed back

The three continued at the table talking and with Anna scared to death while Jeremy just enjoyed the casual conversations he had with Victor without noticing anything.

It was at that moment that Victor looked to the side and saw a group, Elena, Bonnie, and Damon. He growled internally, Vicki clenched her fists, Anna tensed, and Jeremy nodded to his sister.

"Hey Elena" he yelled

"Jeremy... VICTOR... is that it?" Elena asked uncomfortably as she looked at Anna

"I'm Anna, Jeremy's girlfriend" Anna at length stood up and looked into Damon's eyes

Damon chuckled, Elena flinched and Bonnie didn't take her eyes off Victor who was drinking a glass of beer.

"Hey, Bonnie! What have you been doing?" Victor to length

"I've been discovering myself… lately" Bonnie spoke carefully "What about you?"

"I'm great" Victor replied dryly and turned his gaze to Elena "Hey, what happened to your boyfriend?"

The group of three flinched, Elena, bit her lip, Damon looked at him suspiciously and Bonnie looked at Victor a little strangely.

"my brother had to leave" Damon stepped forward and spoke

"Yes Stefan has been busy" Elena replied

Victor laughed internally and licked his lip "Busy, with a beauty like Elena's girlfriend... he must be stuck in some closet" Victor's tone was laughter and a wink to Elena who blushed not knowing how to respond

Damon growled, Bonnie narrowed her eyes and Jeremy touched Victor's shoulder "Hey bro, she got a boyfriend, she's my sister"

"I'm not jealous, after all, Her boyfriend seems to be tied to some closet" Another time Victor scoffed getting up and looking directly into Elena's eyes who took a step back and Damon took a step forward before Anna stood up. in front of him and Jeremy cast a strange look at Victor, however, he smiled at the boy and turned his attention to Elena "be careful with your attitudes, if they start to affect Jeremy, your two boyfriends will have stakes in the heart" He said coldly "and you'll regret that I saved you"

Elena gasped and Damon growled, "What did you say?"

"Damon, let's go" Elena put her hand on Damon's chest with a strange look "Victor, thanks for taking care of Jeremy... Don't worry, I would never hurt my brother"

Damon clicked his tongue and Bonnie tried to open her mouth to speak, but Elena pulled her away.


"Dude what was that" Jeremy asked angrily

"Your sister's boyfriend is involved in some dark stuff" Victor looked at Jeremy and put his hand on the table "Your sister knows, that's why I told her not to get you involved"

Jeremy gasped and hit the table "Is Elena in danger?" He shook his hair and Anna hugged him "calm down, your sister will be fine"

"I don't believe she is" Victor reassured the boy "But don't be sure, just don't get involved"

"She's my sister, tell me what's going on!" Jeremy growled at Victor and grabbed his collar and Anna shivered to put herself in front of Jeremy without him noticing for fear Victor would hurt Jeremy

"Calm down boy" Victor laughed and hugged Jeremy tightly making the boy release his collar "Your sister is fine! Nothing will happen, I assure you"

"He is sure?" Jeremy became less tense "Isn't she going to get hurt?"

"Brother's word" Victor joked letting go of Jeremy and raising his pinky finger and winking at Jeremy

"Brother's word" Jeremy chuckled shyly and laced his pinky around Victor's finger.

Anna looked at the two with surprise, this Victor she didn't know, and looked at Vicki who just shrugged her shoulders at Anna as if nothing much had happened. Anna felt confused, the entire time she had known Victor she had been the image of a cruel monster who had forced her to cooperate with him in exchange for her mother's safety.

But, now in front of her was a compassionate and kind man who made a pinky promise to an innocent boy.

which one was the real Victor?


"Damn he knew everything" Damon kicked a trash can scaring Elena and Bonnie "he was another vampire"

"Wait! Victor, he's not a vampire, I've known him for a long time and my grandmother let him in and out of my house with no problem" Bonnie cut Damon off by telling him the truth.

She knew Victor very well and it was a certainty that he was not a vampire.

"Yeah, just like your ancestor made a deal with me to protect your family" Damon growled at Bonnie "Plus he doesn't even seem to care about you"

"it's not my fault he can't handle his feelings" Bonnie yelled

"He seems to be coping well, I think that girl Vicki is proof of that" Damon replied smiling "hhhAAaaaa" Then he fell to his knees holding his head and veins started popping out of his head

Bonnie glared at him as she concentrated on making the idiot vampire suffer as much as she could.

"Bonnie stop it" Elena yelled and ran to see if Damon was ok "You're hurting him"

Bonnie widened her eyes and hesitated for a second to stop giving pain to Damon who growled

"why you bitch" Damon managed to control himself with the pain and growled at Bonnie who took a step back showing fear, she was going to die

"Damon... it's no use screaming" Elena screamed clinging to Damon "we have to find Stefan, let's not fight ok?" Her watery brown eyes made Damon back away.

She was already at her limit, Stefan was kidnapped by the vampires in the tomb, she had to get Damon and Bonnie to cooperate, and to make matters worse came a lot of revelations that wouldn't get out of her head.

'I'll make you regret that I saved you'

Those words were on her mind, a few words that made Elena shudder, was she saved by Victor? When was that?

"Call Alaric, he and I will take care of it" Damon growled not taking his eyes off Bonnie "And you witch, find out something about this vampire named Victor!"

"He's not a vampire" Bonnie growled back at him.

"Bonnie please" Elena looked at her with a puppy face making Bonnie soften "I'll call Alaric"

Bonnie couldn't handle Elena's puppy face, it was an unfair tactic, she just sighed and agreed to spy on Victor


"Ahhhhhh?" Stefan groaned as he was whipped. He just lowered his head feeling his conscience disappear again.

"Stay awake you shit" A man roared and hit Stefan again who screamed once more

They continued on that for hours with the man torturing Stefan and Stefan cursing himself for being so weak, he was easily overpowered by the tomb vampires and captured, now he was helpless, animal blood was a problem... humanity is one too problem...

No! He shook his head inwardly, he couldn't be that weak, he had to take it. He survived for over 100 years, he would survive this too.

That's when more blows came and he started to lose more and more to the pessimistic part of him that would lead him to the monster called the ripper and with each moment the blows only got worse, he was close to shutting down with the only thing on his mind that kept him human was Kathe-- Elena!


"is here?" Alaric asked looking at the old house

"Yes, I can hear their party" Damon replied beside him.

"Let's go in?" Elena asked

"No, Alaric and I are going in you will be quite outside" Damon spoke firmly to Elena

"No! Stefan is in danger, I won't be left out?" Elena put her hand on her waist as she spoke angrily

"And what are you going to do with vampires, kiss them until they die?" Damon twisted his lips sarcastically, "I'm sure some would love it, but some wouldn't."

"Stop kidding, we have to save Stefan!" Elena quarreled angrily "I've killed a vampire before"

"Elena, Damon is right, they are not the vampires you faced" Alaric replied calmly "They are outnumbered and older, angrier and more serious"

Damon just waved and pointed to the outside of the house"Look, Elena, you also have an important mission, you have to help Stefan escape while we fight" Damon spoke calmly"This is your mission"

Elena bit her lip, not liking being left out, but she nodded knowing that Damon and Alaric's decision wouldn't change. She left letting the two in and just went to the back of the house looking for a way to get in without their help.


"Is there?" Victor asked

"Yes ohh Marta" Anna knelt in front of a dead old woman "she was a good person" She growled showing her vampire face "I've changed my mind, let's kill them all, then I'll talk to my mother"

Anna ran into the house with a furious roar.

"Since when does she run anything?" Victor asked looking at Vicki

"I don't know" Vicki shrugged her shoulders "maybe she thinks that dating Jeremy is part of our group"

"Maybe that's it…" Victor commented and looked away"Vicki deals with some vampires and back off, I'll take care of another matter"

"Okay, take care" Vicki replied and kissed Victor's cheek.

She put on a headdress that covered her entire face and smeared in, faster than Damon, Vicki wasn't a normal vampire, she was a Slayer-vampire hybrid. In addition to being a cultivator, she cultivated a little energy every day.

She was becoming more powerful by the day, already surpassing Damon in requisite speed, despite being much weaker than Victor and Anna.

She would grow stronger than Anna eventually because Victor didn't show or show the art of cultivation to the vampire. Some might think it was just meditation, but it was so much more than that, you needed someone to push you deep inside your mental landscape to find your magical self.

Victor did this to Vicki unconsciously, but now they know how it all works and have control over it, which was good since they wouldn't teach it to strangers.

Vicki entered the first room and already knocked a vampire to the floor and staked him, she didn't stop there and continued attacking the vampires waddling dodging the vampires' blows, and hitting them, she knocked two of them down with a low kick and staking them

Seeing that she had already taken down 5 of them, Vicki smiled and backed off, not before seeing Anna kill 7 vampires with powerful head-splitting blows with a single blow each.

'if she had been serious with me, I would have died'


"Come on Stefan, we're almost there" Elena yelled as she carried a struggling Stefan staggering through the woods.

She was quickly losing her breath and her steps were getting slower, carrying an athletic man like Stefan was difficult, even more so for a fragile girl like Elena.

She was sure Caroline could do it thanks to her super-strong cheerleader legs, but Elena despite her athletic body had at most average physical strength.

"Got you!" A male voice echoed and she was thrown to the ground

Elena looked up trying to get up when she saw a vampire looking annoyed at her and Stefan being held by the neck.

"No, Stefan!" Elena screamed whimpering

"ohh you look like her" The man growled looking at Elena "I'll kill your boyfriend in front of her to make you suffer instead of that bitch"

"No, I'm not here," Elena shook her head in desperation and the man pulled the stake into Stefan's heart as a blur hit him and threw him into a tree.

Elena gasped, thinking it was Damon, then felt safe to run to Stefan to help Salvatore's vampire.

The man gasped from the impact and staggered forward to his feet, ready to scream when he felt a pain in his chest and looked down, only to see a stake through his heart.

"Shit" He turned pale and dropped dead, not before looking into his captor's eyes and seeing bright blue eyes and stuttering "What are you?"

"Someone you shouldn't have pissed off" the voice was that of Victor who disappeared leaving Elena alone

"Damon?" Elena screamed and was startled to see that she only had the dead vampire there and she was alone with Stefan.

"Elena" The screams caught her attention and she sighed as she saw Damon and Alaric arriving

'Who is he?'

She wondered curiously