
To change a fate(TVD)

A man with a dark past reincarnated into a younger version of himself in the town of Mystic Falls, he decides to live his youth once more and stay away from the main plot. Until a manipulative vampire takes an interest in him and decides to bring him into the eye of the hurricane {Author: It's going to have a power system similar to farming, but without all the clowning around in these genres.}

Vicor_Anvitso · TV
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12 Chs


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Mystic Falls

"Go home, I have to do something first" Victor closed the car door wrinkling his nose and smelling something.

Caroline looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Did you smell something?" she asked worriedly

"Nothing you have to worry about, go home," Victor said "If you're not at your house, when I'm done I'll drag you home on my shoulder"

"You can't do that" Caroline crossed her arms "I'm the sheriff's daughter, you're going to be arrested"

"so I'm going to kill all the inmates and I'm going to kill all the cops at the police station then I'm going to kill your family" growled Victor baring his teeth at her "all to make sure my secret doesn't fall into the hands of my non-friends"

"That's not fair" Caroline sniffed punching Victor in the chest "It's not your fault you're careless"

"it's not my fault you're a decoy for perverted vampires" Victor replied rolling his eyes "the flaws of being beautiful, accept"

"Do you think I'm pretty?" she gasped

"Don't you think so?" Victor replied with another question "You're very beautiful, too bad you're not my type"

although in the future it can be a great 2nd option

"What's your type, let me see, brunette, brown eyes, thin lips…" Caroline described Elena Gilbert perfectly with a grimace "I know, all boys prefer that type"

"No, I don't like that type, too submissive for me" Victor laughed winking at her "I'm afraid that in bed, it would only happen to mom and dad, which I despise, I don't leave a pseudo-relationship like that, to enter another one"

"Much what?" she asked surprised and put her hand in good "my god, you're right!"

"Yes, of course, I'm right, she's the type that if I ask for something, she'll do it in the most appropriate way possible" Victor scoffed showing his teeth "That kind of girl doesn't interest me, I like mess and chaos"

"I see, I'm going home" Caroline interrupted Victor "Bye"

She kissed Victor on the cheek and ran towards his house, she opened the door and entered the house.

Victor put his hand on his cheek and shook his head, "What's on this girl's mind?"


Running into the forest, he followed the trail of blood and came to a clearing, which smelled of burning wood over the blood.

"No! Damn Vicki" Victor yelled as he saw Vicki lying in a pool of blood. He ran to her and placed the girl's head in his lap"come on Vicki, react, react" Victor had his handshaking, and his eyes went to a knife thrown on the floor full of blood" who did this?"

He started patting her face to wake her up, but the girl didn't open her eyes "How could this happen, no, it can't be happening, I'll take revenge, I'll kill everyone, AAHHH" Victor's eyes glowed an intense blue as black ink began to take place in the whites of his eyes.

His claws started to grow, and his teeth grew too with his skin turning pale as if he was responding to the intense anger he felt.

Cough cough

The coughs brought him back to reality and he looked down and saw Vicki with wide eyes watering and shaking as he gasped "Vicki? Are you okay?"

Cough, cough

"Victor? Is it a dream? Cough, cough" Vicki coughed with watery eyes" I dreamed that... I was attacked... by Carla and her friends... she got a deformed face... so she told me attacked and I pulled the stake you gave me... she disappeared, and her boyfriend threw a knife... I dreamed I died... a girl... she is Asian... I think... killed Carla's boyfriend and his friends... she took the knife from my neck and put her blood on my wound... it was a dream, wasn't it?"


"Sorry Vicki, I was careless, sorry" Victor hugged Vicki's head as she gasped "I'm glad you're alive" He kissed Vicki's forehead "Let's go home"


"Brat, I'm not going to ask you anything about what happened" Victoria stopped with her eyes closed in front of Victor and sighed "take her to the bathroom and I'll give her a bath" Victoria pointed to her room seeing her grandson with Vicki passed out and bloodied in the arms

"thank you grandma" Victor kissed his grandma's forehead and ran to the room "my little sweetheart, beautiful little Chihuahua puppy" he started kissing grandma's cheek

"Stop it you idiot brat, Chihuahua is your ass you little turd" Victoria made a face and pushed the boy away from her"I can't give you any confidence can't you brat? Go ahead and take the brat to the bathroom and go to your room and don't leave until I tell you"

"brat, Jeremy called you" Victoria spoke indifferently

"Yes!" Victor laughed and carried Vicki to the bathroom and left her in the bathtub and walked out of the bathroom "I'll see him after we get this sorted out"


Later the same day

"Hey Jer, are you ok" Victor climbed through the window of the Gilbert residence and saw the younger Gilbert sitting listlessly in front of a table

"Victor, what are you doing?" Jeremy raised his eyebrow

"I'm visiting a friend!" Victor laughed and pointed to the window "May I come in"

"Sure, let me open it"

Jeremy ran to the window and opened it letting Victor in who jumped into the room with a rubber band dodging Jeremy's desk.

"So what happened?" Victor asked sitting on the bed

"Sarah has disappeared, not even her father knows where she is!" Jeremy swallowed, looking down, "Did I do something wrong to make her hate me?"

"No, you did not!" The growl came out of his mouth "If she doesn't want you another one will! Don't be down!"

"Haha thinks you're a good friend" Jeremy's eyes watered as he crossed his fingers trying to look strong

"Come here" Victor pulled Jeremy into a hug "Cry boy, cry, don't keep it to yourself"

"I... I... I was making plans you know... it was all right... we were about to come out... I was going to take you to see... Jenna" Jeremy cried in Victor's arms"That will pass?"

"It's ok, it's ok, it won't pass, but you will become stronger" Victor's eyes were full of anger, although his words were calm and cozy "it will be ok"

After a few minutes and Jeremy has calmed down

"Do you want to play? Video game" Jeremy asked

"Of course, I'm sure I'll win"

"I doubt it"


Victor waited for Jeremy to sleep after losing all the matches and getting completely annoyed with the losses. He opened the window of Jeremy's house and jumped out. He has already landed on the ground with his eyes glowing and his wolf features showing.

Furthermore, he became a blur passing through the streets and finally reached the forest where he took off his clothes and started to transform, it was 10 seconds faster of his life.

He transformed into the wolf and smeared even faster through the forest, dodging the trees that were now only shaped for him. In less than two seconds, he was near the Salvatore mansion with a growl catching in his throat. he bared his teeth when he saw Damon come out mumbling and prepared to jump on him and tear him apart in a thousand different ways when the other Salvatore came after him with Elena along arguing with the older Salvatore

Victor skidded on the dirt floor and changed paths running in the other direction where he smelled a corpse a little different from Damon's.

Attacking two vampires wasn't a good idea with him alone in wolf form.

Next time, Damon would pay


"I'm going to make the Salvatores pay for messing with Katherine" A man pulled a smoke from a cigarette and growled, on the floor beside him were 2 dead men with their necks ripped "I'm going to-- AAhhh"

That's when he was thrown to the ground and a black wolf fell on top of him and bit his throat and ripped it open.


another day

"What happened?" Vicki opened her eyes startled and looked around only to see that she was lying on a mattress on the floor next to a bed "Where am I?"

"Did you wake up, brat?" a grumpy voice caught her attention "Do you know how much trouble I could have caused my grandson"

Vicki looked up and saw Victor's grandmother looking at her with irritation and the old woman said "My grandson brought you here bloody, you better have a good explanation, before the police show up and take my grandson for some crime he didn't commit"

She had some anger at the police!

"I don't know, but Victor didn't do anything to me!" Vicki declared with complete confidence "It was other people, they drugged me, Victor found me, I think someone saved me and told him"

"tch, I can imagine who it is, I already told this pack not to come near and we" The old woman grumbled and looked at Vicki "Get ready and leave before anyone reports that you've been kidnapped, then tell my grandson that you're well... they're on the bed are some clothes from my late daughter" The old woman twisted her face with a feeling that could not be identified with disgust or sadness

"Yes, thank you" Vicki thanked her and took the clothes, she got dressed and left

"Damn, besides taking my husband to his death, for marrying a non-dog, these dogs, they want to take my grandson too" The old woman sat on the bed with a disgusted face "What, did I do to deserve this? "

"Grandma, I'm here" Victor's voice at the entrance of the house made the old woman sigh and remove her sad face to be replaced by the usual angry face, although now she has a slight smile

"Don't scream, you idiot brat, I'm not deaf" She yelled back getting up from the bed and heading towards the stairs "I'm going to fix something to eat, the brat must be tired"

Caroline sat up on her bed and lay back with a smile, for the first time, even though she wasn't targeted as a girlfriend, the person wasn't targeting Elena over her. Even though she got dumped by someone she didn't even try to date, she didn't get dumped because of Elena

she was so happy