
To Be An Adventurer (Danmachi Fanfic)

A young individual with no knowledge of who he is or where he's from wakes up in the strangest of locations, 30 floors deep in a place known as The Dungeon. Unsure of how to proceed in his new environment, he'll have to adapt quickly or die trying. //4 chapters a day. 2 on Webnovel, 2 on Păţrëøn. Help me pay rent, and I'll finish this quickly without dropping it. My aim is to hit at least $400 before the end of June. Therefore, I'll be working my ass off. Wish me luck Pątrẹøn.com/ShadowDrev Join my discord? https://discord.gg/uQUcWbm _____________________________

Shadow_Drevna · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs

Sunbathing Minus The Sun

//In truth I could have made a few more chapters about their walk up to Rivira but I decided against it. The novel is already gonna be long enough as is. No need to throw more unnecessary fuel on the fire.

So yeah, that's all. Enjoy.

Also, if anyone donates to Pãtrĕøn, any tier, I'll throw in an extra 2 chapters on Webnovel for everyone. This offer stands for one week.

Every day that someone new donates, I'll upload 4 chapters onto Webnovel instead of two.



"It'll take us a day and a half?" Aamon questioned, repeating the information he had just been told.

"Well, maybe around a day now. Why? Tired? Want me to carry you?"


It had been around seven or so hours since the Coalition had first arrived on the 27th floor, since the expedition team had walked into Water City and Aamon had had the unfortunate encounter with his scaly reptilian friend. The band of Familias was just now reaching the beginning of the 25th floor, and in doing so, the white-haired individual had taken the time to ask his ever so energetic Amazon friend how long the journey towards Rivira would take. Normally, he would've patiently awaited their arrival, but he started to wonder just how far the location was after they passed the six hour mark and still found himself traversing the snaking waterways of the 25th floor. He wasn't complaining but rather attempting to shift his own preconceived notions.

Though it was rather hard to convey that with just his tone alone.

"There's no shame in being tired," Tiona said with laugh. "Just gotta push through it."

"You're seriously tired after such a little walk?" Tione asked, giving him a sideways look. "That's kinda pathetic."

"Just.....hang in there," Ais said quietly, most likely cheering him on.....probably.

"I'm not tired!!" Aamon said, making a face. "I just wanted to know when we're getting there. Obviously, I don't know crap about where we're going, idiots."

"You're showing more emotion. That's a good sign."

The white-haired youth wasn't entirely sure when Riveria had moved into their space, having been entirely focused on those in his immediate vicinity, so it came as surprise when she finally spoke up. It was especially daunting since the elven woman had such a commanding presence, her mixture of beauty, elegance, and light green hair naturally seeming to outshine those around her.

"Oh, Riveria." Aamon glanced at her as he continued his pace. "Yeah. Though without my memories, its difficult I guess."

"You're still you even without your memories though."

Aamon didn't actually know enough to argue against her so he merely shrugged, focusing straight ahead.

"I'm just waiting for the moment we finally get to Rivira. I have a few things I need to work out mentally, preferably in a place where something couldn't potentially kill me with a single breath."

"It's gonna be a while until then."

"So I've been told," Aamon responded blandly.

"As long as he doesn't collapse before then," Tiona teased.

"I'm NOT tired!!"


It took 20 hours. Twenty long grueling hours of walking up floor after floor of monster infested passageways to reach the safe point commonly referred to as Rivira.

Aka, Floor 18.

Physically, Aamon was surprisingly fine. Though having no real proof he was an adventurer of any kind, his body seemed more than capable of keeping up with everyone in terms of stamina. At the same time, however, he hadn't had to lift a single finger against the monsters since he woke up on Floor 30 while everyone else worked to keep them at bay.

Mentally, the young man was checked out.

All he had been doing for the last full day was thinking and mulling things over again and again, sifting through his own inner mind like a deck of fresh playing card. While everyone else was comparatively laid back and casually talking amongst themselves, Aamon was scouring the confines of his consciousness in search for memories that may or may not have even been there. When not doing that he was piecing together information he had gathered and had continued to obtain, gazing at the various dungeon layouts for each floor, memorizing names and faces, and a plethora of other tidbits that seemed worth remembering for later use. With no time to fully shut down and relax, Aamon was all set to curl up into a ball and sleep in the nearest corner, to get a full reset before tackling whatever else came his way.

It was so bad that the moment they passed the threshold of the passage, a huge tunnel leading into the floor, Aamon threw himself down, flattening spreadeagle on the lush green grass. He was fully prepared to be an object of ridicule and shame but at that moment, he didn't give a shîţ, closing his neon purple hues.

To his surprise though, he wasn't the only one who did it.

Multiple thuds and sighs of relief filled the air moments after Aamon plopped onto the ground, indicating that some other Factions were just as tired or just as happy to finally have reached a relatively safe environment.

"Hehe, someone looks happy."

The white-haired youth peaked open an eye, and then closed it again.

"Of course not. I'm just sunbathing. Very important."

Tiona grinned. "With no sun?"

"It's the premium deluxe version. All the warmth and none of the burn. Quite the bargain, honestly."


It was Aamons turn to laugh, genuine amusement in his voice. "Ten out of ten. Highly recommend."

A light breeze blew over the white-haired youth as if to further add to what he had just said. Though it was weird that an underground town even had wind to begin with, he didn't question it much as he enjoyed his period of relaxation. For the first time, Aamon truly felt at peace with everything. No complicated thoughts, no snarling monsters, no walking, and certainly no unexpected mishaps that threatened his own wellbeing.

He was no longer in any immediate danger.

Aamon heard some rustling and very light footsteps off to his right and just above his head, followed by a thud. At first, he hadn't a clue as to what it was and didn't particularly care, at least until the person in question let out a sigh.

Smiling to himself, the young man fought back a comment, continuing to rest.

"What are you doing, Tiona?"

Aamon didn't bother to open his eyes, easily distinguishing the voice of the ample bossomed Amazons voice from the rest of those he knew.

"Sunbathing," Tiona replied, causing Aamon to grin, almost laughing.

From the direction of Tiona's voice, the one who had made the rustling noise had indeed been her, the young Amazon having taken position in the grass by Aamons head. From the way it sounded, she had positioned herself in a near mirror image of himself, directly across from him with her head near his own. Truly, the hardest thing Aamon had to do since waking up was fighting the urge to chuckle as the two went back and forth with each other.

"With no sun?" Tione asked, glancing up at the bright ceiling.

"It's the premium deluxe version. Highly recommended."

Aamon didn't even feel bad about it as he let out a genuine laugh, opening his eyes. He hadn't expected Tiona to have such a great sense of humor and-


He hadn't heard a single sound of her approach, even with his heightened senses that hadn't quite dipped back to 'normal' ranges. It was as if she had materialized from the air itself, ignoring the concepts of space and time. Bright blonde hair spilled over her shoulders as the girl glanced down at him from her kneeling position, golden hues fixed onto Aamons youthful visage. She wore a white and black battle cloth, black arm covers, and long blue boots. Her silver armor was carefully organized over this, consisting of a head guard, breastplate, arm guards, hip guards, and knee guards. From an up close look, she had a mysterious aura to her, but that was probably because Aamon was used to her being so silent.

It was the girl from before, the one with the interesting last name. Ais Wallenstein.

"Hello," Ais replied.

"Ummm, what's up?"

".....What're you doing?"

Aamon didn't say anything in reply at first, grinning slightly at the interaction that just happened. After a minute or so, the white-haired youth closed his eyes once again.


"You were tired?" Ais queried, her voice just as soft and curious as ever. It was definitely a challenge to figure out what was going through her head.

"Tired is one way of putting it I guess."

"I thought you said you weren't tired," Tiona chipped in.

"I said that a whole day ago." Aamon immediately opened his eyes and sat up, looking back at the relaxed Amazon. "Obviously things change."

"Finn wants to see you," Ais said, waiting until the two were done talking. "He said.....to come get you."

"Finn needs me?" Aamon's gaze shifted back towards the blonde adventurer. "Did he say what for?"

Ais shook her head, pushing back onto her feet, armor clinking.

Letting out a sigh, Aamon did the same, fully dusting himself off as he pushed himself off the ground. He hadn't been lying there for a very long time, but his body had almost fully relaxed, causing some areas to go to sleep. Like most things though, he simply ignored the feeling and followed after Ais as she led the way to wherever Finn was.

"Are we headed to the town?" Aamon asked, looking around at the place he had wound up in. "To 'Re-vee-rah'?"

"We have a camp," Ais responded. "Rivira is expensive."

(("A town is too expensive?")) Aamon mulled it over in his head. (("Maybe they charge money to stay there? And it's too overpriced."))

The Coalition was quite large from what the white-haired individual could remember, a full party of around 40 or so people. He hadn't done a headcount, but booking a room at an inn or something akin to it would definitely rack up quite a bit of Valis, that worlds currency, especially if it was already pricey for just one person.