
Tired of living, became a snake

Once known as the greatest evil, a woman gets brutally killed. She then spends eons in the abyss and gets mysteriously summoned to another plane. Becoming a snake. What will that evil bastard do, now that she is alive once again? First world- Reincarnated as a slime. (Around 18 000 years before canon.) *Note*- MC is evil. The degree of her malice and evil will get progressively worse. Additional tags: #Fast paced; #Evolution; #Overpowered; #FemaleMC

GlassFrame · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Who's that? Fuck it, let's fight her...

Nadia drags me out of the house and into the streets. The city is in full bloom due to the festival. All sorts of stalls are set up and magic shows are put in place.

The streets are brimming with life.

Nadia happily drags me by the hand and leads me to try out different things. We go around trying different foods and games. As we have endless money to spend, we don't limit ourselves in any way and fully enjoy our time.

As usual the amounts that I eat would shock even your fat mother. Perhaps this is because I'm a big lizard, but my apatite is immense. I love eating delicious food, so gorging myself has become a hobbie.

My lovely companion already knows this, so she offers me food without me even asking.

"Try this." She puts some sort of orb in front of my mouth. Without questioning what it is, I snatch it from her fingers and chew on it. An explosion of sweetness happens in my mouth and my eyes go wide.

"What is this?" I ask. She smiles at me, when she sees I like it.

"Hehe. It's a new kind of sweet they call candy." She tells me and offers me another one. I open my mouth, this time also taking her fingers into my mouth and sliding the candy off them, leaving her fingers covered in my saliva.

She stares at her fingers for a bit, after this unexpected act, but I don't end it there. I grab her hand and pull her close to me. Then I slam my lips over hers and shove the piece of candy, along with my tongue in her mouth.

I pull myself off her just as fast, making it only a quick kiss. She unconciously bites down on the candy, while looking at me with desire. I smirk at her and take her hand, pulling her along with me. Keeping extended eyecontact for a bit.

We continue to go around and enjoy our time in the festival. We hear that there is going to be some play happening, so we head towards that place.

Once we get there, we start to look for seats, but I pause suddenly.

"Hmm?" It's incredibly faint, but I feel traces of demonic magic. Over the years we encountered some demons and I found out that they feel similar to the ones from my last life. Due to this I'm ridiculously good at sniffing them out.

"Go get us seats, I'll be right back." I tell Nadia and start walking. I let my senses guide me, leading me closer to the source.

Soon I identify the source to be a woman in a maids outfit. She's standing near the entrance to this area and seems to be waiting for someone, while trying to supress her annoyance. She has short blue hair and blue eyes and she's an incredible beauty to boot.

"This might be interesting." I mumble and smirk at the prospect.

I walk over to her and go to engage in conversation. She spots me before I walk up to her, making it easier to engage her.

"Hello, I would like to report a crime." I portray a noble bearing, while my eyes are locked on her like a hawk.

She frowns whether due to my words or my eyes. "I can't help you. Disappear." She curtly responds.

"Don't be so prickly. I just found something interesting..." I smirk at her and continue. "I've just found a pretty demon maid in the wilderness after all. I should atleast hit on her. Or hit her. Whichever you'd prefer." My smirk widens.

My words grab her attention and she fully focuses on me. "Who are you?" She asks.

"My name is Artoria." I say and step closer to her. Then I reach out my hand, seemingly trying to touch her.

She grasps my hand before I can touch her and glares at me. "What are you doing?"

I smile at her, while baring my sharp teeth. "What does it look like? I'm picking a fight."

We start exerting strength on each other, with our touching arms. She overpowers me quickly, so I have to use my aura to boost my physical ability. Whilest she's only using her physical strength.

The ground beneath us starts cracking, as the force we exert becomes bigger.

"Tch." The maid clicks her tongue in anger and glares at me ferociously. Seeing that I've pissed her off, I activate a teleportation spell and we disappear from the streets.

We appear in some kind of rocky area, still in the same position. I cock my head slightly and then headbutt the maid, straigth on her nose.

"Ugh." Blood sprays out of her nostrils and she stumbles back. I follow this up with a kick to the gut, smashing through the barrier she set up.

*Boom* She goes flying and crashes into a boulder. I don't follow up on her. Instead I stay at my place and yell out to her.

"Hey demon, let's make a deal." I say.

"What deal? I'll kill you!" She stands up angrily and glares at me. Looks like it's not possible to negotiate.

She conjures up some sort of magic and fires it at me. The destructive force of her spell is huge, completely demolishing our surroundings and setting everything on fire. I blink out of the way of the spell.

"Tch." She seems to have caught that, so she erects an dimensional lock barrier in the area.

I underestimated this demon. Her power seems to be much higher than I first thought. Not only that, her skill in using techniques and how fast she can cast high level spells is incredible. This one is definetly not one to fool around with.

With that thought, I decide to go all out. I activate my unique ability darkness, increasing my power. My pale blue eyes turn blackish purple, with a purple hue and a mark of the same colour appears on my forehead. My emotions are erased, leaving only a chilling cold and an impulse for destruction and death.

My brows twist into a deep frown, as I gaze at the demon with calm. "You ill-bred demon. I am Artoria Pendragon." My voice comes out at a lower pitch and much colder than normal, as I subconsciously mutter some words.

Suddenly I get a vision of a beautiful black sword, with sleek red lines. I feel a pulse within me, as something is trying to awaken...

I quickly shake my head and focus back on the battle. What the hell was that?

I morph my darkness into a big blade along my right arm, then shoot at the maid. She fires spells at me. Each of these spells are strong enough to wipe out small cities.

*Booom* *Boooom* *Boooom*

I use instant movement arts to slide through the gaps of her spells and get close. Once I'm in range, I slice at her. She manages to defend herself with her spells and seperate from me.

We continue this cycle of destruction. With her launching spells at me and staying at a safe distance and me responding with my own spells, while trying to get close.

This high intensity, highly destructive fight goes on for hours. Both of us are attacking ferociously, but neither is making any headway due to our extremely high combat skills.

However soon the fight concludes, as I make a mutally destructive move. I lose the lower half of my body. In exchange I pierce the demons chest and rip out her heart. As I'm not sure if she'll die to this, I also decapitate her and crush her head, with my fist.

I'll soon pass out due to the damage done to me, but I fight to keep myself concious a little longer. I quickly change into my drake form and slam my head to the ground, swallowing the remains of the demon, along with some dirt. Then I use pilfer and turn back into a human.

Once I change into my human form, I instantly pass out.


Once I've lost conciousness, two figures appear beside my bisected body.

"Well it looks like Rain will be taking a nap." One of them speaks.



*A/N- For those who don't know. Rain is dead, but she's not killed off. As a demon, she will simply respawn in the underworld after a period of time.