
Tired of living, became a snake

Once known as the greatest evil, a woman gets brutally killed. She then spends eons in the abyss and gets mysteriously summoned to another plane. Becoming a snake. What will that evil bastard do, now that she is alive once again? First world- Reincarnated as a slime. (Around 18 000 years before canon.) *Note*- MC is evil. The degree of her malice and evil will get progressively worse. Additional tags: #Fast paced; #Evolution; #Overpowered; #FemaleMC

GlassFrame · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

A new housemate

Me and this Jaune demon sit down on a mountain top and rest. From the look of us sitting peacefully together, you would not imagine that we have been throwing lethal attacks at eachother for months.

"I haven't had this much fun in a while." Jaune says.

I take a dress and boots out of my storage and put them on. Then I deactivate my darkness.

"I feel the same." I respond. Feeling a bit despondent, now that I can feel my emotions again.

"So this is what you look like without that murderous aura." Jaune muses as she looks at me.

"I look better than you regardless." I tell her.

"Tch. Just because you have those massive sacks of fat, doesn't mean you look amazing." She refuses to acknowledge my superiour appearance.

"Well you obviously don't know how to appreciate beauty, my blind friend. Anyway Jaune, come with me to the material world." I suddenly tell her, abruptly changing the topic. She looks back at me with raised eyebrows.

"You would invite someone who's been trying to kill you, to come with you, to your plane?" She asks with suprise.

"Yes." I simply state.

"Heehee. I could be persuaded I suppose." She starts acting coy for whatever reason. Then asks. "But why would I? What's better there?"

"It's less boring." I chuckle.

"Is it? Why?" She asks. Not believing me.

"There are tons of different creatures, from all echelons of power. Especially the central world. I've even met a guy who was more powerful than me." I explain.

"Really?" Her eyes go wide as I admit this.

"I'm not joking." I respond sincerely. Causing her to pause and analyze my expression.

"...Fine. I've never been there anyway. I guess making a trip there would be interesting." She responds after a beat.

"Umu. You are wiser than you look." I nod and poke fun at her.

"What?" Her aura changes into a dangerous one and her smile disappears.

"Let's go." I ignore her and stand up.

"Tch." She decides to shelve her complaints like a smart girl.

"You were holding back, weren't you." Before I can teleport us, she hits me with a question.

I turn to look at her and smile murderously, revealing a row of sharp teeth. "I was..." Then I teleport us both to the hellgate.

Once we appear there, we walk out, into the central world. As we pass through the gate, Jaune feels most of her power leaving her. Her remaining strength is but a fraction of what it was just moments before.

"Whoa!" She exclaims due to the feeling.

"Hmm." I use my analytical appraisal on her. "Looks like you lost most of your power when coming into the material world. We'll have to incarnate you as well, otherwise you'll just disappear." I casually say.

"Looks like it." She sighs.

I teleport us to the main continent to look for some humans so that Jaune can incarnate.

"F̶͙͎̑̋͋̋͋͘͠i̵̫͒̃ǹ̴̨͉̗͈̝̠͇̱̝̬͊̀̄́̈́͠d̵̫͆͒ ̷̨̣͕̙͕̰̞̩̞̎̓́̋̊́̎̓h̶̡͓̝̃́̍u̶͔̱̟͖̱͓̪̔͌̒̀͛̂̈́͝m̷̭̺̭͈͍̻̪̖̺̰͗͑̉͆̚͠͝ͅą̷̙̌̈̔͛̅̀́̏̆͆̈́͂n̴͉͚͓̩̑́͌͑̈́͠s̸̛̘̤̹͓̗̮͍̻̟̆̊͂̀̽̌̄͠͠." I use the easiest method I have to locate them and instantly find a group. It looks like there is a village a few kilometers away from us.

"This way." I tell Jaune and fly into the sky.

We fly to the village and land at the edge. It looks like a regular farming village. The villagers are working on the fields.

"Do you have any idea how many bodies you need?" I ask her.

"Hmm..." She doesn't respond.

"So you don't." I simply conclude. She looks at me like I just killed her cat.

"It's not like I've done this before okay!" She complains.

"I was simply asking... Bitch." I say, mumbling the last part.

She ignores me and walks into the village. Then casts some kind of death spell and kills everyone and collects all the bodies in a big pile.

"Hoo? That was an interesting spell." I comment.

"It was, wasn't it." She says, feeling proud. Then she just stares at the pile of bodies.

I sigh and walk away from her, looking to see if I can find somehing interesting in the houses.

But as expected, the village is as poor as dirt. There is nothing interesting.

When I go back to Jaune, I find all the bodies gone.

"You're done?" I ask.

"Mmn." She nods, with a thoughtful expression. "I've incarnated, but it seems there were too few bodies, so I didn't get much of a power boost."

"Shit. Well there are always more humans." I simply state.

"It doesn't work like that." She says.

"Fine then, I'll give you a name." I tell her and assume a thinking position. I stare at her for some time, until I finally think of a decent name.

"Your name will be Carrera." I say.

*A/N- For obvious reasons, I'm keeping her name the same.*

A light shines on her and I lose almost all of my mana. That's one expensive name.

Once the light fades, she opens her eyes and looks at me with a smile. "I like the name. I've also recovered a lot of power. Now I'm a demon peer." She notes.

"Then good." I state. She's still weak compared to me. Nothing like what she was in the demon realm.

"We have to figure out a way to get you to evolve again. I can't spar with you if you're this weak. I do have an idea what to do. But first let's go to my place." I say. Then I teleport us into my house.

We appear in the living room. I look around and see everything still the same. Subconciously I relax, as this place is like my retreat. My home.

I store my clothes in the storage, leaving me naked. Then I take a bottle of wine, throw one to Carrera and sit down on my throne chair. I cross my legs and start drinking the wine straight from the bottle.

Carrera looks at me weirdly. Then makes a face and asks. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

I frown at that question. Where did this come from? "Why do you think that?" I ask, with confusion.

"Then why did you get naked?" She asks.

"Oh! This is what you meant." I realize. "I didn't even notice. Well anyway I'm used to being naked in my house, so deal with it." I tell her and ignore her.

"I'm not complaining, just asking." She says. Then tries the wine.

"Why did we come here?" She asks.

"For the booze... and I also want to take a break. It's tedious to be doing something all the time." I explain. Carrera doesn't answer, just finds a place to sit down and start drinking the wine.

"This is good." She comments.

We simply sit in silence and spend almost an hour drinking wine. Alcohol is normally useless, as we have resistances to poison and ailments. But by manually lowering those resistances, we can get drunk.

Afterwards I show Carrera to her room and give her some clothes. Then I turn in to sleep.


The next day I laze around my house without doing anything. Carrera looks at me lying down and frowns.

"You said you had an Idea to make me more powerful." She states and crosses her arms.

I look at the unexpected source of noise and answer while closing my eyes. "I did. But now I feel like it wouldn't work just yet." I answer cryptically.

"What?" She expresses her unhappiness clearly with her tone.

"As you heard. It wouldn't work. We first have to train you, then we'll try that." I answer.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"Instinct." I simply state.

"Tch." She stays silent, but still has that frown on her face. It seems like this wasn't the only thing she's unsatisfied with. I open my eyes and turn my gaze at her.

"What?" I ask.

"Why the hell are you just lazing around. We were supposes to do things!!" She yells at me.

She's pissing me off, so I activate my darkness. I sit up on the couch and slowly stand up.

"Demon, you're in my house, so you'll respect my words. If not, I'll kill you." I say and direct all of my killing intent on her. She doesn't show it much, but even she balked for a moment.

Then I deactivate my darkness and walk away from her. I throw her a pack of some liquid. She catches it and looks at it confused.

"What's this?"

"Try it." Is all I say.

She puts the straw in her mouth and suck on the liquid without much thought. Frowning as she experiences the taste.

"Is this blood?" She asks.

"Umu. It's human." I nod and smile, then take a similar pack out and start drinking it as well.

After I down the whole pack, I sigh and stand up.

"Alright then, let's start your training." I say...


After that conversation, I started training Carrera to master her new body. I put her through hell, so that she would become stronger as well. It wasn't that hard for the primordial demon, but she did whine a lot. This was fixed by beating the shit out of her. After all demons always listen to the bigger fist.

We spent the night sleeping in my house and the day outside, training. When training Carrera I found something interesting.

It seems that because of there being no magic in my last life, the aura arts were much more evolved. In this world they don't have as wide of a variety.

It's best described like this. They have about 4 genres of music. You can make infinite songs within those 4 genres, but those songs will always have the same patterns. If you compare it to my previous lifes world, then there were around 10 genres.

This obviously means that my understanding of magic is weaker than Carrera for example, but in battle that doesn't really matter. If you have enough, then that's enough. The intricate spells can give you an edge, but I can always handle something with my aura.

Hence we settled with me teaching Carrera about aura and her teaching me about the intricacies of magic.

While training as such, 20 years passed.