
Tintinnabulation to Love & Mystery

Jennifer’s condition was inexplicable due to her exotic demeanor; it was either because of her being fallen a victim to the love of a super natural and then got addicted to it or she was suffering from schizophrenia. Sam, who was an investigating journalist and had always been in the pursuit of interesting stories for his magazine, was appalled when he ran into Jennifer, his unrequited love. Her bizarre condition caused him fall in sheer gloom; he committed to bring her back to normality.

squreshi15 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

The Wedding

Sam was the sole child of his mother as his father, who was a soldier, had been martyred in a battle just one year after Sam's arrival to this world. Sam's mother never remarried. On inquiring about her incomplete life and convincing her to take a life partner, she always argued, "I've bigger fish to fry. Sam takes after his father with his physical features and complexion. He reminds me of my lost husband. The rest of my life is devoted to the well-being and nurturing of my son. I've committed to raising him to be an honorable and successful young man. If I involve myself in a relationship with another guy, he might not undertake Sam as his son solemnly; this might damage my son's physical and mental growth. Sam might get addicted to drugs when he comes to age or might join some mafia; as a result, he'll detest me and will destroy his life. I can't even imagine that!"

Sam's mother made all her endeavors to help Sam study well and complete his graduation. She never forced him into choosing a career. It was Sam's choice to become a journalist and to publish stories of public interest, investigate the causes of crimes, help the law and order forces to bring criminals to book, and make offenders explain their behavior officially. Moving house into the locality of Jennifer, dropped an opportunity into Sam's lap to run into and engage with Jennifer, whom he shortly recognized as his schoolmate.

After securing an affirmative gesture from Jennifer, Sam brought this news to his mother's cognizance. She fell in euphoria to hear that her son, after all, had made up his mind to tie the knot. She was also delighted to have company at home to catch up with a female to share her feelings and thoughts to soothe her mind. She did not want to dig out to learn more about Jennifer. All her ecstasy was surrounded by the thought of his son's wedlock; it was certainly a balm to her heart that her son will have a better half and she will have a daughter-in-law as well. That was enough for her to live on cloud nine, which had been craving for a long. At first, Sam thought to cohabit with Jennifer to test-drive the relationship before getting married. But then he brushed aside the idea; Jennifer needed company, a husband immediately to be with her all the time to dispel the disheveled demon.

Celebrations for the wedding kicked off as both Jennifer and Sam as bride and groom were all set to enter this marital sanctity. For being a covenant with God, the ceremony was decided to be administered in indoors; inside a church. They reached out to a parish and fixed the date.

The day of their wedding arrived shortly. In the church, there were about 60 guests including Julie, Doctor Jerome, and Hammad Syed sitting in the front row with Sam's mother. The couple, in their special wedding garments, found themselves standing in front of the guests in a Catholic Church. The deacon was in his ritual clothing of albs and stoles with a humeral veil.  All eyes were on the couple and on the priest, who was holding the holy book and then began leading the marriage pledges.

"Sam and Jennifer! You've come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly."

"Are you prepared as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live? "

"Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and the Church?

Dr. Jerome, who was sitting with Hammad Syed in the front row noticed that Hammad looked downcast and asked him while the marriage vows were being recited, "You look upset and puzzled? What's wrong?"

"Although the ghoul had been ousted from Jennifer's body with the power of the Holy Book, he did not stop stalking her day and night." Hammad Syed was examining the front part of the kirk. I'm sure his presence in the church has been sensed by all the supernatural in the vicinity as well as the pastor.

"What! Is he here? Did you see him?" Dr. Jerome was baffled.

"Yes… I sensed his presence and spotted him as the dark smoky figure at the front right corner." Hammad Syed curled his low lip inwards.

On the other hand, amid the marriage pledges, exchanges of smiles, and love, and after the pronouncement of the wedding and blessing by the priest, the demon was getting sweaty and shaky and his hazy figure was releasing a large amount of adrenaline.

The ceremony reached its conclusion with prayers, readings, and blessings from the elders as the couple was pronounced man and wife by the priest. Rings, kisses, and roses were exchanged by the newlyweds. Matrimonial snapshots were captured with the elders, family, and friends. Just before the sunset, the ceremony ended; the couple and the attendees exited the church.

The wedding night was fast approaching. It was the first ever and the most ecstatic moment for Sam. On the other hand, Jennifer had been through it yet she was elated with heart and soul at this occasion; maybe it was a turning point in her life; a good or a bad omen, she was not sure. Good omen because everything went well throughout her wedding and a bad omen maybe because her heart had been beating with an unusually strong and fast rhythm. She wanted to put all such bad omens aside to enjoy herself and let her partner and protector enjoy the golden night to the maximum.

"Get close to me as much as you can; even a speck of air won't go through it. You have been my desire since I was in school. I used to dream of you and now my dream has come true." Sam whispered into Jennifer's ear and then took her earlobe between his lips and began tugging it gently, which made her almost swoon."

She controlled herself and whispered back to Sam while he began sinking deep into her kinky eyes, "You saved me from falling into a deep ditch. You're my well-wisher, rescuer, and sweetheart."

"It's better to be happy with a human being than unhappy with a super being!' A belief engrossed in her mind, she then thought, "It's our first night there might be no synchronization. If my rhythm doesn't match with his, it will disturb the flow. But whatever befalls I've to settle to his needs. Then instantly she hopped off the bed and took the bottle of holy water given by the faith healer. She sprinkled the water onto the door and windows and all the corners of her room, fearing that the wound is still open, vengeance is imminent; precaution is indispensable.

Sam wanted all in dim light to make the most of his golden night. He was a starving man and was desperate to eat buffet at one go while Jennifer, being nervous, preferred bright light or wanted to wait for the next night for there was somewhere in a corner of her heart 'the fear of the monster, but she kept mum for a while and then spoke, "Don't feel you have to have it now. I know you're dying for it, but I think doing something short is a good plan. Why not explore to learn more about each other?" Jennifer uttered huskily.

"Lying next to you and trying to fall asleep without having it is torture. I want every inch of you." Sam felt a yearning.

"What's the rush?' I'm your all in all today or tomorrow or every day and night." Jennifer displayed a lecherous smile on her face.

The night passed with all its charismatic fetishes. Nothing unpleasant occurred; it turned out to be the most fulfilling inception of their lives. The morning sun rose with a new beginning for the couple, promising all bliss and fortune, particularly for Jennifer.

But wait…..

"What's there behind the curtain? No… no… there at the entrance… What's this dark color? How come the nasty numbskull is here? Wait lemme sprinkle the water…" Jennifer jumped off her bed to reach the cabinet. "What! Where has the water gone?" I didn't sprinkle all!" Jennifer was flabbergasted holding the empty bottle in her right hand.

"I sense the jinn's presence in the surrounding," Jennifer informed Sam when he exited from the washroom after having the most refreshing shower of his life.

"Did you sprinkle the water on the door, windows, and corners?" Sam inquired.

"Last night I did some and there was about half a bottle filled with the water. But now all water has disappeared." Jennifer winced, aghast at this happening.

"Don't worry! I'll get more from Hammad Syed in the afternoon." Sam reassured her.

"Afternoon is too far. Call him now!" Jennifer got agitated.

"His number is busy. I'll try later." Sam's handset was on his right ear.

"I'm scared. I sense his devilish eyes glaring at me and there is a scowl on his face. He has turned into a formidable foe and now his revenging mood seems intimidating! He's wholly prepared to cause torment on me. I'm in need to be extremely alert all the time… " Jennifer looked depressed.

"Don't be, I'm here with you." Sam consoled her. "I'm trying to contact the faith healer… not picking up…. No idea… may be busy…I'll contact him come what may." Sam reassured her.

"Couldn't you find another person?" Jennifer was desperate.

"Tring… tring… tring…" Sam's phone rang loudly. "Oh! It's Hammad Syed.

"Hi, friend… I've been trying to contact you…" Sam went on breathlessly.

"Everything is alright?" Hammad Syed inquired.

"The devilish devil is not gonna spare us?" Sam's voice quavered.

"That's what I already brought to the notice of Dr. Jerome… I sensed the presence of that devil as an unwelcome lodger amid the wedding in the church." Hammad Syed let him know.

"How to get rid of this menace?" Sam overreacted.

"If you could visit my place this evening, I'd explain." Hammad Syed invited him.

"That's too late! Why not now? Please make it now!" Sam seemed desperate.

"Right now I'm away. I'll reach home within an hour. You can come to my parlor after an hour." Hammad Syed understood the urgency of the matter.

"Ok… thanks… I'll be on my way…see you then … bye."


"What did he say?" Inquired Jennifer.

"Meeting him in an hour…Don't you worry, everything will be O.K.," Sam replied.

"I accompany you?" asked Jennifer interestingly.

"No… you need some rest… I'll be back shortly. " Sam put both his arms around her neck and then began caressing her with love.

Sam reached Hammad's parlor as per the schedule. His parlor was at a distance of half an hour's drive. Hammad Syed received him at the entrance. His parlor was of medium size with wall-to-wall carpeting and a beautiful wood table with a glass top in the center. There were several bolster pillows on the carpet for the guests to recline and relax. Hammad Syed offered a bolster pillow to Sam to rest his arm on it.

"You seem extremely upset?" Hammad Syed reclined on a bolster pillow.

"Yes… I want this demon to spare my wife forever!" Sam sat squarely to show his concern.

"Relax! Don't be panicked. I'm going to perform an exorcism on salt and water then mix them and fill in the medium-sized can. You can collect it by this evening at my parlor. It's for both of you. Every evening before going to bed, add a cup of this holy mixture into your bathing tub or bucket with lukewarm water and start pouring at your neck, shoulders, and head, and then work your way down the length of your whole body. Don't forget to drench your legs and between your toes, fingers, and armpits, making sure no part of your skin is dry. In Sha Allah (if God wills) the demon won't dare to harm you." Hammad Syed solaced him.

"Ok…Great! I understand that we'll be protected with this practice, but that atrocious one will keep shadowing her all the time, right? Anxiety hit Sam.

"See Sam! The demon had been in erotic activities with Jennifer for several years. He has tasted her. He has got a lust for her. He can't forget its flavor. He is utterly and insanely addicted to her. He would never like a day to pass without looking at her countenance; her smile and her curves arouse his desire. He'd always be in pursuit of restoring the relationship of making love with her; maybe in an abusive and aggressive way to breathe vengeance. He would never like to leave her, at any cost." Hammad Syed explained.

"Oh! That's extremely perilous! Could you give the holy mixture now?" Sam demanded earnestly.

"The exorcism is performed after the sunset." Hammad made it clear.

"Ok… I'll be here in the evening then…" Sam stood up and shook hands with him.

Sam left with the hope to get something that would be helpful to keep them protected from the demon's attacks. "However, the ghoul will remain around her to stalk his lost love and lust." This woeful thought troubled his mind deeply.

Jennifer was lying in bed waiting for Sam's arrival desperately. The moment Sam entered the room, Jennifer, displaying a gratified grin on her face, put her arms around him, "I endured your absence in deep patience…every next moment I had the trepidation; here comes the demon to slither into my body to maneuver." Jennifer was in sheer fright.

"Don't worry… I've got this holy mixture; this is to be poured into our buckets of water for both of us to take a bath every morning." Sam showed a congenial smile on his face.

As time passed, they both felt trust develop in their relationship. Days passed in fear of the demon's intervention, but nights in euphoria with both the bodies cuddling, caressing, smooching, nibbling, and lovemaking and their souls in strengthening the trust and affection.