
Timing! the timing couldn't been worse to get teleportet away

Michio was a problematic guy. he used to skip classes play video games and watch anime. But this all change when he got kicked from school. His father was able to arrange a new spot in a new school last minute. This changed Michio completly. At his new school Michio met a girl named Luna wich he totally falls in love with. After a month they confess each others their love. But this relationship is a short one because in the same night Luna and Michio finally come toghether, Michio get's teleportet into another world. Now all by himself Michio try's to find zivilisation and a way back to his old world to reunite with Luna.

MiranSchafuna · Fantaisie
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Luna is the Girl i love

It's september fourth, and for quite some time now my life has been quite different. On a sunny day like this, I would normally be rotting in my room, shutting myself off from the outside world. But here I am outside with my best friend Luna.

Luna is a friend from high school. We transferred to our school around the same time, and by chance we often hung out with each other. That's how we became friends. Luna is about the same age as me. She has beautiful white long hair, golden brown eyes, and a beautiful face. She is very athletic; no wonder, she is in the volleyball club. She also seems very intelligent and disciplined. In other words, I am totally in love with her. Since we are both new at school, we don't have any other friends. Meaning, I spend most of my time with her, and meanwhile, I'm trying to get closer to her, and so far, it's worked out well.

"Michio?" Luna said in a soft voice, looking at me questioningly.

"Hmm, what is it?"

I answered her. To which Luna replied, "Do you have some more time?" Why is she asking me if I have some more time left? Does she want to go somewhere?

"Sure, do you want to go somewhere?"

Luna's face relaxed as if she was really hoping I would say yes. "Great, then let's go to Luigi's."

Oh, I get it now. I was beginning to think she wanted a date, but no, she just wants to go to our favorite ice cream parlor. Oh well, who can blame her? It's September, and it's so warm, you'd think it's July. And so we went to Luigi's. The only thing I could think of the whole time was that I shouldn't get my hopes up too much, because if Luna loved me, she would have told me by now. After all, we've known each other for over a month now, and I've had feelings for her ever since she came to our school. If she had feelings of for me too, I'm sure she would have said it by now. She probably just wants to go to Luigi's with me to build on our friendship or something.

Now we're standing in front of Luigi's, a 10-minute walk that felt like a minute. Is that a good or a bad thing? Anyway, Luna and I go in and get in line. Then when it was our turn, we got the usual: Luna vanilla, me cookie. All of a sudden, Luna grinned at me. "Did you know there are other flavors then Cookie?" I couldn't hide my smile. "That one was good. But you could get something other once in a while than vanilla." Luna laughed to herself, first softly and then loudly. It amazed me. Luna is somehow in a different mood than usual. This is such an overjoyed mood that it almost worries me, but I just stay relaxed and see what happends.

"Come with me, I know a place," Luna said with a bright smile.I had to laugh because she didn't even notice that her ice cream was on melting on her hand . "What's so funny?" asked Luna. I replied, "Your ice cream." Now the completely overstrain Luna somehow tried to save her ice cream, without success.

"My ice cream :C".

I tried to wipe the grin off my face. She seemed genuinely sad about her loss. So I offered her some of my ice cream. She declined. "Whatever, it happends" Luna sighed. "Do you still want to go to that place you just mentioned?" I asked her. All I got back was a nod, and so we left. I also finished my ice cream by now. "We're almost there." A few alleys later and up a small hill up We arrived at a small wooded area on the outskirts of the city. This is what she wanted to show me? We walked a bit through the little forest; it was slowly uphill until we were at the top. Now I understood.

From here you can see over the entire city, and there's even a bench. Luna sat down, I followed. And now we sat there, together, all alone, watching the sunset.

I've never seen anything like this before. "Beautiful, isn't it?" said Luna with a proud, yet nostalgic look. "Yes," I said. "You know, I only show this place to those I care about." Luna told me in a soft voice that almost sounded sad. Wait, does she love me or not? I had almost given up since nothing had happened for a month, but now all of a sudden? Does she love me or does she mean it in a you-are-my-best-friend way? At that moment I didn't know what to think, but I didn't have to because Luna answered my question with,

"I love you, Michio."

Is this a dream? Is this reality? I couldn't believe it. She... loves... me. I don't want to know what face I must have made when she told me that. It's not blameworthy, after all, no one has ever confessed their love to me before. Right now all my thoughts were spinning in circles, but I knew if I hesitated now, I risked losing her. And that was the moment I realized how serious she was. We did look each other in the eye from the beginning, but it was like I was looking right through her. Only now do I realize what's really behind it: she's afraid....? Afraid Of me? No, afraid of being rejected. All this time I have misjudged her. Luna loved me all along, she was just afraid to show it to me. When I realized that, I hugged her and kissed her.

Silence, complete silence. It felt as if the world had stopped, as if the world suddenly revolved around us. When our lips parted again, Luna looked a little bit suprised. I probably scared her a bit with my sudden take over of the initiative. Now she lies in my arms, the sun has now completely set. We remained sitting like that for a while. I felt how her warm and soft body was pressing into mine. I have never felt anything like that before. Then, when it started to get dark, I asked Luna to get up. 'Come on, let's go, it's already getting dark.' 'Just a little longer,' Luna begged me. How could I refuse her? I would have loved to sit there all evening, but tomorrow is school, and I still have to study. There are exams coming up. We stayed like that for about 5 more minutes, then we walked hand in hand to her home.

I've never been to her house before, so I didn't know how far the walk would be. But I also kind of didn't care. The longer the way, the more time I could spend with Luna. After 20 minutes we were at her home. Luna still lives with her parents. They live in a big house. I have not met her parents yet. I wonder if I will meet them now. 'Don't worry, my parents aren't home. If you like, you can come inside with me.' 'What kind of invitation is that,' I thought. Does she want to...? On the very first day of our relationship? Isn't that a bit early? 'If it's okay with your parents if you still have visitors at this hour.' 'No, no problem at all, they're always out anyway, they don't mind.' I wonder if she feels lonely in such a big house all by herself?

When we were past the gate and the front yard, we were standing in front of the door of her house. While Luna was looking for her key, I looked around the area. Her family seems to be earning splendidly. I wonder if they're rich. As if that would matter. If this keeps up, I won't be a virgin anymore! When Luna found her key and we entered the entrance area, it was completely dark.

"How deserted, this house," I accidentally said out loud.

Luna acted like she didn't hear what I just said. Did I say something wrong? Maybe she really feels lonely in this house. "I'll make us some tea. Go on up to my room, last door on the left," she said. She just let me into her room like that, and then alone too? Is it really going to happen?

Am I really going to do it with Luna?

As Luna disappeared into the kitchen, I made my way to her room. "Last door on the left," I muttered to myself, nervously.

As I opened the door to the room, the scent of Luna overwhelmed me, making me inhale and exhale deeply as I entered. I love her smell, so clean and feminine. It would have totally turned me on in the past, but I've changed. I'm not the same as I was 6 months ago. But still, I couldn't resist breathing in her scent. Then when I flipped the light switch and Luna's room was brightend up in an orange yellow light, the first thing I did was look around. I didn't catch sight of anything special, just a normal, Highschool girls room. After looking around, I sat down on her bed and waited. I could hear her downstairs, i could hear the water boiling, her footsteps, and her opening and closing drawers.

I imagined being married to Luna her being in the kitchen cooking something for me while I was in the bedroom recovering from work. A nice thought, I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

Then I heard Luna turn off the lights downstairs and slowly come upstairs. Step by step I heard her approaching, the wooden floor making squeaking noises. Squeak*, squeak*. When Luna entered the room, there was absolute silence. I just sat there and watched her pour the tea into the cup. Afterwards, she handed me one of the cups and sat down next to me. I was too nervous to start a conversation; all I did was stare at my hot cup of tea. Luna immediately noticed my nervousness; after all, I've never been this nervous around her or in a situation like this before. "You're cute, you know." said Luna. I immediately blushed. "Oh, am I?", I replied with a shaky voice. Just a moment ago I was so macho, and now all of a sudden I'm the shy boy who has never talked to a girl before? How pathetic. But Luna doesn't seem to mind. or Is she making fun of me perhaps? Now we sat in Luna's room and sipped our tea in total silence.

"Thank you for the tea, Luna." Luna had also finished her tea and put the cup away. Now we just sat there and said nothing until Luna put her hand on mine. Her hand was soft and warm, it felt good. I moved closer to Luna so that our shoulders were touching.

"You don't have to be afraid, you can't do anything wrong,"

Luna whispered in my ear in a erotic voice. That was my signal. I turned towards Luna and took her in my arms and pushed her onto the bed so that we were lying on top of each other. With my right hand I reached for her thigh to pull her closer to me as we kissed. The kiss developed into a French kiss. I had never experienced a French kiss before, it was surprising, but in that moment of passion I felt like I was ready to conquer the world. As the French kiss progressed something in my pants started to get active. It felt so good, I wish this moment would never end. During the French kiss I held her face with my left hand and with my right hand I stroked her legs. My left hand slowly moved to her breast, then to her belly, under her uniform. I felt her right breast in my hand and started rubbing it. Luna made sweet sounds when I touched her breast. Then my right hand slowly moved up, from her thigh to her hip, and there it went under her skirt. I could feel her panties, it was wet. Luna also reached for my breast and petted me. But then I heard the door open downstairs.

"Luna, someone is downstairs!" "What, my parents are back already!" whispered Luna in a panic. They were supposed to be at a party all night. "Luna!" a female voice called from the stairwell. "We're back!" Panicked, I wondered what to do now. Then Luna pointed to her window, and I didn't hesitate. I climbed out of the window onto the garage, from there onto the street. I could see from below how Luna looked after me and waved quickly, then the window closed. That was a close call. I didn't even want to imagine the impression I would have made if they had spotted me. Once again, I was lucky.


We were so close to doing it, damn it!

Then, when I got home, I got yelled at by my parents for getting home late on a school night. Great, my first time is spoiled, and then I have to justify myself for having a life. That's just not fair! I went sulking to my room. But anyway, I have a girlfriend now. Why should I be sad? Then I got a text message from Luna.

"Sorry about my parents barging in. They were actually invited to a party, but then it was spontaneously canceled. I'm really sorry for messing everything up. Please don't be mad at me. I love you <3."< em>

Yes, Luna was apologizing for something she wasn't responsible for.

"Of course I'm not mad. It wasn't your fault."

"Thank you for understanding. I love you. Good night <3."< em>

"Good night, I love you too. <3"< em>

What a great girlfriend I have. 

It's almost 10:30, I should get to bed. I plugged my phone into the charger and got ready for bed. Then when I was done brushing my teeth, I quickly went to my nice and soft bed. I couldn't wait to see Luna again tomorrow. What will we do tomorrow? Maybe go out for ice cream again? That would be great. And so I fantasized until I peacefully fell asleep.


I felt a cool wind...


It was like a dream, but I couldn't see anything.

I felt a hard floor...

My eyes were still closed.

I turned to the other side hoping that the ground would be softer....


But it remained hard.


I heard birds?

In the city, with shut windows?


Something was not right here. I could no longer keep my eyes closed from shock and curiosity.


Then, when I opened my eyes, I saw grass, earth, bushes and trees.


Too shocked to move. Staring in the direction of the trees, I slowly turned on my back, hoping to see my ceiling.

But all I saw was a blue sky with a few bright clouds.

What's going on here?

I jumped up and looked around. This couldn't be happening.

Where am I?

I was surrounded by trees, I seemed to be in a clearing.

Completely disoriented, I spun in circles, hoping to see a skyscraper in the distance.

there was nothing to see...

I had no choice but to decide on a direction and cross the forest. And so I set off in search of civilization. After about half an hour, I found a paved road in the middle of the forest. I decided to follow the road. After all, I had no other clues, so this seemed like the best option. After several hours with a growling stomach, I reached a small town. The houses looked strange. They didn't look like Japanese houses at all, but more like buildings from old Europe. And the people wore dirty old clothing and armor.


At that moment, I realized what had happened

I was teleported into another world!

I could remember...

In the past, I had often dreamed of being teleported or reincarnated into another world. My life back then was just miserable. I spent all day at home, playing video games or watching anime. I had completely blown off school and given up. I was so dissatisfied with my life that I just wanted to leave. I wanted to leave everything behind. I just couldn't take it anymore i just wanted to disapper.

But then, when I got kicked out of school, my father threatened to kick me out. At first I didn't believe him, but when I came home from shopping at the local grocery store one night, all my stuff was gone.

! A man's computer is his sanctuary!

! You don't just take it away and sell it!

When I saw his angry face as he yelled at me, I saw the disappointment in his eyes. "I'm a failure," I said as I tried to retreat to my room. "You're not a failure," he said. "You may have failed, but it's not too late to change. You'll be transferring to another school in August."

How could he find a place for someone like me?

"But how did you ..."

"I used my contacts and arranged a place for you at the last minute."

"Listen to me now! You're going to prepare yourself for school until August. If you miss this chance too, I'll kick you out. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. be better."

Even though I had given up on school. Even though I had failed and not even tried. He had made the effort to give me a second chance. My dad is truly awesome!

And so I had enough time to prepare for school. I also asked my dad for some money for a gym membership, and he happily agreed. From then on, I went to the gym almost every day to work on myself. I was never really fat, but I still weighed more than I should have. Within a few months, I was looking pretty good. That filled me with confidence, and I kept going.  And when August finally came, school started again, too.




If I'm in a different world, then wouldn't that mean...



Is still in the old world!

Oh no, it can not be. My life is finally going as it should, and it is immediately taken away from me. Am I reported missing? Oh man, she must be worried about me. But doesn't that mean I'll never see her again?


No! I'll find a way to get back to my old world. I want to see Luna again, no matter what I have to do to do it.

I will see her...

See her again.



But now I first have to figure out how to survive in this world.

Noooo Luna!

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