
times have changed

Alicia_Marques · Politique et sciences sociales
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2 Chs

chapter one


Five years ago

I woke up this morning very excited it was mine and Jack's three year anniversary and I got a special surprise for him .I'm pregnant .tonight I planned a very romantic dinner and then I'm going to give him a little box filled with a baby shoe and a baby clothes

It's going to be so cute

We haven't been so much time together. He usually forgets date nights and activities that I plan .he usually is working with his assistant Marie but he then he apologizes and buys me jewellery but he promised me that he will make it on time .I moved in with jack and his family a year into our relationship my parents where skeptical but they agreed to it

It seems weird but since jack had to take over his father's business so he had t staying close but I love his family and they love me .when jack usually skips our dates ,his mom and dad and little brother take me out to dinner and says it's a family date so it's makes it a lot better .

His family already knows I'm pregnant and I know I should have told Jack first but I wanted to surprise him .I started getting ready

(Outfit below)

I grabbed the box and and my phone. There's no messages from jack but I'm sure he wouldn't miss it .he was gone before I woke up this morning but I'm positive he wouldn't forget our

anniversary would he .I went downstairs and saw Jack's mother lily

Hi lily I said when I first met her she said I can call her by her first name .if my mother heard me it wouldn't be good .hi honey you look gorgeous I'm so excited she said. Thank you I'm so nervous but I have to go or I'm going to,be late bye .

I just arrived at the restaurant and Jack's not here yet but I'm sure he will be here in a few minutes .

One hour later

Jack isn't here yet and I think the waitress is starting to get annoyed because I just keep asking for juice .let me just send him a text. I'm sure there's traffic.

Two hours later

He isn't here and he hasn't even responded to my texts .he fucking left me on read .I decided just to order I'm sure he won't mind .I think he just got caught up on work .

Three hours later

He didn't come .he fucking didn't come .he hasn't even responded to my text messages. I waited for three hours and he didn't even show up . What I'm i kidding he never shows up and i put up with it but not anymore and I'm going to start living my life the why I want .

I arrive home and there's lily and Jack's father Ronald

Hi honey how did it go .Was he excited? Lily asked

He didn't show up I said fighting back tears

What do you mean he didn't show up?.Ronald asked

It means I waited three hours at a restaurant on my anniversary waiting to tell my boyfriend that I'm pregnant and he didn't show up and he also didn't answer my messages.

Did you the worst part of tonight is that I really thought he would show up and I made excuses for him .

No but that can't happen because jack called me and said he is going out for dinner and I thought he meant dinner with you" lily said

Can you ask who is he having dinner with ?I asked

I swear if it's with marie I'm going to flip

He said it's with Marie and with some business partners. Lily said

He didn't show up because of a business deal .

I can't take it any longer

Lily and Ronald I'm going to break up with jack "I said

I understand that you must do what's right for you but are you going to tell him about the child " ronald asked

No I'm not and that might be selfish but I can't put my child through the same thing that happened to me .I don't want my child to wonder why their father isn't there and why he always chooses his assistant and work over everything.

I understand but I hope you'll let us see our first grandchild"lily said

Of course you two have been nothing but supportive of me and I appreciate it .I'm going to pack my bags and say goodbye to Aiden then leave .I said

Don't you want to say goodbye to jack first" roland said

No I don't think he deserves my goodbye.

I went upstairs to go pack my clothes and shoes and bags .I don't need jack to be happy anymore. I'm going to take care of my baby by myself. I go to Aiden's room and see him playing video games

Hi buddy I want to tell you something." I said to him

Sure Emma tomorrow do you want to go to the zoo . I asked jack to take me but he said he is busy .

That's what I need to tell you .I'm going to leave and I don't think I'm going to be here for awhile . I said while watching his face turn into a frown

Wait are you dying is that why you won't be here. He asked

No I'm not dying I'm just not going to be here .I need some time apart from your brother but I'll always miss you but if you have problem just go tell your dad and then I'm going to help you in every problem that you have ok I said

Ok I'm going to miss you emma I love you so much .he said while hugging me

I love you to" I said with tears.i stand up and I kiss his head .I go Jack's bedroom and I write a letter and put it on his bed and then switch off his light and work out of the room .

I'm finally going to do things by my terms but I'm going to do it with a little angel

It's just you and me baby

I pat my stomach

Author note

I finally posted my very first chapter. I'm super excited and I really hope you guys like .please vote and comment. I hope you guys like it