
Timeless Power: Bound by Time

A child of an unknown past, a boy with hopes of survival, an assassin with his twisted ways, and a man with untold origins. When their paths cross, the world shakes, when their courses run parallel, the world settles. When the future unravels, the world crumbles. Stride alongside them as they traverse the unknown and their intertwined fates gradually unravel.

void_17 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Birth and End of Life

Chapter 1: Birth and End of Life

Created by- void17

I still remember those days, the good old days. I remember that time, the food, the culture, the people… I may not have been the happiest, but I was content. I remember, I used to be a chef. I used to cook food at "Anavrin," people always complimented me on how much they loved the food, that it reminded them of their childhood, and that it made them feel at home.

Customers were usually good at the restaurant, but there were always those Karens that would come in and shout at the employees that served them food. They would call for the manager, and our dear manager would give them an earful. Even though it was against company policy to disrespect the customer, he would always stand up for us.

I laugh at the idiocy of many people, as it is funny how one can have the audacity to talk down or even threaten those who hold their lives in their hands. I mean, why the fuck would you insult a waitron or a culinarian, when he or she can easily kill you if they wanted to. The most effective way to kill a person at a restaurant would be with poison, but it would not be efficient.

Like, the first suspect would be the waitron serving the ale or the culinarian preparing the food. They would be caught in an instant. I know all this because I am an assassin who works under the king himself. Well, obviously not in the public's eye, but only his personal assassin. I had a sense of loyalty towards his majesty as well as the kingdom. I was so devoted to keeping his majesty and the kingdom safe that I had no friends, no life, no family, no nothing. No one even knew my fucking name. I was a godforsaken orphan who was left to die in front of the church of the royal castle by his parents.

I resented those sons of bitches who brought me to this world, I hate them for both bringing me to this cruel world as well as for leaving me alone here. The church appointed a separate division which was basically an orphanage and took in orphans from the kingdom. A few months into the orphanage, I made a lot of friends who were like family to me at first, but that feeling didn't last long.

Soon, a new priest came to the orphanage with a bill from the main branch of the church. He took a, let's just say 'liking' to the kids (wtf, idk why but it changed to 'liking' and not *****). Everyone called the guy a priest, but he was far from it. Everyday, the man would take one child from the orphanage to 'get to know them better' and do a 'personal meeting' every night. A few months passed by, and it was eventually my turn for him to have his eyes set on me. He requested a 'personal meeting' with me everyday for almost a month, but unlike the other kids, I outright said no to him.

I still remember it, clearer than a bright sunny day, the day when he lost his patience and tried to have a 'not so private or personal meeting.' Coincidentally, it was the day when the king himself was taking rounds around all the branches of the orphanages around the kingdom.

The king left his guards outside the orphanage (the fuck could happen at an orphanage to the guy that governs a whole fucking kingdom) and entered the orphanage and talked to everyone. No one was near the main office as the priest told everyone to not disturb him at his office. The king wanted to meet the priest and was on his way to his office, as no one in the kingdom had the authority or the balls to stop the fucking king. As he slowly approached the door, he could feel something wrong and decided to peek in through the keyhole. I was in the office with the priest thinking he wanted to just talk to me.

But I knew it was not going to be just us talking. In my heart, I wanted to go so I could harm this pathetic excuse of a man. He slowly got up from his seat and went behind me. I felt his breath on my head, and as soon as his finger touched me, I pushed him away.

He started to fight me, and pulled out a knife from his back and attacked me. I saw him coming at me and I thought to myself, "Is this the end? Is this how I die, without having anyone to remember me, without anyone to love me?" I did not die; for some unknown reason, my body reacted on its own, as if it sought a fight, yearning for blood, and the only one who could satisfy my bloodthirst was the priest.

[P.O.V. King]

As I approached the door of the priest's office, I felt uneasy. I could feel the bloodthirst of a million soldiers, or one strong warrior. The closer I came to the office, the heavier it became. Whatever it was, it does not belong here at an orphanage. I peeked through the keyhole of the door and saw a priest holding a knife. Who could he be pointing it at? A priest holding a weapon is serious, what is this?

I adjusted myself in order to see the other side and what I saw cannot be explained in words, it was magnificent, yet terrifying, epic, yet frightening. A 8 or 9 year-old boy is staring at the priest. On the outside, this child looks like an innocent cub who cannot harm anyone. But that gaze, the way he stares at him, looks and feels like a predator glaring at his prey and rendering its prey incapable of countering or even thinking about rebelling.

I watched as this boy with a frail young body stood against a built man like the priest and made this man piss himself. The intensity in the room did not break as the priest ran towards him, and the boy swiftly dodged every single one of the priest's hits.

He hit the priest's arm and as the knife flung in the air, he kicked the priest at an angle which provided a push for him to launch himself in the air and grab the knife. He landed perfectly with the knife next to the priest's neck. I rushed into the room to stop him from harming the priest and to question them about how things escalated and they ended up in this situation.

[P.O.V. Arthur]

As I took the knife from the priest and came down, a person came into the room. This person had silky silver hair and eyes, and was handsome. He did not look old but did not look young either. My body turned its attention back to the priest as soon as I felt him move a finger. This man questioned me and asked me what happened. I ignored all of his questions and went straight for the priest's neck. I only wanted to harm him, but my body wanted to kill this piece of shit. I took control of my body and made a precise cut on his cervic nerve. He fell down, and the cut rendered his body useless as he could not even move and started to bleed slowly.

The death of this pussy was slow and excruciating and deserving, which gave me an unexpected happiness and satisfaction. The man looked at me in surprise, and guards came rushing in as they felt something uneasy. They took the knife from me and put me down. The other children told the man as wella s the guards what the priest did to them and I told him why I killed him. I also got to know that he was the fucking king of this whole. fucking. kingdom. I was starstruck, but my body reacted on its own again and calmed me down. He asked me to come with him, and train under him. I said yes to him without giving it a second thought, because I didn't really give a shit about the other kids in the orphanage as they all only cared about themselves. They told no one about what was happening nor did they help each other or anyone that was getting harassed or raped.

We also found out that the 'priest' was a prisoner who escaped and had been hiding at the church by faking the documents that made him out to be an appointed priest by the head church. I trained under him, and eventually died too. The last thing I remember was that I was on a mission to protect him on his deathbed and then everything went blank.

Wait… Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did I, did I just describe two completely different lives in first person perspective? These might just be some stories that I remember or did I experience these lives? I see, I see a light at the end of this tunnel, a pair of hands coming towards me… oh shit it's too bright. These two hands just picked me up and handed me to this guy. This guy looks dumb but loyal, with brown hair and brown eyes. There's a woman in patient clothes. This man is handing me to her now… oh she has a warm, motherly feeling to her, and she's so beautiful and has blue eyes. Wait, that other guy, he looks like some kind of shaman? Magician? A boot leg doctor? This looks like a baby was just born… WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Thank you so much for reading. This is the first chapter of my first light novel, so if you find any mistakes please bear with me. Show your love and support. Hope you enjoy this light novel!

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