
Timeless Power: Bound by Time

Arthur is a boy with a mysterious and dark past that he himself is unaware of. In his quest to the end, he gets a new chance at life, or so he thought, as he remains oblivious to his previous chances at life. What challenges await him? What decisions should he make? What will the consequences of his actions be? Follow Arthur on his journey to see how everything unfolds and witness how he survives and climbs to the top of this gruesome and cruel world that cares for no one.

void_17 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

A New Beginning

Chapter 2: A New Beginning

Created by- void17

"Aw man, today was crazy. *huff* *huff* I couldn't get any bread today either," I said with a concerned look on my face. "I'll have to pick up the morsels that fall in front of the bakery again." I thought this to myself when I couldn't find anything to take home with me.

I had to provide for my family as my dad died soon after my sister was born, or at least that's what my mother told me and my sister. I would like to remember my mother from before my dad died, those happy memories of her smiling and playing with me. She never was the same after dad's death.

Even though we didn't have a lot, we had enough to live with. We were poor, but at least we were happy. That is what me, my mom, and my dad thought. When my sister was born, everything changed, from the food we ate, to the clothes we wore, from our daily routine to the house we lived in.

I don't hold my sister accountable for anything that happened to us, not at all, but all I recall are the changes she brought to us, the good and the bad. My mom is still alive, but only for name's sake. All she is good at is venting out her frustration on us as well as prostitution. Oh, and the money isn't used to give us a better life, it's only used to buy more booze and perfume for herself. She truly is a bitch.

As the older brother, I am the one who has to take care of our family, and the only true family I have left is my sister. At first, I thought really hard about how my dad died and blamed myself for it, but as I grew up, I understood the real truth behind his "death".

My sister was born when I was around 6 years old, and my dad was gone just in time for my 9th birthday. I was so excited that day, as I wanted a cake and dad told me that he had saved up enough money to buy a dark forest chocolate cake for me. I had never eaten real cake before in my life, because us lower class peasants could only afford cheap fake shit. A week before my birthday, my dad was gone. One day he was there and the next day he wasn't.

My mother told me and my sister that dad died, and I believed her completely and even cried for the next two days. I accepted what she told me at the time, but now I understand everything. Her expression was rather odd. She was sad and had cried her eyes out, but the sadness was different from a person who has just lost a loved one. Rather, it was like when you are left by a person you love because they think of you as a burden they have to carry around.

I came to an understanding- our dad left us because life got difficult due to the addition of another member to our family. This only started as a doubt in my mind, which I didn't want to believe, because I wanted to remember my dad as the man I thought he was. So, I removed that trail of thought from my mind.

My mom started to become distant, confused and abusive. She started drinking cheap alcohol and hit us. As I was older, she couldn't hit me harder, but she beat my sister as she blamed her for dad's "death."

I wanted to protect my sister, so I took any and all jobs I could find, but why would anyone hire a kid who does not have adequate physical capabilities for labour. We struggled to get even a single meal for a day. Any money I got from the rare event of getting work, I saved it up, and any food I received from the garbage bin of the bakery, I gave to my sister.

My mother didn't care about anything as she bought booze and got food from the men that would visit her. I truly hated her for everything. So what if dad died or left us? Did she not feel any responsibility towards her own children? Children she brought to this world, children that she was supposed to take care of? I understood that she didn't feel any emotions towards us, and I was the only one to look after my sister.

With all the anger brewing inside me, I couldn't find any more work because I was so weak and the bakeries found me "stealing" food that they threw out. All the pent up frustration blew up when I saw my dad.

It had been 5 years since my dad's supposed death. Unfortunately, on that day, my suspicions were confirmed when I saw him as a slave working for the prince as part of his pleasure squad. This absolute motherfucking piece of shit was here, enjoying the best life, full of pleasure and sex, while me and my sister were suffering, struggling to get a day's meal. My blood boiled, and I wanted to kill this man. Even though I was tired, all my body wanted was to finish him. I felt a weird sensation to my body, as if I was someone who possessed great power. It was a weird feeling, but I decided to put it to use.

With rage filled in my heart, I forgot about getting food for my sister and followed him. As he saw me, his face turned pale and he gave me a grim look. As he was just a slave, the guards didn't care much and he knew that too; so in order to avoid me, he went into the prince's residence and I followed him. The guards stopped me from going inside, but the new found power took over my body. I sprinted into the residence and the guards attacked me. They did not hold back as I was a mere peasant, but I swiftly went through them both and slit their necks. As I had a small build, I was able to pass through them with ease. I went into the prince's chambers, cutting and slicing everyone I saw in my way. The strongest of the guards gave me a little trouble, but I dealt with him too.

I saw my son of a bitch father with the prince on his bed, and the only thing that crossed my mind was blood, death, and pain. I lept at him and pushed him away from the prince, and kicked him away from the bed. He tried to talk to me, saying how much he loved me, and how he was so sorry for everything that had happened.

Nothing that came out of this man's mouth reached my mind, and all I could think of was to hurt him. He slowly crept towards me, and then launched a kick to my balls, but I evaded it with ease and cut off his toe. He started limping with one foot in his hand, screaming in agony. The louder his screams got, the more it soothed my anger and gave me satisfaction.

He fell down and was rolling around in pain, so I got down on my knees and looked at him, with a big smile on my face. I then proceeded to slice off his other toe, and then the fingers on his hand. He cried even louder, and then came his intestines. I slit his chest, inserted my hand through that hole, and for some reason, I knew exactly where all his organs were. I felt like a trained assassin, as if I was taught the art of killing and torturing.

I pulled out his heart and saw him scream in pain and then slowly die. The prince saw all of this and was shook to the core (I think I traumatized him.) As soon as I killed my father, in came a flurry of guards. I left the residence and ran as fast as I could, but one of the archers shot me with her arrow. It went right through my leg. As the bow slowed me down, what should take a quartret* took me almost the entire night to reach my sister. The only place I considered home was where my sister would be.

As soon as I reached home, I looked for my sister so I could run away with her as the guards would always be behind us as I jeopardized the prince's life (even though he was 8th in line, they do not tolerate disrespect from a peasant like me). It was too quiet, as usually, my sister would come running to me and hug me, but not today. That's when it dawned on me, they were already here, they already found me.

Right then and there, I decided to give myself up and surrender to the guards for creating such a mess. I was mentally prepared for the worst case scenario. We had one living room and a kitchen and toilet attached to the bedroom. Me and my sister lived in the living room as my mother occupied the bedroom alongside her "lovers." I walked into the living room expecting a few soldiers, but the room was filled with them, with barely any space to walk through.

I could have tried using the same power I used before, but I was unaware of my sister's safety and decided to lift both my hands in the air and wait for them to take me into custody. The guard kicked the back of my knee and I fell down on the ground, with the guard's leg on my neck and him applying his whole body weight on me.

They took me into the bedroom, where they had my sister tied up, with blood all over her. I saw my mother's dead body right next to her, and the blood on my sister was not my mother's, but her own. The guards physically abused my sister, and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt so powerless that it became hard to even carry the weight of my eyelids in order to keep my eyes open. The Head Knight angrily shouted, "How dare you, a mere peasant boy, bring such shame to his Majesty the King by threatening the life of the 8th prince. For your grievous and unforgivable transgressions, you must pay the price with death."

I closed my eyes as thoughts flooded my mind as to what would happen to my sister after my death. In the middle of this chaos, I kind of felt relieved that it was me dying and not my sister, and also the fact that this nightmare of a life would come to an end. I smiled and opened my eyes for the last time to say goodbye to my sister, but that's when I saw the big hunk of a knight punch my sister's back and make a hole right through her stomach.

AAAAAHHHHHH!! What the fuck was that dream, or story or whatever. I shit myself because of this… Man, I have to cry to get my mother to change this dirty diaper now.


*A quartret is equal to 15 minutes*

I am hoping to release a new chapter every week, so please extend your love and support. Thanks!

void_17creators' thoughts