
Timeless: Love Lost in the Darkness (BL)

Fifteen years have gone by since the day where one life was sacrificed to save the life of another. Lixin was born into a well-off family with everything he could have needed. The only exceptions were his cold-hearted father and his two-faced stepmother. The only light in his dark and gloomy world was his childhood friend from next door. They were practically stuck to each other like glue. One day, Lixin’s actions caused his world to fall apart. He lost nothing, but at the same time, he lost everything. Author’s Note: Although it does not seem like it, it is a BL story with a decent amount of sweetness. I might change the description/blurb later on. Feel free to leave comments on what I can improve on or need to change! Rather than having an editor, all y’all can be my editor! I’m also taking requests for plots since I am planning on making this a long story. A little about me: Hardcore BL fan! Loves seggsy stuff, but isn’t comfortable with writing about them yet so this might be shounen ai rather than yaoi! This author-nim is pretty busy and broke as poop… Will try to post maybe twice a week if I can stay on track! I'm also a noob writer, so I'll be slowly adjusting my writing! Any artists that want to help out and make me a cover would be greatly appreciated. DM me for how I want my male leads to look hehe. Twitter: @mogul_crimson I’m also gauging interest as of now to see if I want to continue so please give me some positive reinforcement to keep me going!!!

The_Mogul · LGBT+
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9 Chs

General Commander An

Inside Lixin's office…

"Reporting to the commander, we have new intel that the Toxiem group are heading south into the forest. We have troops stationed there." Junfeng reported diligently. "I also let General Commander An know that we have made progress."

"Alright." Lixin was sitting at his desk rubbing his forehead. He's been tracking down this group ever since he rose to the position of Commander of the Terrorist Unit.


That night, he had ran for over an hour looking for someone to save his gege. In the end, he even contemplated going back to look for his gege because he had no reason to go back to that place called home without him. When he tried to find his way back, he had gotten lost.

Lixin used up whatever adrenaline he had left and collapsed in the middle of nowhere.

Perhaps the Goddess of Luck was by his side as he was found by General Commander An and his troops. He had passed out in their training grounds.

When he woke up, he was already back in the military base, which was right outside the forest. Lixin was laying on a medical bed in the infirmary. The cuts he had were all bandaged up. He was hooked up onto an IV. As soon as little Lixin came to his senses, he pulled the needle out and tried to get up. He had to get his gege from the bad guys.

As he was still weak, Lixin immediately collapsed as soon as his feet hit the ground. His body ached all over, and he had a splitting headache.

"Ey! The little one is awake."

Lixin was not aware that he had company in the infirmary. He immediately looked at the direction where the voice came from and tried to stand up, but his body just would not listen. In the bed behind him was a buff, tan soldier who had sprained his ankle. He was there recuperating.

"Don't be cautious, little one. I am not a bad guy." The man with a scar across his face smiled. However, he had overestimated his looks. When he smiled, it distorted his fierce face into something that could cause nightmares.

Lixin immediately bursted into tears. He wanted to pour all his grievances out.

"Gege. Where's gege? [sniff]" Lixin tried to stand up again, his voice cracking as he wept. "Gege is waiting for me to save [sniff] him."

Seeing that the little kid was crying, the soldier began freaking out. "Oh no. Uh… don't cry little fellow."

At that moment, General Commander An walked in with the nurse.

"What the hell did you do, Zihan?" General Commander An walked to the weeping little boy and gently swept him up.

Lixin was stunned by the sudden close proximity. He was set down back on the bed.

"I didn't do anything. The kid freaked out as soon as he woke up." Zihan ruffled his hair.

"You probably scared him with your looks." The nurse who had accompanied General Commander An whacked Zihan across the head.

"Owwww! Is this any way to treat your hubby, Guiying." Zihan tried to hug the woman, but she dodged his arms. "Damn. I married a tsun tsun.*"

"What did you say?" Guiying glared at him.

"Stop showing PDA with my daughter. Guiying, come check on him."

Lixin was trembling. He was scared. He wanted his gege. Tears continued to pour down his face.

Guiying approached Lixin and crouched down to his level. "Oh, don't cry little one. That dumb gorilla over there means no harm." She took out a tissue and gently wiped Lixin's tears and snot. "Can I take care of your hand?"

Lixin wasn't aware, but after he ripped out the IV, he had started bleeding.

"No. I want gege. I promised gege I would go save him." Lixin tried backing away from the nurse as tears gently fell onto the white bedsheets, leaving a stain.

Hearing this, the look on General Commander An and the nurse darkened.

"So there was another one," the Commander whispered. "Guiying, take care of the boy. I have to take care of something." He turned and left the room.

"Don't worry, the General Commander will find your gege. How about you tell me your name?" Guiying gently held the trembling boy.

"Hey, I want hugs, too." Zihan pouted from the next bed.

Guiying released one of her arms and brought it behind her back. She flipped him off with the bird.*

Seeing the couple's antics, Lixin laughed for the first time. The smile brightened the boy's filthy, yet beautiful face.

He whispered, "Lixin."

*Tsun tsun (tsundere): cold, aloof person

*Flipping a birdie: sticking up the middle finger

Ello! Author-nim is working hard on trying to stock up on chapters, but I get distracted easily... Also have the tendency to procrastinate on my other assignments... but on the bright side, new chapter! I might have to invest in a time locking box for my phone. :]

Sorry about the insane amount of flashbacks. Without them, the plot might get confusing.

Speaking of that, if anyone has ideas on names, please comment. My list of names I haven't used is getting smaller and smaller. Sadge :(

The_Mogulcreators' thoughts