
Time Traveler's Alpha

Running for my life, why you maybe asking, well I'm being chased by a gang of thugs and it's all thank's to my father. My father has a really bad gambling problem so we alway's get these guy's coming around. Unfortunately for me I just turned sixteen and because of this and that I'm my father's only child. They are trying to force me to sign a contract with them to help pay back what my father owes them you know mafia don's. Now you know why I'm running I don't want to lose my innocents not like that....Oh I forgot my name is Kyala Crystal but my friend's call me Kya..... I'm an Alpha prince and man is it a pain rules, rules and rules with, so much responsibility behind it. I've just had my seventeenth birthday and that's when we were's find their other half, so my parent's had a grand party for me, so I might find my other half. Though and my pack and parent's were so upset that none of the female's were the one which leads me to now. I'm setting in my office going throw all this danm paper work, oh and the name's Dyamian Silver but those who are in my circle xall me Dy.

Abigail_Zerby · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Alpha Prince

I walked up the long staircase and down through this overly long hall to get to Dy's office I knocked three times then waited for his reply. I heard a come in and turned the door handle walking in.

What do you have to report Beta?

I found a female rouge in the forest alpha. And? I placed her in the smallest cell in the dungeons she happened to pass out on my way back to the village alpha.

Did you call one of the medical team to have a look at her then? No alpha, I was waiting for your further instructions on how you would like to proceed with the rouge. Oh well Zarin you're to be my beta now aren't you, so answer this for me; what do you think I would definitely make sure to do based on what you just told me? Uh well, alpha I would send one of the field medic's down with guards, and then report back to you about when you should make your appearance when she's awake enough to answer questions?.

Okay then, ....THEN GO DO IT!!

Yes, Alpha!


Man I swear that guy has way to many nervous ticks, but his my second in command even with the nervous habit his the strongest one over my gemma Tyviz. I had them dull it out to see which one would be beta and gemma well Tyviz didn't stand a chance, and no one thought Zarin would be beta because of his nervous habit. Well that was about two years ago and I still have to put up with his over cautious behaviors, he thinks I'll get super mad if he goes and does what he knows I'll tell him to do anyways.

Other than that his a really good guy but I think once he finds his other half he'll get better or maybe not.