one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
The next day morning all the three of them has het down to have breakfast . They sat in the table as such Arthur beside Robert and Suzy facing both of them . Suzy said I got to know who killed Lilly so I decided to go back weather you people coming or not is upto you people. She also said Arthur I don't think you will be able to come back since you have to trace down your brother . Arthur and Robert were shocked what are you speaking how do you know who killed Lilly. Arthur is that Hyena who killed Lilly . Suzy replied Hyena I think you will get to here this name more often you are here.
Robert asked then who the hell killed Lilly. How did you get know . Tell me one thing your whole purpose of coming to this country was not to investigate Lilly's murder but actually to collect evidences am I right . Suzy replied pretty intelligent . Arthur said so you collected the evidences. Suzy replied yes sorry for intrepting your plan I know you came here because you were curious about me . Arthur replied that was not only complete reason . I also came for my brother to. Robert intruppted and spoke so you both people know who actually killed Lilly and I am the only one who didn't know it .
Robert asked now tell me who killed Lilly you will know it soon . when the guest comes here . The model started walking into the the place and sat beside Suzy. Robert looked at her and asked them is she the guest you are talking about . Suzy said yes she is that bitch we are addressing as guest . The model said you can't talk to me like that I just followed his brother's instructions. But the news which you have mailed last night made me shock . The model said is that true in a shivering voice . Arthur replied yes it is true my brother have multi personality disorder only I know about it . Since child hood his disorder was only permitted to animals so I thought it would be safe if he was given a councilling . But until when I know that you and him are in love I started doubting . Model said now I can understand why he some times behave so weirdly . Robert was in shock . Arthur said that it is the reason why thought to meet you so that you can keep safe from him. The model asked then why did your brother try to plot you . He said my brothers another personality is my enemy . He feel that I am his enemy. Robert asked then who killed Lilly answer my question. Suzy was about to answer at the same time many thugs barged into the hotel . so everyone kept looking at them they started to fight in the meanwhile they gave a anesthetic to Suzy and abducted her . Arthur and Robert tried to chase them bit they couldn't because they were obstructed by fighting .