
Time Stuck

It's not the first day on Earth. It's not a time loop. It is a strange day where there is no one in the world except me and him. We can't stand each other's thoughts. While I am modern, his thoughts are still of the past. I don't even like him. I think he too. I'm determined to live this dream alone to the fullest. I won't meet him nor talk to him after all, he took away my title. It's not the first day on Earth. It's not a time loop. It is a strange day where there is no one in the world except me and her. We can't stand each other's thoughts. She's the kind of woman who believes a woman and a man are equal. I can't even breathe around people like them. I don't like her. I'm going to look for my family and will avoid her at any cost. I must find out where everyone went to.

The_girlwiththeink · Politique et sciences sociales
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4 Chs


It is seen on the calendar, 1st December 2023.

The alarm beep woke her, Salma. She looked at her spacious white colored bedroom and the silent environment notified her something was off. It definitely was. She would begin her morning with the voice of the town crier promoting his products and the thrills of cars rushing in the street. Today, there was none. It was suspiciously quiet.

However, she paid no attention to it. It was an important day for her and her company. The day she impatiently waited for to finally create a friendship between her company and her rival's tagged as "The Pure.". A company she despised with all her soul, as it was her only competition in the market. She attempted and risked all her wealth to wipe out its existence, but all efforts went to waste. The company was unshakable. It was shielded by a rude, uncivilized and undoubtedly clever person. The first time she met the owner was at an art gallery, where both their paintings were the center of attraction. That was the day The Pure company became her competition. Their painting, although, she would not lie, was extraordinary and absolutely intriguing stood side by side with her million dollar portrait of the moon. Their company rose to fame after that gallery exhibition. As a professional businesswoman, she went to extend her hand of friendship to the owner. The first impression she would never forget, the owner sported, was unruly. He was someone who didn't deserve fame. A completely traditional man with orthodox thoughts in the 21st century. He said he didn't expect to see a woman sitting on the chair of the best-selling paintings company in the country, and also swore he would restore order by dominating over. He was a man of his word as after the art exhibition, he kept rising and rising. Furthermore, he didn't stop even after reaching the number one. He wanted to take her name out of the first five best painting companies. She would meet him again and see. She believed something good would come out of the meeting, as he accepted her invitation after rejecting it twenty times.

After she got dressed, she left her home. She was driving on an empty highway. Time to time, she drove by unmoving cars. She failed to notice none of the businesses were open today. At last, she reached her company. She honked and honked at the gate, expecting the gate man to open it, but was opened by the new title owner of the best painting company in the country.

She stepped out while wearing one of the fakest smiles and telling him she wasn't expecting him to arrive so early.

"I'm glad you're still alive." He said.

Her brows were mentally raised briefly as she passed a remark in her head that he may have gone nuts.

"Welcome to my company. You're here for the first...."

"Forget the company. Something is wrong with everyone."

"I know. The gate man didn't open the gate and..."

"Not that. Everyone has disappeared."

She chuckled while asking him what was wrong with him.

"It's weird. Everything is weird today." He strode away.

Salma turned and watched him leave before she drove her car into the company's parking lot. She planned to caution the gate man about his first mistake because if he tried it again, it would be his last. When she went into the room he stays in, she found it empty. She reached inside the company after unlocking it with her spare key. She saw no one. The man's words rang in her head once, but she quickly discarded them. There was no way people would disappear unless she was in a dream. There was a famous café down the street that never remained empty. They made the best latte coffee in the city. She went there to check so that the voice in her head would be silenced. When she saw no one, except the owner of The Pure, who told her he didn't make baseless claims, she screamed and jumped up and down with joy.

While all along, he stared at her as she behaved like a five-year-old girl who was celebrating after being offered candy.

She was happy at last, she was relieved from the annoying voices of people she endured, especially that town crier that walked in her street every morning. She concluded she was in a dream and vowed to live it to the fullest. She wouldn't have to go to work anymore to find funds to survive, since money doesn't exist in dreams. It would only be her and social media.

Adam-owner or CEO of The Pure company ruined her happiness after he informed her there was no network in all the sim cards.

"I'm very bothered about my family. I hope they're safe. This is a nightmare." he expressed with profound concern, his mind diverting from the present.

"It sure is a nightmare since instead of getting stuck with any other person, it had to be with you. Don't be surprised. It is a dream. I can express my thoughts freely."

Had it been any normal day, he wouldn't even speak with a lady that wasn't his family, but today was not normal. She was the only one available, so he asked for an elaboration.

"You ruined my business." She exclaimed.

"Why did you invite me to your company?" He asked.

"To develop an understanding. A professional understanding that is not from my heart. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dream to live." She did the hair flip that glided down his face. The fragrance of rose water he inhaled filled his nostrils, which lullabied his eyes to close for a minute.