A peculiar teen dies after being hit by Truck-kun. As the beaming lights flash into her eyes and the immense force tore apart her body, she finds herself motionless drifting off in a seemingly endless void until one day a light shone down upon her and she woke up in the body of a child. ( I do not own My Hero Academia/MHA, or the cover photo used for the novel.)
Before Mina and I could move to our designated building and weapon we have to defend, we had to enter the observation area and go over some standard rules and regulations regarding the scenario.
As All Might was going into greater detail with the scenario's win conditions and regaling the class with tales of his past that could relate to it, I was busy remembering where the cameras were located.
Leaning over to Mina, who was idly watching me study the screens, I asked,
"Mina. Do you want to fight them head-on or play around with them?"
She perked up at my question before answering in a contemplative tone,
"Well, I doubt they could land a big hit on me unless Kirishima or Sato are packing some bleach-filled water pistols, and I don't think they ever stood a chance at hitting you."
"Yeah, we are probably the worst matchup for duo brawlers like them. So, you lookin' to have some fun with them?"
"Villain's are meant to have some fun, right~?"
As we both had sadistic smirks plastered on our faces, Kirishima and Sato felt a chill run down their spine. They had no idea what home-alone-style trap house they were about to walk into.
I saw Momo looking over at me with hope present in her eyes. I instantly knew why. She was paired up with the diaper-wearing grape himself.
Sure, he didn't make any flirtatious comments to either Momo or me as we were both taken, but his lustful gazes weren't exactly any better.
I pat Mina on the shoulder before making my way over to Momo. Mina already knew the situation and was sending pitying gazes towards her raven-haired friend. Nobody deserves such a terrible fate.
Sitting down next to Momo, I wrapped my arm around her waist before pulling her into a side hug. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before doing the same to Eri, who was in her lap.
My hand may or may not have slid down to her ass and grabbed it, making her jump a little, but who could fault me? Nobody.
"When I first saw you in that, I was wondering if you were trying to seduce me. Well, it's certainly working; you look so fucking hot babe. I expect you to take responsibility for your actions, dear~." I whispered into her ear.
'That should help distract her from Mineta's gaze for the rest of the day.'
Seeing the look on her face, I knew that she would be too distracted, and I had to reel her back into reality real quick. I whispered once more,
"I'll tell you what, babe. If you win your match and get the MVP award, I'll do anything~ that you want to do tonight."
Her previously lust-filled eyes were soon replaced with a fiery determination to win. I felt a tad bad for whoever her opponents were, as she could easily just cripple them both with sniper shots and win that way.
Seeing that she had her head back in the game, I made my way to leave. Not before I stole a big sip from Eri's smoothie, much to her adorable pouting and huffing. When All Might finished up his long tirade about a hostage scenario on Mt. Fuji, I walked out the door with Mina.
"Wooo! Let's put on a show Mina!"
"C'mon, Saku-chan, let's show these losers how performers do things!"
We shared a high-five just before leaving everyone's sight, leaving behind a few awestruck people at our combined confidence.
Even Kirishima, our opponent, shouted out "How manly!" upon seeing the sight.
When we got to our destination, I stopped time as Mina, and I discussed what was needed to start this combat training off with a bang.
(3rd POV)
As the four students left the room, people began preparing themselves for the upcoming battle. In the majority of their eyes, it was guaranteed to be a spectacle.
It wasn't going to be every day that they could see the top student, physically wise, for their class in action. It would be a learning experience for most involved, hoping to gain an insight into how the top dog operates.
The only person that wasn't looking forward to this battle was Sakuya's wife.
She has spent enough time around her to know exactly what that smirk on her face meant; a lot of nonsense was going to happen, and it would be complete chaos for the sake of her wife's sadistic pleasure.
Granted, Momo's mind was also focused on other things that helped her be indifferent to the battle at hand, such as her wife's earlier promise.
Her thoughts were just a complete mess right now.
"Okay, villain team! You have five minutes of prep time starting now!" All Might said into his All Mic.
Yes, it was a branded microphone from a previous collaboration with Present Mic to help promote Mic's radio show.
Everyone who heard this immediately locked onto the screens only to see…
All of the cameras that displayed the villain's base were all turned off. The only cameras that were working were the drones that had an overhead view of the area.
"Oi, what happened to all of the shitty cameras?!" Bakugou fumed.
"Are they broken?" Uraraka questioned with a finger on her chin.
"This is probably intentional from the villain team. They said they wanted to give us a show. Going by that logic, everything would be spoiled if we saw their entire operation at once. I can only assume that they would repair the cameras when necessary." Melissa openly said.
Everyone seemed to accept that line of reasoning, even more so when they looked to Momo for confirmation, and she nodded.
All Might decided to question the villain team to see if that was indeed the case. Upon receiving an answer, he turned back to the students,
"Well done, it seems that young Melissa was indeed correct! The villain team has informed me that they will repair the cameras in each area when the heroes reach there."
"So I don't get to see Mina's juicy curves until they reach her?! The heroes better win this quickly!" a certain grape shouted out.
The looks he was getting from everyone in that room would have made anyone want to crawl into a hole and die out of shame, but not him. Mineta was too busy crying out in anguish at all of the girls' screentime being cut to notice.
You'd think that Mineta was the next holder of AFO if you saw how All Might was looking at him; a sheer primal disgust was present in his gaze. It was as if he was trying to United States of Smash him into the steel flooring with his gaze alone.
The only child in the room was confused by the grape child's outburst and decided to ask the only person she knew about it in the room currently, her mommy.
"Mommy, what does the grape child mean by 'juicy curves'? Is aunty Mina food?"
Momo was brought out of her inner fantasies by Eri's question. To say she was disturbed was saying the least. She was mortified as the words left her innocent child's mouth; everyone else present fared no better. She, thankfully, managed to keep a calm facade on her face as she answered,
"No, Sweetie. Your aunty Mina isn't food, nor will she ever be. The grape child is just speaking nonsense, and if he doesn't stop, me and Sakuya will be making some freshly pressed wine tonight."
Seemingly accepting Momo's reasoning, she went back to sipping her infinite smoothie after giving a nod of acknowledgment. Everyone let out a sigh of relief seeing the little girl dropping the subject.
'Calm down, Momo, think happy thoughts. Sakuya in a maid costume, Sakuya naked, Sakuya naked in an apron, Nurse/Doctor Sakuya, Sakuya in a suit.' Momo calmed herself mentally, with some rather explicit images, before turning to the screens once more.
(Battle training ground area)
The devilsome duo had just finished completing their adjustments for the office building where the battle would take place.
Well, no battle would take place for them. The only fight that would occur is for the hero team and their battle to keep their pride and sanity intact.
Various traps were scattered throughout the building; whether it be pitfalls or flash grenades, the hero team was not in for a fun or productive time. The bomb wasn't even located in the same building it was first placed in.
The devilsome duo were perched upon a rooftop opposite the building they were meant to be in with a signal receiver in hand. They weren't going to put on a show and not enjoy it after all.
The first floor was coated in a thick opaque acid, courtesy of the pink devil, covering various pitfalls that would be close to impossible for the brawlers to get out due to the walls of said pitfalls being covered in a slimy liquid.
The opaqueness of the acid covered the traps perfectly, allowing them to be more effective in their desired duties. The acidic layer may also be a little... shocking, courtesy of clone Sakuya's gloved hand electrocuting it.
It wasn't meant to kill them or cause permanent damage. It was only to mess with their muscles.
The stairway to the second floor was completely erased and replaced with a ramp, which, as you guessed it, was covered in a slippery substance. The only difference was that there were flashbangs frozen in time hanging above the ramp, which would periodically be set off at Sakuya's discretion.
When, and if, they make it to the second floor, they will be greeted with a maze. The maze was made from Mina's acid that was frozen in time, causing it to harden into walls. There were no traps on this floor apart from a singular pitfall at the end of the maze that would drop them at the building entrance via an acidic slime slide.
The third floor had nothing on it. Literally, there was nothing in it, not even the floor. They had to cling to the walls and the various footholds the devil duo made. All they have to do is keep their grip firm and make it to the staircase on the other side of the room.
The fourth floor, the original location of the bomb, has no bomb on it. It was empty apart from a single message in acid that read, 'You lost'.
It will be anticlimactic, it will be cruel, and it will have made their entire trip through the building pointless.
It was exactly what the troublesome twosome planned for and what they were looking forward to watching. They were currently waiting on the rooftop for the match to start so they could enjoy the fruits of their labor.
"Mina, do you think we're bad people?" Sakuya asked.
"We are meant to be villains, so if we weren't bad people, we wouldn't be doing our job."
"True, we have ten seconds left until the show starts," she reached down and grabbed a bag before asking, "do you want some popcorn?"
"Thanks, but I'm okay for now."
"Alright, don't hesitate to grab some if you want. Now..."
""Let's get this show on the road!""
As they both declared the start of the exercise, Sakuya repaired the first floor cameras giving the observation room occupants a view inside the building.
(Observation area)
When the cameras came back on and the video feed started up again, the students in the viewing area were shocked by what they were seeing. All Might's commentary about all of the various room features didn't help them out.
"Isn't this too much?"
"This scene doesn't shine. It's simply dreadful."
"Are they going to make it out of this alive?"
"They're gonna die!"
A few other student's shared similar concerns for their fellow classmates but ultimately remained silent. All Might decided to try and calm them down,
"Now, now. Young Izayoi knows what she's doing and wouldn't wish to cause any permanent harm. She is a licensed doctor, after all. If she did miscalculate, she is more than qualified to heal young Sato and young Kirishima."
"She's a doctor? Do I have to call her Dr. Izayoi now?" Kaminari asked the nearby Jiro.
"No, no, you don't. As long as you don't insult her, she probably doesn't care what you call her," she replied, shaking her head.
"Ah, thanks."
Unseen by everyone, a certain invisible girl walked over to Momo and sat beside her before asking,
"Yaomomo! Did you know that Sakuya was a doctor? Why didn't you tell me?"
After being startled at the sudden voice next to her, she replied,
"Of course I knew. I would be a pretty bad wife if I didn't know that she was a doctor. As for why I didn't tell you? It wasn't my thing to tell."
Momo could only assume that Hagakure was looking rather embarrassed about assuming that she might not have known due to her body language. She decided to press on with a different question,
"Why did you want to know if Sakuya was a doctor or not? Are you ill and need treatment and/or a diagnosis?"
Hagakure waved her hands around before speaking,
"No, no, no. I'm completely fine. I was just surprised about how smart she is. Maybe she could help me be visible again..."
She trailed off into a whisper near the end, but with Momo's enhanced senses, she heard it clear as day. However, instead of following up on Hagakure's worries, she kept quiet about it. Deciding to tell Sakuya in secret about their classmate's worries at a later date.
(Battle training ground)
As soon as the bell rang, signaling it was time for the hero team to move in, Kirishima and Sato began sprinting towards the building the bomb was presumably located in.
"Come on, Sato, let's show the world how manly we are!" Kirishima shouted, trying to hype his combat partner up.
"Let's go!"
While the two hyped-up howler monkeys began storming down the street, Mina and Sakuya were busy laughing at all of All Might's questions about the safety of their construction work.
"Hahaha, Sakuya, we even scared All Might!"
"We would make some great villain interior designers."
"OOoooh, look, they are making their way to the building now. I guess time has started."
"Yep, now let's kick back and relax."
What happened next could only be described as a comedy show.
As soon as they entered the building and saw the electrified flooring, they decided it was best for Sato to carry Kirishima on a piggyback ride so only one of them would be shocked.
Plus, in his own words, he said it was, "Super manly! We look like a mech!"
They looked completely ridiculous, even more so when they fell into the first pitfall trap. They weren't cautious and decided to sprint their way through the floor, leading to a quick demise.
A good thing happened after a good three minutes of them debating their entire life choices in the hole. Kirishima learned that his hardened fingers could stick into the walls and give him enough leverage to make his way out.
He pulled Sato out of the hole from there, and they began tiptoeing their way to the stairs. Luckily for them, unluckily for the viewers, they missed every other pit on their way.
"Ugh! How could they just miss all of the other holes by a few inches?! I spent so much time melting them too!"
"Mina... You didn't make the holes; I did. But I agree, they are too lucky.
I can understand Sato having this much luck, probably for his body to not just run itself off of a cliff while in his brainless berserker state.
If we asked Kirishima, he would probably give us a lecture on the power of manliness and how it guided him."
Seemingly placated by me, the pinkette only decided to grumble,
"They better go down the slide..."
Sakuya only chuckled at her friends' antics.
"They did the stairs too?!" Kirishima shouted over the screen.
"Looks like they got to the flashbang staircase. You think I should give them a taste of what's in store?" Sakuya asked her newly perked-up friend.
An evil grin was the only answer Sakuya needed before a bright white light covered the display.
When the screams of anguish came from over the speakers, a blissful expression was seen on both Sakuya and Mina's faces. It was the reaction they wanted from the start, and getting it now was very cathartic for them.
"Hah~ the sweet sound of our opponent's screams." a wistful sigh escaped Sakuya's lips as she heard the sound she wanted to hear since combat training was announced.
The hero duo tried their best to make their way up the slippery ramp with their eyes closed, thinking it was the best way to avoid the flashbang's influence.
Thankfully, with the entire world running off of anime logic, nobody was permanently blinded by the first close-range flashbang.
Sato and Kirishima linked hands with one another before trying to wedge themselves against the stairwell walls and made their way up slowly that way. It was a slow and tedious process, but they did it.
They wasted another three minutes on the staircase alone, leaving them with four minutes to make it through the maze and grab the bomb. Their hope and 'manliness' were running thin as the timer slowly crept towards the end.
When they made it to the maze area, they started playing rock-paper-scissors to decide who would go on the 'lucky left' path, much to everyone's growing amusement. Sato ended up winning and walking down the left path, leaving the right side for Kirishima to explore.
When they quickly navigated their way through the maze nearing the end, Sato succumbed to the fate of the 'slippery slime slide' patent pending in full view of Kirishima, who could only watch in horror as his friend fell into the slimy void never to be seen again.
Kirishima steeled his nerves and continued on his way through to the third floor to find the floor was gone. He was perplexed; the floor, or rather the second-floor ceiling, was there a few seconds ago.
He quickly concluded it was some time-related bullshit before figuring out what he needed to do. Seeing the holes on the walls, he knew what was needed of him.
He hardened his fingers for extra grip, and awkwardly shuffled his way along the wall, and made it to the end. He prepared himself mentally as best as he could. Two of his best friends were just up those stairs, or so he thought, and he needed to fight them both to secure the bomb.
Deciding that a slow approach wasn't what was needed, he ran up the staircase, after giving it a once over for traps, and barged into the fourth floor, hoping to locate the bomb and grab it quickly.
He, along with everyone else, was speechless at the sight of the fourth floor. Not because it was filled with various traps and weaponry; no, it was because it was completely baron apart from a singular message saying the heroes lost.
The buzzer rang soon after he soaked in the message, signaling the end of the exercise and that he indeed did lose.
The entire building was gradually repaired and readjusted, back to its former non-trapped glory. The bomb was soon teleported right next to him, through Sakuya's distance manipulation, along with his partner Sato.
(Sakuya POV)
We were obviously declared the winners. Iida even praised us for acting like true villains, along with Aoyama for putting on a grand show.
Mina held the MVP, not that I cared in the slightest, as her quirk was used for many of the constructs, which was a creative use of her quirk the others were previously quick to ignore during the assessment test.
Momo was fired up during her test, even tazing Mineta as soon as the exercise started, so she didn't have any dead weight. She placed his unconscious body in front of the building and used it to bait the hero team. She then shot a net at them before securing them with a glue grenade.
She completely ignored their cries and pleas for a decent match and went back upstairs to guard the bomb, for if they did somehow get out, which wasn't needed in the long run as the match was called the second, all the heroes were captured.
'She must have something she really wants me to do tonight if she was that eager to finish early.' I thought.
I mused over what potential kinks she would have and what would be asked of me to the point that I missed the majority of the matches.
I did catch the Melissa and Uraraka vs. Bakugou and Iida match. Bakugou got his victory this time around as Melissa didn't have the factor of an impulsive and angry Bakugou that had a huge hate boner, unlike the way he did for Midoriya. He was much more calculated and more willing to semi-work with Iida on a cohesive plan.
I made it up to Kirishima and Sato later that evening with some baked goods. Some shortbread for Sato and a Crimson riot red velvet cupcake for Kirishima.
When it was time for Momo to ask for her things, I was pleasantly surprised. She didn't want to use her favor on sex. Instead she wanted to use it on something more wholesome.
She wanted to have a tea party with me, Eri, and her. Naturally, I agreed and made some food in preparation for the night ahead. We chatted, ate food, and had a pleasant time overall.
She did make one more request which did surprise me, she asked for me to turn back into a child version of myself so she could use me as a plushie today. I was confused, but got over it quickly and complied. She squealed in happiness and scooped me up before dragging me to bed.
I slept in her soft embrace as Eri cuddled up to me herself too. It was just a huge cuddle pile like always, but this time I was in the middle of it all. It was one of the more peaceful sleeps I have ever experienced.
(A/N: I'm sorry to say this, but this book will be on hiatus for about 12-ish~ days as I have a lot of important things to do. There is also the fact that I need a little break from writing to plan this book out some more etc. etc. Hope this chapter can tide you all over until then <3 )
Creation is hard, cheer me up! Love the book? Review it!
Hope you all enjoyed this decent length chapter, as the note above me says I will be putting the book on hiatus for a bit due to IRL things.
I chose to announce it this way due to my pet peeve of chapters that do nothing but announce hiatus' etc. which only serve to increase the chapter count.
Stay safe peeps, love y'all. <3