
Time Stops When I'm with Her. (MHA)

A peculiar teen dies after being hit by Truck-kun. As the beaming lights flash into her eyes and the immense force tore apart her body, she finds herself motionless drifting off in a seemingly endless void until one day a light shone down upon her and she woke up in the body of a child. ( I do not own My Hero Academia/MHA, or the cover photo used for the novel.)

Hyberions · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Chapter 15:

Waking up the following day was amazing. The quality of sleep I got last night was beyond anything I have experienced within my two lifetimes. Letting out a drained yawn, I look down to see my little unicorn sleeping soundly in my arms. Noticing Momo's absence, I wondered where she went, but with the help of temporal awareness, I knew it was time for school already. So she must have left already, not wanting to wake me up, how nice of her.

I didn't have to worry about waking up for school early today as I had to take Eri to Chiyo for her checkup. If the mother was willing to abandon her child, she might not have vaccinated her. But I wasn't a neglectful bitch, so I made sure to book an appointment with Chiyo yesterday night.

Peering around the room, I find a stack of neatly folded clothing placed on the bedside table. Having a fiance that can make anything you could need is handy. Eri began to stir awake. Her snow-white hair disheveled, her horn poking out of the cat onesie looking like a fang for the cat. It was an adorable sight to behold. She sat up and frantically began looking around, tears coming out of her eyes as she did so before finally meeting my tender gaze,

"I-It was real?" Disbelief was evident in her tone.

"Hm? What was real, sweetheart?"

"T-The family? You r-really want me, right?"

Sitting up against the headboard. I pull her into my embrace, stroking the back of her head as I do so before replying,

"Of course, I do. I love you sweetie, anybody that wouldn't want you is a big dum dum."

Eri began gripping the front of my nightgown tighter in her tiny hands. Seeing that I didn't convince her enough, I continued,

"Plus," I booped her on the nose before carrying on, "It's a question of whether YOU want this, Eri. You do want to be my sweet little unicorn, don't you?"


"See? You want this, and I want this, so let's just enjoy our new life together, okay?"

I could hear a muffled, "Okay, mama," coming from my breasts.

Picking Eri up, I made my way to the clothing pile that I assume Momo left out. On top were my school Uniform and a set of clothing for Eri. Eri's outfit consisted of: a white shirt, a yellow striped sundress, matching yellow shoes, and green trousers. So the question is, do I bring Eri to school with me? The answer is obvious, damn right I do!

Taking the clothing in my free hand, I made my way to the bathroom. Placing Eri down, I opened the connecting door. Seeing that the bath wasn't run, I turned the taps on before going back to the changing area. Eri didn't know what was going on, but she soon started copying when she saw me stripping down. Noticing that she was struggling, I asked,

"Do you need help getting out of that, sweetie?"

She tried to pull the onesie off over her head, not knowing that it was impossible. All she managed to do was pull the hood over her face.

"Yes, please."

Taking the zipper on the back of the onesie and pulling it down, I soon freed her from the cat prison.

"There you go."

"Thank you, mama."

'I still haven't gotten over the shock of being called mama. Even though I explicitly asked for this, I didn't know it would take such a toll on my heart. If she asked me to wipe out the human race, I would do so in a heartbeat.'

When we were both entirely stripped down, I opened the door again before heading over to the bath as it was done filling. Eri tried to get into the tub, but I stopped her,

"Sweetie, we get into the bath after we finish cleaning ourselves. Now move your cute little butt over to the stools. If you want help washing yourself, just ask."

Eri pouted but complied nonetheless. Remembering her fondness for apples, I took out a bottle of apple pie-scented bubble bath and mixed it in the water. Then, making my way over to the stools, I sat down and began to wash myself down.

Looking over at Eri, she was fumbling around with the showerhead. I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair before rinsing all the lather down the drain and doing the same for Eri. She especially seemed to enjoy the scalp massage, if her happy humming was anything indication. There was something about washing your child's hair that was magical. I felt like my mom level increased after doing so. I achieved the Dao of shampoo and conditioner.

The unicorn was more than happy to be able to enter the apple-scented bubble bath as soon as I gave the go-ahead. Maneuvering myself behind Eri, I began soaking in the warmth. What could be better than a cold shower to wake you up, only to plunge yourself into a warm bath? Not much. Choccy milk and my girls, that's for sure. Anything else is up for debate. Watching Eri play around in the bubbles with a rubber ducky was oddly therapeutic.

Bathing was one of the few times that I can truly let go of any and all of my worries/responsibilities. My life is pretty intense compared to the average thirteen-year-old in the MHA world, let alone compared to my old life. If I could tell my old self what was going to happen in the future. Knowing the old me, she would have probably yeeted herself in front of any trucks she could, hoping to escape the monotony. Intense my life may be, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

After Eri had grown bored of the rubber ducky wars, we had in the bathtub, we got out and dried ourselves off. We both got dressed with minimal difficulty. Granted, Eri did need help putting her socks on. But, I was all the happier to help my angel out. Did I take advantage of the situation and tickle her feet? Of course, I did. Her joyous laughter filled the changing room until my tickling scratch was itched. She did pout and ignore me for the journey to the kitchen, it hurt my heart, but it was worth it.

(A/N: The Unicorn's outfit: ←)

Entering the kitchen, I grabbed us some quick snacks and a bottle of apple juice for Eri. We didn't need to stay for breakfast as I was planning to get some pastries on the way back from UA. So, with my bag in one hand and Eri's hand in the other, we set off to the car. After making sure that Eri was buckled in safely, we set off for the appointment.

Thirty minutes of playing eye spy with Eri in the car later, we finally arrived at our destination. I told the driver to take a twenty-minute break as we might take longer than expected. The driver parked in the staff parking lot, and we got out. Eri was staring at the large building in front of us with stars in her eyes at the size of the main building. Scooping Eri up in my arms, I walked through the front door, met with an all too common sight.

The student populace's inquisitive stares, they view me as an enigma. I was someone who can call the principal 'Fluffy-chan' and get away with it. Someone that can call Aizawa-sensei 'Homeless-san' and not get any reprimanding. Someone that can just waltz into UA without a uniform. Someone that has the 'Demon Medic's' respect. I was the biggest mystery in UA for the student populace. They knew my name and my family ties, but that was it. Now, this enigma has a small bundle of joy in her arms, calling her 'Mama' while pointing at things that interest the joyous unicorn child.

The conspiracy theorists in the school were going crazy. Was I some eldritch god that came to dominate their minds with my domineering demeanor? Was I the mysterious person that made the Demon Medic young again? Was I the actual person in charge of the school and held a position higher than Nedzu? Was I just some random girl whose pet is Nedzu? The last theory was the most accepted one. All were true in some aspects, though.

Ignoring their gazes for the umpteenth time this month, I continued walking. I needed to stop off at Fluffy-chan's office so he could file the paperwork before heading to the infirmary where Chiyo would be waiting for me. Swinging the door of the staff room open without a care in the world, I strutted over the the chimera who was enjoying some jasmine tea at a nearby table,

"Fluffy-chan~ Look at who I have with me?"

Peering up from his cup of tea, he answered, " Ah, you must be Eri. What am I? A mouse? A dog? A bear? I'm principal Nedzu, of course!"

"Don't listen to him sweetie, his name is Fluffy-chan; he's my pet chimera."

Nodding in affirmation, Eri responded with a joyous wave,

"Hello, Fluffy-chan!"

The present teachers in the lounge were stifling laughs at the interaction only to shut up when their boss glared at them.

"Anyways~ Fluffy-chan. I have the paperwork for the adoption all filled out. All I need is for you to be so kind and file it for me."

Placing the stacks of paper on the desk in front of him. I saw he was still a bit irked at me calling him a pet. He took a deep breath before replying,

"It would be my pleasure, Miss Izayoi. Also, please refrain from calling me your pet in front of company."

Reaching over, I started scratching behind his ears; his feet began swinging off of the chair he was sitting on in response.

"Aww~, Fluffy-chan, who's my adorable little chimera. Yes, yes you are~."

The principal was too far gone into nirvana to respond. Pulling my hand away, earning a whine from the usually professional chimera, I walked out. I used his post petting high to escape. I heard him threatening Midnight to delete the video she took, or all her dirty laundry would be aired to the public by the morning. Sometimes I forget how scary Fluffy-chan can be. Eri was just nuzzling into my neck throughout the entire thing. How adorable.

On my way to the infirmary, I saw Eri was getting uncomfortable with the stares we were getting. Making eye contact with the crowd that formed, I put on the most condescending face I could,

"Do you all seriously have nothing better to do? You were accepted into a school with a less than 1% acceptance rate, and yet here you are, making a child uncomfortable with your disgusting stares. Do you have nothing better to do? Like making use of the expensive facilities or something? Pathetic, I expect better from UA students. Be glad my daughter is here, and I'm happy today, or I'd have had you expelled for wasting my time with such nonsense."

The venom in my tone, coupled with the fact I threatened expulsion, made them all wince and avert their eyes. It felt nice berating them; the fear in their eyes was delectable.

'Oh lord, I really am turning into an S more and more each day.'

Continuing with my strides, I finally made it to the infirmary. Chiyo was waiting inside for me as she said she would be. Nejire was unconscious on a bed, wriggling about as she didn't have anyone to latch on to. Sitting down on a chair and pulling Eri into my lap, Chiyo began her tests. It turns out that Eri's mother wasn't as much of a bitch as I thought; she at least got Eri fully vaccinated.

Don't get me wrong though, she's a massive cunt, and I still despise her. The only reason that I haven't erased her would be because I want her to see the eventual articles about Eri and how she is living a better life than the mother that abandoned her. Karmic justice will be served, and I will enjoy every moment of it.

Seeing that the driver would still have ten-ish minutes left of his break, I decided to stay in the infirmary and help Chiyo out with the paperwork. Eri wandered over to the sleeping Nejire and poked her. Unfortunately, she was soon in the clutches of the periwinkle koala, and it wouldn't let go no matter how much she wriggled. She looked over to me for help only to see me with a phone in hand taking pictures; eventually resigning to her fate as a pillow, she flopped down and cuddled back. After the driver's break was up, I made my way over to Eri to free her from the demon's stranglehold.

When we got back to the car, she was still upset about me abandoning her to the 'cuddle demon' as she called Nejire. I could only chuckle and ruffle her hair. But, I knew she would forgive me as we were making our way to a nearby bakery. The best way to earn anyone's forgiveness, you ask? It's good food and cuddles.

Entering the bakery, the scent alone made Eri drool before she ran over to the display cases to look at what's available. We ended up buying a box of six canelé's, a dozen strawberry cheesecake cronuts, and two Croque Monsieurs.

A canelé is a small pastry with a soft and tender custard center with a dark, thick caramelized crust. Cronuts are a cross between a doughnut and a croissant, as they are made with sheeted pastry dough reminiscent of a croissant and fried like a doughnut. A Croque Monsieur is a hot sandwich made with ham and cheese, then topped with grated cheese and slightly peppered and salted before being broiled until the cheese melts.

The cronuts and canele's were for both the girls at school and us. Meanwhile, the Croque Monsieurs were just for Eri and me as we didn't have any breakfast. Eri and I were snacking on our Croque Monsieur while it was still hot. It was a perfect breakfast food. Even after being exposed to expensive and exotic foods in this lifetime, I find that simple foods like this still have a huge place in my heart. Hell, I would happily live off the McDonald sausage and egg McMuffin and the rest of the breakfast menu if it wouldn't lead to health issues later in life.

Thankfully, the sandwiches were served in a paper bag so all the crumbs would be caught. Crumbs and food in general in car seats is a huge pet peeve of mine, as they are a massive pain in the ass to vacuum out. If you have food between your seat cushions, sadly, we can't be friends any longer. If they can't even take care of their car, how are they going to take care of our friendship?

Watching Eri nibble away at the sandwich was amusing because it was so warm she had to blow on it twice before every bite, and when the bite entered her mouth, a smile blossomed onto her face. It was an infinite loop of blowing, nibbling, and smiling. She was like a little cartoon mouse that found some cheese.

We arrived at the school two periods before lunch was going to start. Making my way through the corridors with Eri sitting in my arms attracted a lot of attention. Whispers started about the 'Great Sakuya-nee being a lolicon,' 'Sakuya-nee became Sakuya-mommy' and 'I wish I were that girl.' Many other hushed whispers and stares through the classroom windows happened while approaching my own class. I messed with them a bit and kissed Eri's cheeks in the open view of a classroom, causing her to hide her face in embarrassment as the cooing started.

Opening the door to the class, everyone's attention was brought onto the presumed kidnapping victim and me. Naturally, I ignored it all and walked over to my seat. Momo's face planted onto a desk as soon as she saw me; the others gawked at the situation at hand.

Komoe-sensei had seen many things in her lifetime, she was over two hundred years old after all, so it was only natural. Yet, this situation was unprecedented in her long career as a teacher. A student came in late to school with a child. She kept having thoughts about where the child came from. Did she steal her from the nearby elementary school? Was she hers? Is this a victim of her quirk that she decided to mess around with after de-aging them? She had no idea, but she wanted answers.

"U-um, Sakuya?"

"Yes, sensei?"

"Who is that child, and what is her relation to you?"

"She's called Eri. Eri say hi to Komoe-sensei,"

"Hi, Komoe-sensei!"

"And to answer your second question, she's mine."



"Like... you kidnapped her?"

"If you want to get into technicalities, yes."

Gasps were heard all around the classroom before Momo decided to smack me on the back of the head,

"Agh! That hurt, babe."

"Stop messing around with Komoe-sensei. Sensei, she's our adopted child. I can assure you that we didn't, or at least I didn't, kidnap her." Then, after reassuring sensei, she turned back to me, "Why did you bring Eri here? I thought the plan was for you to send her home with a clone after the vaccinations."

"It's simple, isn't it, Eri?"


"She missed her mommy. What kind of mama would I be if I deny my sweet unicorn that?"

She didn't believe what I was saying for a single second. So what did I do next? I pulled out every Yaoyorozu's weak card, the promise of good food.

"I guess I can just leave with all the pastries I bought. Eri spent so long picking them out for her mommy as well. Guess I'll have to give them to the maids now."

She knew I was manipulating her, but she didn't care at this point. She wasn't mad that Eri was here. In fact, she was glad. She said it's fine before Toga whispered over,

"Do you have any for me?"

"Ofc I do, vamp-chan, meet me at lunch near the big tree."

"You're the best, Saku-chan!"

The lesson soon got back onto track with the occasional stares from Mina and Itsuka. Itsuka was taking pictures of Eri and me. We were both in sync, sipping on choccy milk. It was the best mother-daughter picture in existence. Then again, I'm biased. Mina was busy discreetly texting all the juicy details in the group chat. I forgot to mute the group chat before class, so my phone was pinging like crazy before I managed to mute it.

Seeing my phone, Eri began playing with it. I opened up a Tetris app and let her go nuts. I don't even know why I have Tetris on my phone; I suck at it. I almost cried when Eri, a four-year-old child, was better than me. It was a wound on my pride that will never heal. I watched as Eri connected block after block before it all came down like a Jenga tower, netting her a massive score. It was way more fun watching her play than paying attention to the mathematics class going on. I did still pay attention and answer any question asked, but I was more absorbed by the secret gaming prodigy I recently adopted.

When lunch came around, everyone thought it to be a great idea to crowd around my table and start asking me questions before I scared them off. Seriously, who thinks It's a great idea for twenty-ish people to start interrogating a child? Scooping Eri up, I lead her to the large tree in the courtyard. Taking a blanket out of my bag, I set it down, and Eri sat down on it, still playing on my phone. I did manage to take the phone off of her and replace it with a coloring book and crayons I got from a store nearby the bakery when she was deciding what to pick. She started happily humming to herself as she began coloring the line art of a bird.

Momo and the rest of our friends came over shortly after. I took the pastries out of the bag, and we had a little picnic in school. They wanted all the deets on Eri and our situation. I told them all the full story after getting an unamused look from Momo when I gave them the fake story. They all demanded to be called aunties by Eri, who happily agreed. I don't think she really knew what she agreed to as she was too busy coloring and eating to care.

The fan clubs were going crazy over their 'Great Onee-samas' and how great they are with children and every other compliment under the sun. Pictures were taken, which we all tried our best to ignore as we were used to their antics. Finally, a single brave soul decided to approach the picnic out of the crowd. It was the shark-boi himself, Eijiro Kirishima.

He went on and on about how manly we were for adopting a child. The girls were going to shoo him off at first before I stopped them. Kirishima was the most likable male hero course student, in my opinion. The previous gloomy middle school Kirishima from canon was no longer a thing, all the rumors about how cool he was worked wonders for his confidence in his quirk. He talked about his dream and how much it would mean to him to achieve it. He fit in perfectly in the tight-knit friend group I cultivated over the years. Plus, it would be great to have a guy friend.

Of course, he was cursed out for approaching the goddesses of the school and speaking to them so freely by other envious students. The most vocal of these people was a girl named Ren Yamai. She sports long auburn hair and has red ribbons in her hair. She was completely obsessed with us all, specifically me. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a shrine of me in her room filled with all the pictures available on the school's 'black market.'

After we all finished eating the pastries, I invited Kirishima to the group chat. Of course, this caused a massive outroar from the dedicated fan bases when they heard about it. They even planned to steal his phone just to be able to witness us speaking and pretend the messages were for them. Oh well, that isn't my problem. Kirishima is a big boy; he can think of this as awareness and vigilance training.

As we laughed and talked about random topics, it was nice. The feeling of friends and being wanted. I looked over to see Eri still coloring the bird, it was a complete mess, and she went outside the lines many times, but I loved every bit of it. We even colored a picture of a watermelon together. Eri never saw a watermelon before, so she colored it to have pink skin with a yellow and blue inside. When questioned why she did it that way, she simply replied,

"It looks cuter this way."

All was right with the world as we traveled back home that day. The cute energy of Eri combined with my playfulness, and Momo's easily flustered demeanor was a deadly combination that could make anyone feel at peace. We slept that night in the same position as yesterday. All cuddled together under the blankets protecting one another from any potential nightmares.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Love the book? Review it!

I heard ya'll wanted some fluff? I have delivered. You didn't want fluff? Too bad. Here's a decent sized chappy having some more Eri time in it. We all love the little unicorn, well, at least I do.

As usual, any and all criticism is appreciated. If you loved it, tell my why. Did you hate it? Tell me why.

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