
An Extraordinary Day

My day was supposed to be above average since I just graduated from high school but it turned out to be a day that can be said extraordinary or scary. It was late in the afternoon and the sky was dark, the only thing illuminating the sidewalk was street lamps. As I was walking back home from the graduation party, a person in a full black outfit stopped me and demanded to give him my money or else he would "kill me". I knew that I wasn't going to be in a good situation just from judging his outfit when I first saw him down the sidewalk. While I've never been mugged before I still had the right concept of you give a bad guy your money and he leaves you alone, well I was wrong. Because when I handed him my wallet and the mugger looked inside of my wallet it must have caused some kind of nerve to snap since he went absolutely ballistic.

I knew I didn't have much in my wallet just my ID and about 3 dollars and 50 cents but it shouldn't cause a person to stab me. And another note is don't dodge the first swing since that just enrages the mugger. Since I'm only seventeen you can't expect me to be some kind of martial arts expert, after the first swing the second just nicked me on the arm. I knew if I didn't do something to stop him I was most likely going to be stabbed to death, so my first plan is trying to grab his arm and that ended in the first second since I just got another gash on my arm. My second plan was running but that really screwed me over since I was at the utmost extreme with fear/adrenaline that I fell while the mugger was right behind me not even 10 feet apart.

As I turned around from my stomach to my backside the mugger was right on top of me and bringing down his knife to my chest I knew this was it, this was the day I died. I wanted to see what the person who was going to kill looked like so I kept my eyes open to get a glimpse of his face. As his face and knife were getting closer and closer and then everything in my vision started stopped. The knife stopped, the mugger stopped I thought this was my chance since a miracle happened because the mugger had a stroke while trying to murder me. I grabbed the mugger knife with all the force I can muster and stabbed him right in the neck hoping this will take him down. But nothing happened no blood, no screaming, no movement from being stabbed in the neck. What felt like minutes that had past was in reality just a few seconds and then the mugger that was frozen came back while noticing new things, for example, his hand missing the knife he had and pain in his neck.

As the mugger fell to his knee's blood started seeping out of his fatal wound, he tried making some noises but I'm guessing the knife in his neck was stopping him from speaking or screaming. Which was a good thing because casual murder even in self-defense isn't a good way to start your adult life. As the realization of that, I just killed a man even though he was trying to kill me first was starting to hit me. As I slowly stood up from my back I saw him laying there with the knife still stuck in his neck and a giant pool of blood beneath him. I still thought of the repercussion of what I did so I gather all of my willpower to pull the knife out his neck and clean the handle so my fingerprints won't be on it. As was pulling out the knife from his neck I started to feel horrendous so much to point that I was almost going to vomit but I had to hold back so I didn't get more evidence on the crime scene. I kept the knife even though they will still know what the cause of death is it's better for me to leave it there encase I left something on the knife.

When I put the knife away in my pants I started looking around to see if anyone was near the area or a camera was watching the sidewalk. There was no one around or any camera's in the area so I was in the clear, I left the area and started heading home. While walking back home I started to slowly calm down and think about what happened. First, the biggest one that I had to think about was that everything had stopped, almost like time had stopped. The second was I killed a person for the first time and the reason I feel bad was the smell of blood is too strong for my stomach and I didn't feel anything for killing him? The third thing I realized was that I was bleeding and that there was blood on the crime scene so me taking the knife screwed me over worse. I first had to prioritize my wounds so I grabbed the knife from my pocket and ripped a piece of my t-shirt to wrap around my arm.

As I was walking back, I was trying to think of an excuse for why my arm was bleeding or some kind of plan so I can't be seen. The orphanage that I lived in had strict rules when it came to violence, so any kind of injuries was basically a fast pass route to being kicked out. My first idea was to get in through a window near my room and sprint to my room. The plan itself isn't crazy or complicated since the orphanage I live in isn't some high-class one just an average one so security wise is nil. When I started getting closer to the building I saw that most of the lights were turned off and the only one that was on was the front door light. I slowly made my way around the building to the back of it and saw an open window and climbed through it. I only had to make a few turns to reach my room and I would be all clear for a certain time until morning came. I didn't have to worry about the headmistress thinking where I was since the graduation party was something I told her about beforehand. When I made it to my room I locked the door and just jumped into the bed without taking off my clothing because I was just exhausted from what happened in the last hour. I took a glance at my clock that was on my desk and saw that it was 9:00 pm.

I still had a few hours left before I had to go to sleep so I started trying to recall what happened in the last hour and what I can do to prepare for tomorrow. I knew without a doubt that the police will come and visit me because the mugger did take my wallet which had my identification and my blood was on the scene. The police will ask questions about what happened that night so I had to get my story straight so I don't get accused of murder. First the mugger had my ID so it can be known that he tried robbing me and succeeded. Second I was injured with the knife so when the police ask me why I have it and the dead person doesn't have it I won't be automatically be seen as the mugger and not the victim. Third I'm only 17 years old so even if everything goes wrong I won't go to jail but instead to some kind of dentition center. As I got my story straight I took a look at the clock again and saw that it was 12:00 pm and I had to go to sleep to have the bare minimum amount of sleep to function for the next day. When I started to fall asleep my body was doing something that hasn't happened before in my life.

First time writing and give me advice plz

Derpcrabbobcreators' thoughts