
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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538 Chs

Chapter 47: Singing Sword

[Are you ready, Yukin? You better hit those bastards until they cry for their mommy!]

"Don't worry; you'll love the fireworks."

Touching the earpiece in his ears, Yuki looked at the flying drone, nodding toward the camera; the operation was already underway.

"I'll be waiting for you!"

"Oh? I almost forgot, make sure to focus well, my masculine figure."

Striking a pose with his underdeveloped muscles, Yuki winked beneath his mask.


On the other hand, Tsugumi was speechless, looking at Yuki for a moment before laughing.

"Haha, don't worry, I'll make sure to focus on your very good MUSCLES."

Though there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice, Yuki found it amusing.

"Yuki, it's time."

Turning his head, Yuki looked at Inori's expressionless face.

"Hey! Let the party begin... Are you ready?"


Taking off her jacket, Inori exposed her chest, and as Yuki gazed at her beautiful white skin, he couldn't help but swallow. Inori's outfit revealed a lot of skin, and making eye contact, a spark flashed between them.

"Alright! Trust me; I will protect your heart with mine."

"Yes, I belong to you." With a soft murmur, Inori grabbed Yuki's hand, placing it on her exposed chest.

There was a gentle smile on Yuki's face. In the short time since they met, he saw a warm look in Inori's initially expressionless face, a look that, for some reason, reminded him of his mother.

It was a gaze of deep trust and affection. Yuki didn't know why Inori was so attached to him. For a moment, he felt like he was missing something very important.

Internally sighing, Yuki decided he would find out sooner or later.


Yuki's hand sank into Inori's body; she moaned at his touch. Yuki's hand began to crystallize, and as he looked with his Sharingan, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"So warm..."

Inori's heart was warm and very comforting. Withdrawing his hand, Inori's heart materialized.

It was a massive sword. Holding Inori's unconscious body with one hand, Yuki looked at the huge sword in his hand.

{ I'm no longer loved

nor needed by you

and so, I remain alone

What did you tell me that time?

Unreachable words move through the air

and although I understand today as well

I make a wish that won't come true

Don't let go of me

hold my hand tightly

Say you want us to stay together

Your hand holding mine was warm

and kind

You were always like that because you made me

angry and in the end made me cry

but afterward

the face you had when apologizing

I liked it a lot


(This sword...)

Yuki was surprised for a moment; the sword was singing. He didn't know how or why, but he could hear Inori's voice in this sword.

(How beautiful) It was a very beautiful voice. Yuki could feel it; this was a voice that touched his heart.

(Understand, Inori, you're a Hero) With such a beautiful voice, Yuki now understood why she had more karma points than anyone else before La Folia arrived.

Yuki looked tenderly at Inori, who now slept like a kitten in his arms.

"You did well; now rest... I entrust her to you."

Kissing her forehead affectionately, Yuki looked at the Endlave by his side.

"Leave it to me."

Ayase looked at the couple and felt jealousy inside her. She looked at Inori, who slept deeply with an envious look, seeing the affection in Yuki's eyes. After all, there was no woman in the world who didn't desire romance.

Tsugumi, on the other hand, silently looked with a pensive expression. Only God knows what she was thinking.

"It's time; you better get ready to run... Are you ready, Tsugumi?"

Lifting the massive sword in his hand, Yuki walked slowly.

Yuki knew the chaos would be great. With him showcasing his abilities, it was impossible not to cause havoc.

But that was fine; it was his goal after all. Undertaker was destined to reveal itself to the world, and he certainly wouldn't lag behind.

He would play the same game but on a larger scale.

Yuki wouldn't let Undertaker be the sole protagonist. The world needed stimulation, needed hope, and he would provide it.

Although he didn't have Rasiel, he knew there was a grand conspiracy behind the scenes.

A highly deadly virus that they couldn't find a cure for in over ten years?

That's impossible!

Japan plagued by the virus while the rest of the world isn't?

I don't believe it!

Yuki wasn't stupid enough to believe such nonsense. He knew there was a mastermind behind all of this. After all, they have a biological weapon like the Void Genoma, but haven't used it? It's very suspicious.

That's why he decided to reveal himself. He would create the biggest mess that would force those snakes out of their holes.

Whoever created the virus must have the cure. After all, it was impossible for a virus to appear out of nowhere and cause all this chaos.

However, with him moving, he was sure those greedy eyes wanted him, or rather, they wanted his body.

A human with superhuman abilities was a juicy cake that would throw the world into chaos just for a sample of his blood.

It might sound like a reckless plan since revealing himself would inevitably make his life difficult. But that was okay; he was recovering at a high speed. When they decided to act, he would trap them all in his net. It was a plan of who moves or recovers first wins.

It was a risky but effective plan, where he would use pure strength.

Yuki could also opt for another plan with a higher success rate and lower risk, but that would take a long time. Even with Rasiel, it could take years, and Yuki didn't have that time. He still had to visit Yuno and Mikoto's worlds, and unlike this world, Mikoto's world was very dangerous, so much so that even with his current power, he still felt very cautious.

(Now let's see who takes the bait.)

Tsugumi's cameras were ready; he would use them to show this to the world.

"Of course! Who do you think I am?! We're broadcasting live in... 3...2..1."

With those words from Tsugumi, Yuki quickly found his first victim.

Smiling, he decided to test this new power.


Author's Note: What would Guilty Crown be without Inori's songs? (TN: Guilty Crownless? ahaha... Sorry)

I really liked the songs, so I'll add them to this novel.

TN : Leave reviews and powerstones uwaaa