
Time and destiny together

A boy was chosen among many because of his power of destiny. Power to change his and others destiny. Read to know how he survives in a modern world where he faces new challenge everyday with unconventional use of his power. But, he thought it will be even more easy if he can have ultimate controller of time who is as unconventional as him. "If you want to kill me then be ready to die with me" he says as he looked toward his enemy. "Sorry, only he can kill me" says his friend looking toward the boy. Read to know how Sam survives in the modern world with his metallic body because he is a robot now. "I have to find human body soon which I can take over." "What's wrong with this body we can just make one out of titanium and it will be difficult for them to even make a dent" says Alex. I may upload two to seven chapters a week.

Rodon · Romance
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Beginning after the end

Sigh~ it seems tutorial is over. Sam had a happy smile on his face. Everything was peaceful for now. He stood there for few seconds but nothing happened.

"Tutorial is already over dude. Why are you still watching me?" Sam shouted while looking towards the sky. All the gods and will bearers were confused what was he saying.

"You don't know about tutorial. It's my mistake but will you talk to me instead of looking at me with surprise." Sam shouted again.

"I am talking about you idiot from earth. Will you be kind enough to answer me?" there was no answer.

"So, you can't answer. Just blast a bomb on sky once if you can hear me, twice if you can't hear me." Sam waited for a minute.

*Boom* *Boom*

It looked like two bombs were blast in sky. Sam was speechless. Was this another level of shamelessness? That guy had clearly heard him.

Once I get out, I must teach this guy a lesson.

"So, you are already there. Then prepare two robots. You heard it right two robots in your lab. Blast one bomb if you need an hour two for two hours and so on." Sam was talking seriously. This was matter of life for him. He had died in such a young age previously. This is a chance given by heaven.

All the gods and will bearers were stupefied by current events. They could only sit and watch what will happen now.

*Boom* *Boom*



Twenty bombs were blasted. Sam frowned seeing this.

This much time. He couldn't wait anymore but that person was taking so much time.

"Why do you need so much time. You are able to run this heaven defying simulation on computer but not able to get robot in hours. Robots should be everywhere in your time." Sam shouted again but this time he was very angry. In future when one can simulate whole universe in a computer will have few robots? obviously not. This guy was trying to ask for more time with Sam.

"He isn't going to do it. I think you should do it. I am talking to one who awakened my ability." This time Sam looked toward the dark void in sky.

"OK, you should have two robots in your lab right then connect cables between computer and robots. Blast a bomb if you are done.


" Haha~ I can finally get out of this simulation." Sam started to laugh. "Bye to everyone even though you are like NPC it was fun knowing you." Sam looked towards the audience.

Then what he saw shocked him more than the audience. Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Buddha were saying bye by waving their hands. Other gods like Odin and Zeus weren't surprised either. Then he disappeared.


Long time ago, somewhere in Earth

It was a gloomy evening with slight drizzling. A young man was walking on the street with umbrella on his one handle. He was using mobile with another hand.

"I will start this one with you." he heard a sound. He could tell it wasn't from his behind neither his front nor his sides. He heard it on his mind.

Am I hallucinating? Sam scratched his head.

"I have chosen you not out of random like in novels. Don't think just because you have happy life you can't be chosen. You are chosen because you are special. I am going to awaken your ability." Sam was woken from stupider.

"Now, you may think when will I meet you or how can I meet you. You may also have questions like why? how? and other blah, blah, blah. For now just know that you will have your ability awaken. You will know in future. You are going to die anyways." the voice said again.

Sam didn't know what to response. Forget about response he was so shocked that umbrella had flew out from his hand. He was started getting wet. Then many threads in different colours came out from his body and spreading everywhere.

Among the threads a red thread was pulsating which was specially attracting his attention like it was trying to say something. He looked towards the direction red thread was extending. His red thread was connected to a girl who was standing on the middle of the road with tears streaming down her face. She seems to be on deep grief. She had a pretty face but her hair was messy. She was wiping her tears with her shirt's sleeve. The young man's heart started to beat rapidly seeing the girl. He was feeling a strange connection with the girl. This was a new feeling for him but seeing her face covered with tears his heart couldn't help but ache. He saw a truck coming towards her but she wasn't moving a inch. He could clearly tell that she was trying to commit suicide but he couldn't let her die just like that. The girl who managed to attract his heart was going to die in front of his own eyes. He was terrified. He jumped above the railing which was separating road and footpath and dashed toward the girl.

He didn't know why he is doing this. He can search for explanation later but now he had to save the girl. Lightning landed in the place where he was standing just a second ago. He somehow managed to dodge it but still some electric arcs caught up to him. Still he wasn't dead, something was saving him. A transparent veil seems to have covered his whole body and lightning was running above like snake. He didn't had time to care for all of this. He had his sight fixed towards the girl. He had to save her no matter what, this was the only thought in his mind.

The truck driver was distracted by the lightning which suddenly landed on the street even though many houses were on both side of the road. It was the violation of physics which he had learned in school. Everyone has a common knowledge that lightning only strikes on the higher land. So, he was looking at the scene with amazement all over his face. Due to drizzling, evening was little dark and the sudden lightning made it even harder for the driver to notice a girl standing on the road. Forget about the girl he didn't even saw a boy running towards the girl who was standing there just a moment ago. Sam only managed to reach near the girl when truck ran over him and the girl.

Sam couldn't process anything. Why was he trying to save the girl? Why were he and

connected by red thread? Why were these threads coming out from his body? He only had questions but no answers.

This novel revolves around three major characters. Sam, Alex and Mira

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