
Nice to meet you?

Y/n pov:

*Bang... *

After a couple of second I feel nothing like no pain. I opened my eyes slowly then I saw that jerk was front of me. I looked at his dark yet beautiful eyes THE EYES ahmm his eyes were looking familiar like I knew his eyes. Without realizing that I was staring at him.

HANDSOME MAN - "AHEMM are you done staring at me Miss " he said with his heavy voice.

Me - " Huh! Oh sorry ahh....Um... Haha... " I slapped myself mentally for shuttering and why the hell I can't able to say any word uGh.

Then reality hit me and I looked at my left My eyes become wide at the scene like seriously the two man who was holding me lying lifelessly.

Me - " DID YOU KILL THEM? " I shouted at him with my wide open eyes .

HANDSOME MAN - " YES, any problem? "

Huh what 'Problem' it's a fucking CRIME duhh.

Me - " How can you kill someone like that.. and why the hell you guys are shooting in middle of the road and Who are you! Who are this mans!" I said pointing at the mans body.

HANDSOME MAN - " UGH Too much questions miss.... Btw I'm Namjoon Nice to meet you " he said taking his hand out of his pocket for a shake hand.

Huh! How can he be so calm in this situation while I'm feeling like riding a rollercoaster ride huh. Anyways I thought for a while but then I also take out my hands to shake with him. And then.....

The moment I touch his hand a sudden flash come in my mind. I closed my eyes and see something blurry blurry like A man standing near a tree playing flute and then... then....

*Miss* *Miss* *excuse me*

Someone was shaking me then I opened my eyes and saw namjoon oh yeah I forgot.

Me -" Huhh? "

Namjoon - " Are you OK miss " he asked in Concern .

Me - " No I'm not ohk. I want to go from here I can't handle this anymore" I said while turning around to go but he grabbed my wrist and said

Namjoon - " I can drop you... Tell me your address " why he is being so sweet to me suddenly while a minute ago he said to the man to kill me huh! What a jerk.

Me - "No... I can't go with you I don't trust you plus you are a criminal " Oppss it was a little harsh but whatever I don't care and with that I yanked my hand and started running .

~ Dashii RUN RUN RUN ~


WHat a CRIMINAL did she just call me a CRIMINAL Aahh whatever she don't know the whole truth anyways She is cute tho *smiling* huh why I'm smiling control namjoon control



NJ -" yeboseo! "

Other side - " Joonie did you find


NJ -" Ahh Yes and I shoot them right on the spot"

Other side - " WTF! Are you out of your MIND... How can you kill them they have all the informations about the mission "

NJ - "I know but they didn't left any choice for me they almost killed a innocent girl...i shoot them in order to save the girl "

Other side - *sighs* " Ohk... whatever the mess you created now clean it by yourself only I'm not going to help you"

And with that hyung Cut the call and now how can I clean this mess alone ugh...

But wait I know a someone who can help me *smirk*