

Y/N pov:

So here I wake up like usually sweating and looking like a mess UGH. I hate diss nightmares. Oh Hii I'm Choi Y/n basically it's been years that I have this nighmare every night but ohk now it's pretty normal for me tho .

Author Pov:

After waking up y/n went to the bathroom and take a quick shower.

Y/N Pov:

After taking the shower I want down and see my grandma serving my breakfast in plates.

Y/n - " Goooooodddd Moorrninggg" I said while hugging her.

Grandma - " Aegyoo good morning my cherry"

she said while also hugging me btw cherry is my nickname she always call me by this.

After having my breakfast I went to my room and get ready for my job.

While coming down I saw grandma talking in a phone with someone.


Grandma - "I know I know.. I will come for the check up as soon as possible but don't tell anyone about it"

(Check up who's check up)

And with that she cut the call and turn around to me.

Grandma - " Aishh you scared me pabo. Why are you standing like a ghost huh? "

Y/n - "Who's check up grandma?

Grandma - "Um....my friend! Actually she is sick that's why I'm going to check her up at doctor " he said but something is fishy.

Y/n - "Ohh....anyways I'm going for the job so take care of yourself and today maybe I'll be late so don't wait for me ohk"

Grandma - " OK 👌. But cherry take care of yourself too don't be too late araseoo "

Y/n - " Ohk Ohk bye take care love you"

And with that I leave my apartment and now waiting for my bus.

Author Pov:

While waiting for her bus she was scrolling through some photos of her parents. She was nine when her parents suddenly disappeared leaving  her alone with grandma. One day she find out that her father used to be former mafia leader of the city her mom was his secretary when they fall in love but she never knew the reason why they left her. They were a happy family for her.

Y/n - "Mom,Dad....I miss you. Where are you. Why did you leave me all alone huh" she said looking at their family photo with a sad smile. But suddenly....

