
Danger ?

No one Pov :

??? - " excuse me "

Y/n - " Umm... Yes... "

??? - " can I have two americano and one honey waffles " he ordered smiling shyly.

Y/n - " Oh.. Yes.. Off course. " she reply nervously. And went to the kitchen area.

Y/n pov :

Aahhh what the fuck is happening with me why he seems so familiar to me like namjoon. Aaahhh I think I need a doctor ugh .

Author pov:

Y/n take their order and went to serve them at first she requested IU to serve them but she was busy talking to her boyfriend on call and ignored her.

Y/n *sighs* gathered all her confidence , act cool and went to their table were they are talking something.

Namjoon pov :

At first I was a little worried after seeing her almost fainting but luckily JiMiN hold her *Thats My BOI*. Btw now we were sitting and discussing about our next plan.

Jimin - "So... That's how our next plan gonna work oHk. Hyung... Hyung... HYUNG"

NJ - "Huh...Oh sorry what happened?"

Jimin - "What! Did you understand the plan.... Aahh where is your mind hyung.. You are zoning out "

NJ - " Aah Sorry Jiminaahh actually I was thinking about something else thats why Hehe "

Jimin - "Nevermind we will discuss this with the other members later. Btw Hyung did you know the girl "

He said pointing at y/n at the café counter.

NJ - " Yeah I know her... Did you remember I told you that I shoot Mr Han's Spys few weeks ago. She was the reason why I shooted them"

And with that I told him everything about that day.

Jimin - " WOAH! Hyung you killed them bcoz of her Woah . Impressive. But did you know she look very familiar to me ." he said with a impressed look

NJ - " Yeah same here at first when I saw her I thought we meet somewhere but idk Where? . Anyways did yo..."

Y/n - " HERE is your order sir.." she said boldly while putting the tray on the table.

NJ, Jimin - " THANK YOU"

she was about to go but I held her wrist and stopped her.

Y/n pov :

I put their order on the table and about to walk off but namjoon grab my wrist...

NJ - "Hey wait... I have something to discuss with you"

Me - " What? " I said coldly.

NJ - " First sit with us.. " he said smiling a little.

Me - " look I don't have any time for a criminal like you So you better stay away from me. " Woah did I just say those words woaaahh can't believe I said this *Nice y/n you keep going *

Nj - "At least Listen to me for once. PLEASE "

'PLEASE' and here my heart melt again.

Me - " OK but come straight to the point"

Jimin pov :

Woah did she just scold namjoon Hyung waaa nice in our entire department no one dared to say anything to hyung but she scold him * chuckles*. I like her attitude. And she's kinda cute Hehe.

Namjoon pov :

I have to tell her otherwise it will be not good for both of us. So I started to explain her everything.

NJ - " Look I don't want to waste your and my time so I'm saying it directly that Your life is in danger....." I said in one shot.

Y/n - " ⊙_⊙ Whaaatttt "

NJ - " Yes miss your life is in danger. Because the mans whom I shoot that day are Mr Han's spys so they saw us. Us means You, Me and the scene. Now he will try to kill you . Bcoz now you are also included in this mission... "

Y/n - " Mi..ssio..n Wh..aa..t Mission " she started shattering.

NJ - " Actually I'm not a CRIMINAL *sarcasticly* We are Undercover Agents "

I said while looking at Jimin. He nodded slowly to her.

Y/n pov:

Y/n - *Oppss he is a agent and I thought he is a some mafia or whatever it is... how stupid*

"Now what m gonna do. If they where behind me how will I save myself " I asked him while gulping .

NJ - " You have to come with Us....