

"I'm the what of what now?" Four kids chosen to protect the world and it's inhabitants. But due to the cruelty of mankind, two of them become evil and seek for revenge. The other two have to endure the pain of loosing a loved one again and do what's right. Join them in their world of Vengeance, Romance, Musicals and Fun

K_Poper_Mercy · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
44 Chs

Chapter 7

"What did you do to her?! How did I end up with a monster like you. She did nothing wrong to you but you always hurt her. And suddenly she's missing why won't I accuse you Tony!" Celestina returned home last night and see Gina. All she saw was a couch not in place and her drunk husband on the floor. They've been searching for her the whole night but couldn't find her

Marco walked in with two police men behind him "Mother" "Take him away officers" Celestina moved out for the police men to do their job.

In a more advanced area named Bluebell. At a huge mansion found in the heart of the city, security was tight, and maids were running around doing errands. The mansion belongs to the governor. Security wasn't always tight, the governor just ordered it that morning. He even involved super natural forces.

"Nanny Gloria what's going on?" Nora, present governor Rudolph Da Vinci's first and only daughter asked the head of maids who is also a second mother figure. "Nora I don't know either. We'll ask daddy soon. Ok?".

Upstairs in one of the rooms, Rudolph was standing beside a bed looking at a little girl lying unconscious on the bed. His eighteen year old son Adrian enters after making a call. "Dad he's on his way. How is she?" "Her wounds are already healed up but she's not showing any signs of waking up" Rudolph explained.

A young man appeared in the room dusting his body. "Who are you? And what are you doing here? Security!" Rudolph kept calling but no one came. The young man or boy looked at him and scoffed . "I don't like being disturbed when working. So where is the patient?" Drex. That's he's name. He looked around and when he's eyes saw the girl on the bed he was rendered speachless.

"You're the soccerer? Aren't you a little bit young for that job?" Rudolph asked still not believing him. "Well in my planet, we act more mature than our ages. What happened to her?" Drex asked moving towards the girl. "I_" "Never mind" Drex cut Rudolph short "Where did you get this kid?" Rudolph whispered to Adrian "From the internet grandpa. You should know I'm very expensive. But... this one's for free" Drex said while checking her. "Really? Cuz I know you don't do free" Adrian asked surprised "You're right I don't do free. She's my niece. She and her mom were said to be dead a year ago. She's fine, she's just troumatised" shrokes her hair.

In the evening, Drex returned to his usual partying saying he'll be back in the morning. Nora was at the room where the girl was with her siblings. "Is she ok Adrian?" Jonathan asked. "She's ok per what her 'uncle' said"