

"I'm the what of what now?" Four kids chosen to protect the world and it's inhabitants. But due to the cruelty of mankind, two of them become evil and seek for revenge. The other two have to endure the pain of loosing a loved one again and do what's right. Join them in their world of Vengeance, Romance, Musicals and Fun

K_Poper_Mercy · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

Chapter 39

"Welcome to Yoland's Cafe. What can I get you all?"

"Everything good on the menu please"

The waiter looked among them and seeing none of them disagreeing, he left to take their foods.

"Are you girls just forming a group?"

Dennis asked looking at the girls chat with each other

"No. We're already a group."

Sabrina answered while taking note of the way some people were looking at their table

"Really? But I've never heard of you as a group but individually"

"Really? What do you know about us?"

"Well, some of you do combat while the others are from talent shows. I still don't know your names well"

"Stop trying to get all their attention Kyle."

"What? I'm just speaking my mind"

The waiter brought their orders and placed them on the table. Another waiter came with more food and drinks. They wanted to leave but Ivy and Donald signaled them back

"Do you serve ice cream?"

"Or wine?"

"Uhm...we did. The ice cream is off the menu. The machine's facing some problems and we were made to stop the supply of wine for fear of teenage..."

The waiter didn't finish his sentence seeing that they were all teenagers.

"It's okay"

Donald told the waiter who bowed and left

"I think I saw an ice cream shop opposite on our way here"

"I'll just go and get some. Would you guys want any?"

"I'd like to have donuts."

"Me too"

"Me three"

"Four fifth that"

"Okay. You guys don't need anything?"

"No thanks"

Ivy stood up and Donald followed

"Where are you going to?"

"I also need to get something. Let's go"

They both walked out.

"Is she the leader?"

Dennis asked while looking at the door

"Yes she is. She's not feeling well today so don't take any of her reactions personally"

Sabrina said and took a french fry.

"What's she sick of? Anger issues?"

Kyle joked and took a chicken wing

"Something like that"

Nora answered and Kyle just nodded. Inside the ice cream shop, Ivy waited at the counter while Donald went out to get wine.

"Well look who's here? What are you doing here princess?"

Ivy ignored the boy and walked to one of the booths and sat.

"Woah she ignored you Florence"

"Shut up. Hey pretty are you okay?"

The boy named Florence sat beside Ivy and placed his arm round her shoulder

"You know I forgive you for what you did back in school. I can't bare to stay mad at you you're so pretty. What do you want? I'll get it."

"Madam your order is set. Should I bring it?"

A waitress walked over

"Yes please"

"Sir can I get you anything?"

"No I'm already being served as you can see. What did she order? Is it paid I'll do it"

"Sir she already paid"

"Double her order"

"Get my order please I'd like to go now"

"So soon? Where to? Let's go"

"Florida or whatever they call you please let me be."

The smile on Florence's face gradually disappeared. The waitress excused herself and left to get Ivy's order

"I'm being nice to you and you still don't like it? Is that nerd even satisfying you well? Dump him and I'll give you anything you want"

Ivy removed his hand from her and placed on the table then wiped her hand with a tissue paper.

"I'm very okay with what I have. I'm well treated. So if you don't mind I'd like to leave"

"Well I do mind so you're not leaving"

"Didn't anyone teach you how to treat a lady?"

Donald pulled Florence's hand right when he wanted to grab Ivy. He pulled him away and Ivy moved out. Donald twisted his hand and followed Ivy

"Ah! What gives man? You've had your fun with her so why can't I? Does your friend know that you're with his girl?"

"He does. And it's none of your business. Step any more closer and your face will be on the dentist's wall of usual patients"

Donald followed Ivy and helped her to carry some of the packages and they both left the shop.

"What took you so long? Did something happen?"

"Nothing much apart from me doing plastic surgery on some idiot after this"

Sophie who asked looked at Ivy then at Donald

"No need he won't come close to you"

"And how sure are you?"

"A hundred and fifty percent sure. I already warned him and my word stands"

"Your word stands but created another problem"

"None that I saw. A simple thank you is still okay. But how can I expect that from you when you're going cray cray"

"I'm cray cray? Look in the mirror you idiot. Who absorbed darkness and added to his own darkness without thinking?"

"This has nothing to do with it"

"It has everything to do with it. You keep acting like a hero but you're not. I could handle everything on my own. Don't need you, the school, Drex, George, Albert or anyone interfering. Your interference just adds to my work"

"Well your secretive lifestyle is morethan taking care of a thousand babies a day. I still don't get what George sees in you to even have me watch over you"

"You guys it's okay"

"No Nora let him speak. So your boss sent you here. You're scared I'll destroy your stupid kingdom? If I wanted to I'd start with that two sided king of yours"

"Hey young lady watch your tongue"

"You watch your ears old man"

The man looked at Ivy and signaled some people who moved to their table to get her

"Touch me and I'll hunt your whole family down ."

"She doesn't mean that Sir. Ivy what's wrong with you? Let's go now"

Abigail took her's and Ivy's bag and Sabrina tried to pull ivy up.

"I'll go by myself. Move"

"A simple please won't kill you"

"The only killing going on is me killing you"

"Okay. Go ahead and kill me if you can"

"Dude just let her go"

"Don't interfer Jin. She's needs rage management classes"

"With you? You need it morethan I do you long hair boo-boo"

"What did you.. I'm sorry for all the trouble but my girlfriend has mental issues and she didn't take her medicine today. I'll just take her home"

"Girlfriend? I'm not your girlfriend_ hey!"

Donald carried her princess style and took her bag and turned to leave

"I'm sorry Sir please keep your army. Here's my card Nora you all finish up, double the bill, rest and we'll meet at you know where"

"Put me down!"

"Calm down love we're leavingaving"


Donald bend closer to her ear and whispers

"You keep struggling and I'll kiss you"

Ivy glared at him and bit his shoulder

"Ouch. See? She's sick I'll just take her home."