

"I'm the what of what now?" Four kids chosen to protect the world and it's inhabitants. But due to the cruelty of mankind, two of them become evil and seek for revenge. The other two have to endure the pain of loosing a loved one again and do what's right. Join them in their world of Vengeance, Romance, Musicals and Fun

K_Poper_Mercy · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

CHAPTER 25: Lil D strikes again

"Come on I'm sorry. I won't fight them...yet"

"You're not serious. Gina fighting and almost loosing your life won't promote you to the next level. Do I have to start listing all those who would get hurt and how if you keep doing this to yourself. If you asked me I'd tell you to forget about the revenge and focus on reuniting with your family."

"I'm pretty sure Donald's father knew who you were when he saw you but he still kept quiet"

"But that doesn't mean he'll remain silent. So try thinking about yourself and how you hurt peo_What's funny?"

"I..I thought I.. hold on" she said in between her laugh and took a deep breath

"I told you to tell George if he asked. As for Donald's father, I can see he will surely support me. Just like you"

"I know I sometimes get selfish with my actions. But you know why I do that right? So please don't bother gamer. I'll be just fine. You once fell in love with this mega. Remember?"

"I'm still not going to fight you" Albert said knowing what her conclusion might be

"*sigh* I know. I'll try..I can't believe I'm saying this. I won't participate in any tournament without getting all of your approvals. And I won't rush it any more. I'll.. just.. I'll just go the easy way then"



"This place sure is amazing. They already found me" SR said checking the headline on the internet

"So what do you want to know first?" she asked the girl infront of her who had been all smiles

'OMG!!!! I get to train with SR. I'd finally learn her greatest fighting technique'

"Juliette? Hey Porter"

"Eh..yes? You were saying?"

"Why don't we start with your music skills or any hidden talents. I see you are very much interested with our dance fight" SR said and sends a message to someone

"Hidden talents? I don't think I have any. And concerning any school performance, it's just practice"

The day after the first tournament, some students were still to fight. Ivy was also to fight but she promised not to until those around her approve of it. Albert did not still allow her while Nora just told her to rest.

Since she had no classes, she decided to start with her first trainee. They were at another tournament stadium next to the one the others were being tested at.

With her usual SR appearance, black everything, she waited for Juliette who was still admiring her.

She was wearing a turtle neck sleeve and belly trousers with white sneakers. Since she didn't want to be recognized in any way, she added more red stripes to her hair, and ofcourse wore a mask.

Soon someone else walked in wearing what seemed to be AST uniform?

"Took you long enough" SR told her without looking at her

"You're welcome" she answered and put her backpack down and removed a medium sized speakers

"You carried that on you?" Juliette couldn't help but ask in shock

"Yeah. It's not as heavy as it looks. And even if it was, I am the muscle of the group" she even tapped her shoulder as if telling herself good job

"You're... you're HEROIN?"

"At your service young one" she said this and bows

"Ugh let's start already. I don't want anyone to see us here or else it'll just turn into a concert. Now, what song what song?" SR said and kept her phone

"Oh oh I know. How about No More?" Juliette suggested

"No More? I don't think I've heard of it." SR said and took her phone to search for it

"Are you kidding me? It's none other than Lil D's latest album."

~No more. No bitches outta site

Cut out drip source for the megas

No hate no love. No got enough dope_

Heroin said and started singing with Juliette to which SR just rolled her eyes and stepped aside as they both kept singing and dancing the song.

Meanwhile, at the other training field

"Hey guys I heard SR and Heroin are here"

"Really? Where?"

"The training field next to this. I passed by and saw Heroin and some girl performing Lil D's latest album No more"

"What's better, watching Lil D battle or watch Heroin and SR perform his song? I'd rather watch Heroin, who is a star, perform another star's song"

And with that, some of the students started moving to the other training field where SR was.

"Where's everyone going to?"

"I don't know"

"Where are the teachers?"

"I don't know"

"Won't they come_"

"Richard for crying out loud I don't know! I don't know where everyone's going, I don't know where the teachers are and I don't know if they'll come!"

"Sorry boss" Richard apologized and moved backward seeing that George was not in a good mood

'He's father's death anniversary is tomorrow. Another terrible day for all. You just had to go so soon Uncle Austin' Donald thought and moved to George

"Let's check it out before the teachers arrive"


"We'll be going now master"

"Ok. Remember not to harm her. Just make her angry"

"Yes master" bows and leaves

"I didn't think you would strike any time soon"

"It's better to start early"


SR was glaring at Heroin and Juliette. The field was surrounded with students who started encouraging them to perform

Juliette has her head down while Heroin looks everywhere except for the angry eyes of SR

"Come on don't be shy"

Someone screamed from the crowd

"I hope you'll start listening now Juliette"

"Hey it's not her fault. She was just caught up with the music. Look. The owner came to watch too" Heroin said and points at where Donald was

"Lady man?"

"Who?" Juliette asked

"Nothing. Fine but I don't think I have much time left. What song?"

"Shut down by Black Pink. I'll just watch you do the dance fight" Juliette said and moved to where the other students were.

Heroin played the song Shut down but SR changed it to No more and attacked Heroin who could only block it with her hands.

@@@@@@Try imagining the fight. I'm not really good with combat.To make it more interesting, please listen to Eminem's Venom. It matches better with the lyrics I had in mind for Lil D's No more. Enjoy and Thankyou@@@@@@

They kept fighting, slowing down if the beats slow down. More students added and cheered louder. SR was about to send her arm into Heroin's stomach to scare her which it did

"Hey. We're.. we're just training I'm not your enemy"

"I know. So I win right?" SR turned to the crowd to which some yelled in agreement and others denied

"How about Lil D himself? How was it?" Heroin turned to Lil D's direction

"I'd tell she if accepts my offer"

"What is it?"

"Go out with me"

"Whoa! Say yes, say yes, say yes say yes!!!"

People kept chanting while SR was making a call. Although some of them knew what her answer would be


"Come on say yes already. You haven't gone out with any guy since you and science freak"

"And I don't want to"


Nobody knows when and how Donald landed behind SR

"Not interested"

Donald turned her around to face him and pulled her mask with his mouth earning more cheers. Some thought it was an attempt to kiss her. SR immediately turned away from the crowd but Donald already saw her face

'Mental note, kill him when I get home' SR thought and with a snap of her finger she disappeared.

Donald or should I say Lil D strikes again, would be the next headline for the school report