
Till Forever Falls Apart: Dreams and Passion

Anika Verma: Dance is my passion. My dreams, my career, my future, my everything. For fulfilling this dream, I moved from India to California and lied to the most important people in my life, My Family. I promised myself that after this, I will never hide anything from them. But then, I did something stupid, which I'm sure most of you must have done, at some point. Sending message to a Hollywood star. At that time I didn't knew that he would reply back. But he did. He replied to me. And with that reply, my whole life changed. But only time will tell whether the change was for good or bad? Zane Sterling: Everyone thought that my life was absolutely perfect. A perfect home, loving parents and a perfect career. Being a Hollywood star has it's own perks. But only I knew what my life actually was. In the last five I didn't get any peace. Until I started talking to her. From the moment I read her message, I had this strange need to get to know her better, to see her in person, to hold her. Her simplicity, her beauty, her love for books, her words, her way of looking towards life. Everything was attracting me towards her like a magnet. And slowly, she put all my pieces back together. She came as a light in my dark life. Now, I will never let her go. What will happen when people from two different worlds collide? Will their love be able to hold them together or will they be shattered into pieces?

Kira Isley · Sports, voyage et activités
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45 Chs


“Sooo.. I heard you went on a date with your secret girl.”

“Secret girl?”

“Yeah. Everyone on the set knows about her. Come on…for the past month your nose has been stuck on your phone. Everytime you are not shooting a scene, you are looking at your damn phone like it's gonna go off at any time. We low lives also need your attention buddy.”

Travis, my co-star, as well as my very good friend, told me.

“I didn't know, everyone was keeping tabs on me. And how do you even know it's about a girl?”

He stared at me like I've grown two horns on my head and said, “Seriously…you should look at your face whenever your phone pings. You get this dreamy look as well as this cute little smile on your face, which let me tell you isn't even that cute. So don't even try to deny it, that a girl is the reason behind this because quite frankly if it's not a girl then it's really scary to see you smile like this.”

At this, I laughed. I didn't even notice that I was doing it. I mean, yes whenever Anika texts me I get happy but I didn't know that they were noticing me doing it. I guess I'll just have to be a little careful.

“And even if no one knew before yesterday, they do now.” He said with a smirk.

Ughhh…I hate that he's right. Even though no one got Ika’s face shot, they did mine. And now it's everywhere.

Zane Sterling was seen cozy with some mystery girl. Is love in the air?

New couple in the city? Zane Sterling was seen exiting a planetarium with some mystery girl on his arm.

Et cetera, et cetera. So I guess everyone does know about her now. I'm more thankful that atleast they didn't get her face.

As soon as I saw the news today, I called Ika and asked her whether she was okay or not. She said she was absolutely perfect and that I shouldn't worry about her at all. Instead she was asking me whether I was okay. And I could tell that she was worried about accidentally getting her plastered all over the news, in the future. But still she was trying to make me feel calm.

I kid you not, I was fucking terrified of the consequences of this particular incident and that too on our first date. Anika is the kind of girl who loves her calm and peaceful life. She does not want to be the center of anyone's attention. She likes to blend into the crowd. But what she doesn't know is that her beauty can never let her stay in the shadows. She is made to be in the limelight and her dance is like the cherry on the top.

Suddenly, Travis snapped twice to get my attention.

“Dude, did you even hear me or was I babbling to myself?”

Shit…what the hell was he saying?

“Wow…she must be so fucking gorgeous for you to so blantantaly ignoring me.”

I just smirked. I don't wanna share her with anyone yet.

“Fine, don't answer. I'll get it out of you someday. After all, I'm your only true friend.” He stated, with confidence.

Well he's right about being my only true friend. After Michael, he's the only one I ever let enter in my life. So maybe someday I'll share this with him. But for the time being I like her being mine only.

“Yeah, maybe. Now stop sulking, our shot is ready. Let's go.” I told him and dragged him to the scene.


After the long shoot and trying to keep everyone's nose out of my business, I finally reached home. And after showering the day off facetimed Anika.

She picked it up after two rings.


“Hi, beautiful.”

And with this her face got a beautiful shade of pink.

I chuckled and said, “I love making you blush.”

“I'm not very good at taking compliments, as you must have known by now.”

“I do.” I grinned. Then I noticed that she was sitting on her study table.

“Are you studying?” I asked her.

“Yeah, my exams are starting next week. So, have to focus on studies.”

“Oh, from next week. So I guess you'll be busy for the next three weeks atleast.”

“Yeah.” She sighed.

“It's okay, firefly. I know you'll do great. Don't stress.”

“Tumhare muh me, Rasmalai.” She said.

“I don't know what you said but I hope, you are not cursing me in hindi.” I said with a frown.

She laughed and after calming said, “No, not cursing at all. It's a Hindi muhavara, um… idiom. Well the real idiom is 'Tumhare muh me ghee shakkar, which means, may what you say come true. And the exact word to word translation means, clarified butter and sugar in your mouth, which is a very weird combo. I don't like it. So, I improvised it with one of my favourite sweets. Rasmalai.”

“Ahhh…now that's a lot to understand. I think I should learn Hindi too. And, of course try some Indian sweets as well.”

“Hell yes to trying the sweets. If you want to for Hindi. I can help.”

“Yeah. But first you need to study for your exams. Go study. We'll talk tomorrow."

I smiled brightly and said, “Good night Zane and thank you for this conversation. It made me a little bit less scared.”

“I know you don't know this, but you are a badass, Ika. You can handle anything. These are some mere exams. And when you can't, you'll always find me there."

“Why?” She asked in a small voice.

I don't know this myself, sweetheart. I wish I knew.

So, I just smiled and said, “Good night, Ika.”

“G'night, Zane.”

After hanging up, I went to bed with so many questions in my mind.

What is happening to me? Can I handle a future with Anika?

And the most important one.

Can I become whole again?