
Tiger's Masked

Xiansheng_Chen · Urbain
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2 Chs

You Crazy Girl

The next morning, Hachima groaned as his alarm blared at him. The first day of high school had been overwhelming enough, and the thought of facing another day was hardly appealing. He dragged himself out of bed, went through his usual routine, and headed to school, his mind still swirling with thoughts of the previous day's events.

When he arrived at Class C2, he found Yuri already in his seat, chatting animatedly with some other students. Hachima slipped into his chair quietly, hoping to avoid drawing any attention to himself. But it wasn't long before Ichiba arrived, her presence announced by the unmistakable sound of her footsteps.

"Good morning, Hachima," she said curtly, not even looking in his direction as she took her seat next to him.

Hachima muttered a response, trying to focus on the textbook he had opened in front of him. The morning classes went by in a blur of lectures and note-taking. As the lunch bell rang, Hachima felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Yuri grinning at him.

"Hey, wanna grab lunch together?" Yuri asked.

"Sure," Hachima replied, eager to escape the classroom and the tension that seemed to follow Ichiba wherever she went.

They made their way to the cafeteria, which was buzzing with students. After grabbing their lunches, they found a quiet spot outside under a large tree.

"So, what do you think of the school so far?" Yuri asked between bites of his sandwich.

"It's alright, I guess. Just trying to get used to everything," Hachima replied.

Yuri chuckled. "Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming at first. But it'll get better. By the way, what's up with that girl, Ichiba? She seems... intense."

Hachima sighed. "Yeah, she's definitely something. We had a bit of a run-in yesterday, and now it seems like she's out to get me."

Yuri laughed. "You always seem to attract the weird ones, Hachi. Just try to stay out of her way, I guess."

As they finished their lunch, the bell rang, signaling the end of the break. The afternoon classes passed without incident, and soon it was time to head home. Hachima was packing his bag when he felt another tap on his shoulder. He turned around, expecting to see Yuri, but was surprised to find Ichiba standing there.

"We need to talk," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Uh, okay," Hachima replied, unsure of what to expect.

Ichiba led him to an empty classroom and closed the door behind them. She turned to face him, her expression serious.

"Look, I don't know what your deal is, but I need you to stay out of my way," she said bluntly.

Hachima blinked, taken aback by her directness. "What do you mean?"

"I have a lot on my plate, and I can't afford any distractions. You seem like the kind of person who could cause trouble, so just... don't," Ichiba replied.

Hachima felt a surge of irritation. "I'm not trying to cause any trouble. You're the one who bumped into me, remember?"

Ichiba sighed. "Fine. Let's just agree to keep our distance and stay out of each other's business, okay?"

"Fine by me," Hachima muttered.

With that, Ichiba left the room, leaving Hachima standing there, feeling more confused than ever. He shook his head and headed home, his mind racing with thoughts of the strange encounter.

The following days passed uneventfully, with Hachima and Ichiba maintaining a wary distance from each other. However, fate seemed determined to throw them together. One afternoon, Hachima was heading to the library when he spotted Ichiba struggling with a stack of books.

He avoided eye contact, Ichiba couldn't reach the shelf, a loud voice, "Ahhh!" Hachima immediately caught Ichiba. "Bro, that was close," Hachima said. Ichiba was surprised, "What were you doing? You know it's too high for you to reach?" "I don't care," Ichiba replied, "just put me down." As Ichiba walked away, Hachima said, "I think I deserve to know the reason, you're so ungrateful hahaha." Irritated with Hachima because Ichiba didn't want to lose to anyone