

In the year of 2172, ST is a sarcastic young hacker who'll have to work with the honorable officer Sun to defeat authoritarian forces ruling the almighty city of #Tier-1. Tier-1 is a futuristic city ruled by one strict Leader, however, other forces share determinant power over the citizens. While the city leadership rules ruthlessly to maintain order and constant progress, an organization known as the Trinity controls the underworld in the shadows of the slums. The triangle of power is completed by the Mask. A secret movement for identity that aims to put down the oppressive leadership and restore the city's origins from centuries ago. Sato, an individualistic citizen of Tier-1, is a freelance hacker and photographer born and raised between the metropolis' skyscrapers. His burning disregard for authorities is tested after a random encounter with Officer Abrom, a noble woman member of the city Force.

byGabe · Romance
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57 Chs

Twilight: 01

Firmly holding each other's hands we got through the rest of the ride. My strength was coming from her. The sensation of grabbing tight to someone kept the tremors and the flashes away.

Out of the boat and into the city everything was the same. Logically nothing would have changed but something was bothering me. I walked ahead to the bus stop when Louise pulled her hand away, automatically making me look back.

- Are you okay?

She was coughing badly. Her torso jumped as if she was choking. At every sprint of cough I could hear her lungs vibrate trying to pull the air. Breathless she waved one hand while bending over. That's when I knew what was happening.

- Take deep breaths!

As I went for my bag I remembered I had left it on the hideout. Standing by Louise with a hand on her back I felt her struggle for air. Around there weren't many stores or any shopping malls. People passed by with screens attached to their eyes and arms not once looking around. Between one wave of people and the other I saw a mobile restaurant by the bus stop.

- Stay here and cover your mouth!

Interrupting the flow of pedestrians that surrounded us, I ran to the mob-res. Pushing thought, I got cursed in at least three languages while being pushed back like a punching bag. It was so early for that many humans to be up.

Feeling like the only survivor of an avalanche I grabbed the small window where a tiny girl was standing up inside a three wheeled lunchbox.

- Do you have masks? - She ducked to look at me directly.

- Lemme check.

Loudly complaining in another dialect the woman disappeared behind the counter. Waiting made me more restless. My eyes jumped from one object to the other. From the quick analysis and the smell that escaped through the small opening the woman was selling burritos. In another situation I would've tried one because, as rude as she seemed, her cooking smelled delicious.

- Here. - in her hand she had one mask with two thin filters shaped as circles attached to it. Eager to get back I grabbed the thing and boost off but the woman didn't let go. - It's half a coin.

- Are you serious? - I felt the blood boiling in my veins. - This is provided by the city!

- So? - still holding the mask she crossed her arms in front of her body. I knew she wouldn't give in.

- Fine!

- Charge half a coin.

Raging inside I stretched my arm and she did the same. One circle later the payment was done and she handed the mask. As pissed as I was I spent not a second more at that window and dashed back to Louise.

Right back at the spot I left her, I found her leaning against an ad post. Swallowed by purple light, her coughing was so loud I could hear her through the massive cloud of chatter, commercials and car wheezing.

- Here. - I plugged the thing at the back of her head. - Now breathe in slowly. - I grabbed her face and locked her eyes on mine. I tried to synchronize our breathings so she would calm down and focus on me. We stayed there, both tired, breathing like lunatics in the middle of the loud city.

A couple minutes later, Louise was able to stand straight. With watery eyes she looked at me a little bit shaken from the scare.

- What the fuck is wrong with the air here? - I couldn't help not to giggle at her pale face and shaky voice.

- Way too many things, my dear countrywoman.

- What about you?

- I'm used to it, most of us are. Now let's go.

Taking the train would've taken less time and it would have been a tiny bit less crowded than the bus but I wanted to avoid everything that could have brought back unwanted memories. Louise was in a hostile environment that she had never been in contact with which added to my responsibilities with her.

Once she got used to the mask, the farmer went back to complaining about every new thing she saw on the trip to the slums. Pacifically listening, I wondered what she would make of my lovely residency. Considering it was on the hands of Jk for that long probably would turn the place into an even greater experience for her

The remembrance of him triggered my memory. Jk was a boy that fought a lot for the cause of the Mask, maybe too much for my taste. His aspirations in life were all tied to the rebellion. Even work wasn't as much of a priority as going to meetings. There was something about that call and his behavior that didn't match. I thought I heard the Manager's voice but I couldn't be sure. What intrigued me the most was that Jk always stayed away from the Trinity. Even when they offered him good money.

- Kid! Are you okay? - a bump on my shoulder and I was back.

- Yeah... - I had been facing the window the whole time but had no idea where we were. When I noticed the more crowded streets with suspicious individuals guarding alleys and folks selling all kinds of stuff on the sidewalks I checked the route panel. - Oh shit, we're next.

Grabbing Louise by the wrist, I made our way through the angry passengers to the door just in time.

On the outside the typical smell of spices, cigarettes and carbon dioxide grounded me instantly. Giant floating ads shouting slogans aboves us, people yelling food orders, laughter coming from an alley nearby it was all disorienting but extremely relieving. There was o place like the slums.

- Welcome to my home!